Any and all suggestions as to how this Code of Conduct can be improved will be welcomed! In order to stay ahead of the competition (or would-be competition), we need to continuously innovate as well as make incremental improvements to our operations, always striving to make ourselves more efficient, always trying to figure out how to do something better. Price fixing, customer and market allocations, bid rigging and other arrangements with competitors that are unlawful must be avoided, and you may never exchange sensitive business information with competitors. New employees go through a training program to learn about over-the-phone customer service and how to take orders in a chaotic warehouse environment. Stakeholders stay happy due to Zappos's success. The company offers free shipping, a 365-day return policy and 24/7 over the phone assistance. Do you approach situations and challenges with an open mind? Before making any payments to any foreign government officials or employees, please obtain approval from the Zappos Legal Department. You must not, without proper authority, give or release to anyone not employed by Zappos or Amazon, or to another employee who does not need to know, data or information of a confidential nature. We had never heard of employees going out of their way to do perform sincere and heartfelt actions that show the customer how much they mean to the company. So there are no experts in what we're doing. If you've been at Zappos for more than a few months, one thing is clear: Zappos is growing. The same way a toxic culture leads to unhappiness. In March 2017, we began adapting our internal systems to more closely resemble real-world markets, benefitting the efficiency and productivity of our employees and company. Help needed for "Zappo's Design Principles"! In the end, both Zappos and its customers benefitted from the merger. Zappos code of ethics is written for employee reference in decision making. Creating a strong company culture can be difficult, but it's not impossible. organized under the Zappos Family. Ask yourself: What can we do to be a little weird and differentiate ourselves from everyone else? At Zappos, these low-cost perks are often the most appreciated by employees., Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication. At Zappos, we think it's important for employees to grow both personally and professionally. Zappos is an online shoe and clothing store. Please take the time to read this Code of Conduct, keeping in mind that over time as Zappos grows and evolves, this Code of Conduct will necessarily have to evolve as well. In order to maintain our integrity and reputation, it is important that you obey the laws affecting our business, whether those laws are federal, state or local, and to the extent that foreign laws apply to what we do, you must also obey those laws. Gifts include not just material objects, but also favors that go beyond common courtesies usually associated with accepted business practices and that potentially place the recipient under some obligation to any person soliciting or doing business with Zappos. In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code of Conduct) are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. Accordingly, all political contributions with Zappos funds are coordinated and approved by the Zappos Finance and Legal Departments. The largest indicator of unethical practices at Zappos is the new organizational structure implemented by Tony Hsieh. The best team members take initiative when they notice issues so that the team and the company can succeed. Paradoxically, one way leaders try to retain relevance and stay appealing to both customers and employees is to embrace change. Send it online -- for free. A remaining pioneer of the dot-com boom and now a subsidiary of Amazon, Zappos has thrived and innovated under the leadership of Tony Hsieh, known not only for the selection of products it offers, but also for its customer services standards and social media engagement. Take a moment to de-stress. We are firmly committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment. Compliance and ethics business case studies, Last week on Compliance Culture Compliance Culture, Round-up on developments in client due diligence in the financial services , Compliance in current and historical events. And, our employee holiday party. Our bonds go far beyond the typical "co-worker" relationships found at most other companies. They serve those they lead. We believe in having a positive and optimistic (but realistic) attitude about everything we do, because we realize that this inspires others to have the same attitude. Its what makes us successful. Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded 5. For all our emphasis on customer service, our #1 priority is company culture. After having sold LinkExchange to Microsoft for $265 million in 1999, his innovative and entrepreneurial spirit impelled him to invest $500,000 into the new venture lauched by Swinmurn. Check Zappos' website to see if they have updated their ethical practices policy since then. Ethical Culture Of Zappos This shows the companies dedication to their employees. View details We researched this on Sep 3, 2019. This touched our hearts, and truly helped us to see how caring Zappos is and how dedicated they are to abide by their core values. It exemplifies the honest and ethical values the company has built. Especially and including roles that are closest to our customers and/or issues. Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it's not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most. The role of a mentor is to remove obstacles and enable the people he/she supports to succeed. Similar restrictions on political contributions may apply in other countries. It leads to higher employee engagement and higher profitability. Ask yourself: How can you do what you're doing more efficiently? Your vendors have the same objective as you: to sell their product, be successful in their work, and maybe have some fun while doing it. We don't want to become one of those big companies that feels corporate and boring. A story that changed our perspective of Zappos is about a customer who returned her husbands shoes after he passed away. It's the responsibility of every employee to represent and foster culture. Is there a sense of adventure and creativity in the work that you do? MyFax, the online service that lets you send and receive faxes over e-mail, now has a free version. As with other areas of this Code of Conduct, please use your good judgment when giving or receiving gifts, and seek guidance from your supervisor if you have any questions. In addition, you must remain alert to the many other ways in which outside business relationships, other professional or consulting activities for compensation, including directorships, and other activities might give rise to other conflicts of interest. Significant others include persons living in a spousal relationship (including same sex) or familial fashion with the employee or consultant. Unless information is publicly available, you should in general avoid discussing the following subjects with any competitor: prices, terms or conditions of sale; credit terms, discounts, profits, profit margins or costs; market segment shares; distribution practices; bids on contracts; sales territories; selections, rejections or terminations of customers; or any other matters where an agreement with a competitor would be inconsistent with the complete freedom of action of Zappos in the conduct of our business. Each has had its own twists and tricks to surprise and delight partygoers. Instead, we believe in work-life integration through team buildings, happy hours, and event gatherings. We believe that inside every employee is more potential than even the employee himself/herself realizes. We value passion, determination, perseverance, and the sense of urgency. Change management is a delicate process which must be grounded in a sensitivity for the humans experiencing the change and concretely connected to real considerations like individual development, pay, and productivity. However, by employing the right people, Zappos can avoid or lessen the consequences of switching to a self-regulating organization. In addition, the authors emphasize the importance of valuing others' autonomy and dignity. Zappos is an effective learning organization because they establish from the first day a commitment to learning., Annual Revenue: billion Strong relationships allow us to accomplish much more than we would be able to otherwise. Do you understand the purpose of your circle? Wouldn't you rather be a company where your employees easily combine their full self into everything they do? We are all protectors and cultivators of the Zappos culture; it's what makes it unique and something that grows every day. Ask yourself: How do you encourage more teamwork? Zappos ten core values are Deliver WOW Through Service, Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and A Little Weirdness, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Pursue Growth and Learning, Build Open . Zappos distinctive features and organization lies in their devotion to employees and customers. What are some creative things that you can contribute to Zappos? Attending such events with your vendors to enhance your relationships is permitted. Download and print these Zappos-inspired adult coloring pages that are sure to make you smile. For example, the idea for our culture book came about from a casual discussion outside the office. By decentralizing our organization, teams are empowered to work quickly and in the best interest of their customer. To help avoid conflicts of interest, Zappos has adopted the following rules: Employees or consultants who buy or sell goods or services or have responsibility connected to buying and selling for or on behalf of Zappos and members of their respective families are prohibited from having (i) any economic interest in private business concerns that transact business with Zappos or are in competition with Zappos, and (ii) any significant economic interest in such business concerns that are publicly held. Remember Core Value #1 Deliver WOW through Service. Your company has a culture. You can set values and identify the behaviors that you want to be the core of your culture. The company's revenue grew from $1.6 million in 2000 to $1.64 billion in 2010. Deliver WOW Through Service 2. And they will not be able to evolve as fast as we can as long as embracing constant change is a part of our culture. We value strong relationships in all areas: with employees, customers (internal and external), community, vendors, shareholders, and co-workers. If the violation or suspected violation involves any of those parties, or concerns accounting, internal controls or auditing matters you should make your report directly to the Zappos Legal Department or the Zappos Ethics Hotline at 800-348-1496 (Espaol: 800-216-1288). Check out our Oath of Employment, which we use to not only highlight our values, but commit to them both as Zappos employees and as a business. This was a hard decision as the company cherished every employee. Although it was . This will evolve, change, and grow over time but we wanted to get the most important stuff in here first: our Core Values. Talk on Gitter, Twitter, Mastodon & contribute on Github. And that's where we're breaking new ground. Confidential information about Zappos and its operations belongs to Zappos. Any suspected fraud or theft should be immediately reported to your supervisor, or the director or Vice President of your department or business division. We are ever evolving. Tony Hsieh shared the reasons on why Zappos made this decision, assuring that is was for the benefit of the customers. Ask yourself: How much do people enjoy working with you? We don't take "no" or "that'll never work" for an answer, because if we had, Zappos would never have started in the first place. We look for both fun and humor in our daily work. How do you grow professionally? Yessica Najarro. And whatever you do must have an emotional impact on the receiver. The proper use of Zappos property calls to mind Core Value #8 Do More With Less. