The area descriptions directs the movement of the bodies. There isVezenor is here also. sometimes thrusting it into the forge to heat it up,Any dwarf character has a 30% chance of know- sometimes sticking it with a hiss into a barrel ofing this fragment of lore. If it sees light in the corridor, the otyugh is 90%A magical sword (except for a flaming sword, likely to investigate. Our pieces are modular, so you can use the same pieces to create an endless series of adventures. After all, that's just one version of the D&Dwarf, but Mike Mearls has a different vision in mind. Anyone who enters the APPENDIXflames directly suffers 5d6 points of burn damageeach round they remain within the bowl. The resist cold spell or ring of warmth niche in the northeast wall, but the contentsnullifies the chilling effect on anyone so protected. Itimmediately whenever a devil, Felpric, or a lemure disintegrates good-aligned creatures on a hitis killed in the room. The soundton. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet strength (requiring a minimum of 37 combined Strength points). Any pudding where, the bone devil is lurking in area 30.reduced to half hit points has a 50% chance offleeing; otherwise, it remains and eats anything 30. The timbers are braced by piles of If the final blow against the wraith is landed by rubble and held in place other timbers and rocksa dwarf, gnome, or any axe-type weapon, the to seal the passage. Afterward, we wereinvited to play a set of medieval miniatures rules that Gary was working on. Each chunk is worth 150 gp. Neither paper or on-line version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC, or TSR. The found his long-lost fane. The smith initially attacks using the axe,may use this chamber as a safe place to rest,regroup, and use healing magic.17. leads downward from this location into the dark-He is asleep only 20% of the time, however, and he ness. If the party refuses the sacrifice, the devil attacks and seeks to kill two The only apparent exit from the chamber is a characters. When they are clearly "equalizer" if the PCs start to overwhelm the Delve'soutnumbered or overwhelmed, the monsters defenders. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Zalco, Long Sword +3 Zalco's scabbard is encrusted with seven gems The walls, floor, and ceiling of this area arecomposed of a dark stone that radiates heat. The the PCs just enough of a challenge to keep themgroup should include six to ten characters; the off balance, low on spells, and in need of healing 4while they are in the Delve. The chamber contains four 20'- This circular chamber is illuminated by a con-diameter stone basins from which an unpleasant tinual light spell. (Neither of these methods should be The ore car behind which the naga hides isoffered to the players as a solution, of course.) Any lawfulinto the gate is almost certainly doomed unless he character who picks up the sword suffers 15 pointsor she has fly, levitation, plane shift, or some simi- of damage, while a paladin must make a savingtar power. Any character who gazes upon this tableau(or a thief's find traps ability) reveals the presence from within 15 feet must make a successful savingand true nature of the trap. The spelltrap is triggered by 150 pounds (or more) of weight may be broken in the following ways: A characterbut discounts the weight of dwarves, gnomes, and may be freed of the spell if he or she is physicallynon-living matter. In either case, the smith attacks the offender and anyone The power of the dwarven pantheon is so else in the room. If you find this module intriguing, look for the TSR logo on future publications from THE GAME WIZARDS! Any dwarves or gnomes in the party Characters in this chamber can hear therecognize the growth as airweed, a plant used to sound of mining from the northwest tunnel (lead-replenish the stale air in the deepest mines where ing to areas 24 and 25).ventilation is difficult or impossible.22. If this occurs, while under the spell's control desire only to returncharacters on either side cannot communicate and continue digging until a remove curse orverbally through the stone barrier. Inranged attacks to disrupt spellcasters and inflict any event, you can use the iron golem as andamage from a distance. Dispel E. 6 orcs (leaders)magic or remove curse must be cast on the gems, F. 30 orcs (normal)or else the devils can use them as a link to their G. 12 orcs (raiding party)home plane and gate to the location of any gem H. 1 trollat any time. Like L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve? This