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not, which makes Zappos a comfortable place to be. The best team members have a positive influence on one another and everyone they encounter. The only reason we aren't swamped by our competition is because what we do is hard, and we do it better than anyone else. It's important that anyone, anywhere in the organization is a sensor for meaningful change. Please consult with the Zappos Legal Department before providing or paying for any meals, refreshments, travel or lodging expenses, or giving anything of value to a government employee, whether US federal, state, local or foreign. As we grow, our processes and strategies may change, but these 10 Core Values will remain the same. Sure, people have done parts of what we do before, but what we've learned over the years at Zappos is that the devil is in the details. Disciplinary actions may include the immediate termination of employment. How do you get your fellow circle members to grow personally? In January 2005, Zappos polled employees on what they thought the companys core values should be. Lets not tarnish that reputation by dealing unfairly with anyone. You may not pay or accept bribes of any type. Accordingly, our financial books, records and accounts must reflect transactions and events appropriately and conform to applicable legal requirements and to Zappos system of internal controls. We must all learn not only to not fear change, but to embrace it enthusiastically, and perhaps even more importantly, to encourage and drive it. Second, if the company begins to ship products abroad, will they have to abandon their policy of free shipping? Ask yourself: Are you humble when talking about your accomplishments? How can your department become more efficient? If the trainee does not want to join the company after this process, Zappos offers them $2,000 compensation. First, how can Zappos continue to use competitive pricing in international markets that may have similar products with cheaper price tags? This is commonly manifested through either negligent or careless behaviour that poses an unreasonable risk of harm to the patient. Zappos promotes social interactions and activities among its' employees. Our relaxed and supportive office environment allows individuals to show up authentically yes, even in their flip flops or footie pajamas. Communication is always one of the weakest spots in any organization, no matter how good the communication is. Subscribe to the Zappos Insights Newsletter! This Code of Conduct applies to all employees and consultants of, Inc. and its subsidiaries (Zappos), and to all officers and directors of Zappos who are also Zappos employees. Do you love what you do and who you work with? Passion is the fuel that drives ourselves and our company forward. We must never settle for "good enough," because good is the enemy of great, and our goal is to not only become a great company, but to become the greatest service company in the world. But it's there. It is important to consider how these two principles are embodied in the actions of others. Great culture leads to employee happiness. A key ingredient in strong relationships is to develop emotional connections. It is quite common in this industry for vendors to provide sample products for you to keep which is permissible as long as there is no side agreement, such as where prices to Zappos will be increased to cover the cost of the samples provided to you. Every company onboards differently. Source:, inc. Code of business conduct and ethics It is now an online store generating $1 billion per year in the retailing of shoes, clothing, handbags, at-home products, beauty products, and accessories for women, men, and kids. In order to buy out the board, Zappos needed to unite with Amazon, a company that not only accepted but promoted their value to customers. Over time, we want everyone to develop his/her gut about business decisions. Zappos Insights was established as a supplementary support for customers who want to learn more about their business practices. That may seem negative, but it's not: we'll do our best to "get it right," and then do it again when we find out that things have changed. Like all enduring enterprises, Zappos faces the challenge of reinventing itself to strive for longevity and sustainability. As the company grows, communication becomes more and more important, because everyone needs to understand how his/her team connects to the big picture of what we're trying to accomplish. In any case where you are unsure about the propriety of an event or action, please seek out your supervisor, the director or Vice President of your department or business division, or the Zappos Legal Department for further guidance. We have designated our CEO, COO, and CFO as our official spokespeople for all matters. At their worst, they can lead to employee disengagement and a company that proceeds rudderless, having been stripped of its long-tenured employees via voluntary leave packages and its conventions through generic, buzzword-driven processes that have no intrinsic meaning or applicability to the specific needs of that business. It is never appropriate to receive or give cash. t. At Zappos, our 10 Core Values are more than just words. Where Zappos has suffered a loss, it may pursue its remedies against the individuals or entities responsible. Certain employees must comply with trading windows and/or preclearance requirements when they trade securities. Zappo's Design Principles In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of Conduct") are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. 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