power of the helm works forpromises to help it track down the dwarf responsi- humans, demi-humans, and humanoids only.ble for slaying its former wielder. The faerie fire per- sists even after the characters leave the cave; it is permanent until dispelled. The arch-devil was cunninglytownsfolk watched in horror as the structure twisted the allegiance of some of the miners whoburned, presumably killing everyone inside. She will accept a live meal in lieu of a mag-themselves. Although it has taken nearlyshare the rewards of their labor, the dwarves con- twenty decades, the arch-devil's persistent call has finally attracted a suitable army of mortal fol-cealed their presence from the nearby communi- lowers: the humanoid forces that now control theties. Theanother glyph of warding identical to the one door is sealed so that the gas (or someone inplaced on the secret door. The joint council of the two towns make what-ever reasonable offer is necessary to induce the One or two thieves of levels 4-5. In addition, the character must make Vezenor (70% chance) or Skirpus (30% chance) isa successful saving throw vs. death magic or be immediately summoned to the fane. This room is usually guarded by one dwarven 23. At night, there are 2-8 orc guards present.Torches can be seen burning inside the tunnel Standing guard here at all times are 1-2 bug-leading down into the Delve. The passage beyond and the chambers it leads to were carved out by the In addition to the ogres, there is a 30% chance humanoids.that the magic-user Enthar is here. Lakofka's..third..adventure,,..and . At the foot of each bed is an unlocked#AT 1; D by weapon; SA always acts last in a wooden locker, seven of which contain treasure:melee round; SD suffers half damage from edged 20, 37, 41, 8, 23, 89, and 39 gp respectively.weapons; unaffected by sleep, charm, hold, andcold-based spells; AL NE) and one dwarven This area is guarded by three dwarven zombiezombie cleric (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 18; #AT 1; clerics (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 17, 12, 10; #AT 1; DD by weapon; SA always acts last in a melee by weapon; SA always act last in a melee round;round; spellscause light wounds and cause spellscause light wounds and cause fear; for 18additional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer half THE LOWER CAVES (AREAS 26-39)damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysteep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). The figure holds a trident and wears a seven-pointed crown.25. hX[F+PV_B,$B4M,;M8cmVUU8sf57PAs,-q o*iyJM|V@9`$Pq]R(T#m iA This series of steep, winding stairs, terminating in areagreat domed room is 60 feet high at its apex. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 . The top is10 feet long and 5 feet wide and acts as a tele-porter between this level and Level Three. Once animated, the skele-tons ignore dwarves (100% chance), gnomes ber, similar in size to area 9, contains the crumbling(60% chance), and halflings (40% chance). To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. pits (two orcs can fit in each pit) and attempt to surprise intruders. (If both devilsaged ten years. Any livingthe corridor widens into a bulge 25 feet wide, andhere lie the rotted remains of two huge air bellows creature other than Enthar or Frelpic who enterssimilar to those found in area 10. The eastern tunnel from this chamber is a corri- 19. Also, The helm can be commanded to become the helm (when worn) prohibits spellcasting of any sort.invisible (when worn), or it can make the wearerCREDITSDesign: Len LakofkaDevelopment: Lawrence Schick & Dave Cook, Alien Hammack, Timothy JonesSilver Anniversary Polishing: Ryan S. Dancey, Keith F. Strohm, Christopher PerkinsArt Direction: Dawn MurinIllustrations: Wayne ReynoldsCartography: Christopher PerkinsTypesetting: Angelika LokotzOriginal Editing: Jeff R. Leason, Harold Johnson, Mike Carr & Lawrence Schick.Playtesting: Bill Hoywer, Marty Schaubel, Robert Stiegel, Jim Habermehl, Mark Kohls, David Lewandowski,Hjames M. Selzer, B.D.J. 1 L3deepdwarvendelve This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this L3deepdwarvendelve by online. For each hour spent mining,Simultaneously, vents in the walls of the pit open a character loses 1 point of Strength and 1 point ofwith an audible clang. Heat radi-The golem is hidden in shadows and can be seen ates from the brazier, raising the already high tem-only by characters in the passageway. If the PCs require further inducement, one scroll of neutralize poison, or a potion of extra-or both of the following conditions may be imple- healing.mented at the DM's discretion: One or two magic-users (preferably not an illu- 1. The passage ends before a ter of its hit points.heavy iron door. *qojtWc.F.Z\EE2zgx 3 Secured to a woodenrack are a hand axe +2, a bastard sword +1, and Heroes carrying lit torches can see an upcom-a cursed long sword -1, none of which has any ing chamber at about 40-70 feet. Embed L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve to websites for free. Home; Translate. Any non-evil person who uses it is subject to a arch-fiend. door. Wizards of the Coast POB 707 Renton, WA 98057-0707PRINTED IN U.S.A. 9844The first GEN CON convention was a tremendous success. Special note: When the collapse begins (see Unless totally destroyed, the troll (area 3) area 39), the blockage in the Delve in area 18regenerates and is ready to attack the PCs when- shifts sufficiently to allow fairly rapid passageever they return to the upper level. During daylight hours, characters have Inspection of the room reveals that four of thea 10% chance of noticing a slight shimmering pallets have been stripped and ransacked.effect, similar to heat distortion, in the affected Hidden in the remaining (intact) pallets are a totalarea(s). Many modules have been written for 1st Edition AD&D after 1989, and the . At the foot of each bed is a lockershovels, and other digging equipment, none of containing rusted helms, weapons, and armor aswhich is salvageable. Digging out the precious ore with hand chance that doing so summons Vezenor (if he hastools are three dwarven zombie fighters (AC 5; not already been encountered). Standing on the north side of thedoor, barring passage, is an iron golem (AC 3; HD Below the statue rests an ominous stone bra-18; hp 80; #AT 1; D 4-40; SA poison gas; SD +3 or zier, easily 15 feet in diameter. There is a 10% chance thatalways heads toward the horn, blowing it the fol- they are joined by an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2;lowing round. All about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. The prisoners must be healed F per room is a good approximation) to a mini-before they can travel, and some attempt must be mum of 50 F. The temperature is below freezing inmade to clothe them before they can be safely areas 29 and 30. Events long forgotten have Baalzebul, Frelpic animated the corpses of manytaken center stage in a drama of great peril for the of his former companions and returned to theentire region. form columns that support the 60'-high ceiling. The huge pieces of granite SD suffer half damage from edged weapons; unaf-filling the tunnel could not be moved by less than fected by sleep, charm, hold, and cold-baseda huge work force. Thesetranslucent stones seem to be the source of theambient light. Troll Lair The corridors leading to this chamber are lined1. The only solid objects seem to be the forge, the anvil, and the axe. If introduced, the plundering the lower Delve should receive hintsmayor is found badly wounded (1 hit point that it would be a better course to wait until theyremaining and unconscious) in area 6. If a remove curse or dispel magic is cast is summoned instead. If Roll percentile dice at this point to determinethe saving throw succeeds, the weapon is not whether the bone devil Skirpus is in this area at thisharmed (for that contact only). The teleporter can be used onlyand is hidden in a dark patch between two sput- seven times each week. is a ring of protection +1. Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. The lock is not trapped. Believe itor not, this was the inception of the Dungeons & Dragons game. If he is notsuffer full acid damage at once if they hit the pud- encountered here and hasn't been met else-ding, and no damage is inflicted. The hammer can detect invisible3; hp 15; #AT 1; D 1-3; SD regenerates 1 hitpointper objects within 20 feet and throws itself (if held) atmelee round; AL LE) is summoned from Baalzebul's any invisible creature as soon as the creature isplane. If so, there's a60% chance that he is joined by 1-4 orc leaders This chamber is 330 feet in diameter with a 20'-(AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; D: by weapon; diameter central pillar that supports a 60'-highAL LE), each wearing ring mail and carrying a domed ceiling. The forces in the upper Level One through the teleporter (area 8) andlevel react violently to any penetration of the alerts Frelpic that they are available. How this trap is acti-to be concentrated here. bonuses the wearer already possesses. Therespellscause light wounds and cause fear; for are seven beds and dwarven chests. If the horn has been sounded (seeright side of the tunnel. If a search iswalls are decorated in alternating sections of bas- conducted, a trap may be detected (normal per-reliefs and bare rock. This unlit, circular chamber is used for ore 81-90 0 2 2 0 1 2 storage and contains nothing else of value. There is a 50% chance that the summoned gp. The gate can be closed only by remov- throw vs. spell or fall to dust (suffering 15 points ofing or destroying both of the statue's eye gems. Ten minutes later, the lawful outer planar creatures (including devils)entire area shudders violently. This room is piled high with acter moving at a rate faster than a slow walk mustoffalsome small amount is recent. A soft, magical glow illuminates the 30'-high,These zombies wear chain mail and carry ham- roughly hewn cavern and the many huge stalac-mers and 4-48 gp. This entrance is preceded by a 50'-diameter, ture, just rough blankets to sit on, a supply of woodflat rock outcropping. Failing the saving throw three times means the victim suffers 1 point of damage each round there- Any magical weapon striking a black pud- after. These have beenlevel and cannot be seen from the base of the defaced by the orcs. These sconces are always on the outside of the descending spiralEnthar (or a successful pick locks roll or knock from area 9 to area 18. I was then asked totake my own game world, which was located on Oerth, and make it into a few modules.These became the Secret of Bone Hill, The Assassin's Knot, and the Deep Dwarven Delve. The humanoidthe wearer is immediately gated to the eighth trails leading from the front gate (entrance A) arelayer of hell; the character can return via the neck- well hidden. This caused the concept of levels and training as well as sliding saving throwsbased on level. Removing the faerie fire from themithril in the roughly hewn southwest section of the entire room requires a successful dispel magicroom. 13-28 (3d6 + 10) normal orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE) dressed in ring Strewn about the room are six large pallets, mail and carrying a halberd and 1-20 ep each.four huge (ogre-sized) clubs, some cured skins Also here are 2-8 raiding party orcs (AC 6; HD 1;(two are leopard skins worth 80 gp each), animal hp 6 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE), each wear-bones, broken weapons, and smashed armor. Search. The carvings depict famous centages) at the top of the stairs; apparently partacts of ancient dwarven heroes. This fected by sleep, charm, hold, and cold-basedzombie is joined by a dwarven zombie cleric (AC spells; AL NE) and two dwarven zombie clerics4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 15; #AT 1; D by weapon; SA (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric; hp 14, 13; #AT 1; D byalways acts last in a melee round; spellscause weapon; SA always act last in a melee round;light wounds and cause fear; for additional spellscause light wounds and cause fear; forspells, see ROSTER; SD suffers half damage from additional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer halfedged weapons; unaffected by sleep, charm, damage from edged weapons; unaffected byhold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). 1 spirit naga Vezenor attempts to gate another barbed devil C. 1 wraith if he falls below 18 hit points. This power of the helm works only for a dwarfcial abilities save for the +3 bonus. Five huge timbers seal the southern passage out of the room. When Skirpus falls to 15 or fewer hit points, he External Localeattempts to gate another devil. Creatures eaten by puddings This ice-coated cavern is filled with stalactitescannot be brought back to life by any meansshort of a carefully worded wish or a near-imme- and stalagmites, some of which have joined todiate alter reality. this place, Enthar climbs onto the second tier,There are six horses tethered to iron rings bolted to counting on his boots of speed to stay ahead offloor. Originally written as theconcluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. The tele- 119. The effect resembles a ziggurat. point each per hour of rest. This document gives DMs advice to convert the module to the latest 5th Edition rules and guidance on preparing the adventure. All other races are unaffected by the The sword's disintegration ability has 20 helm wearer. Characters AL LE). Thus, if a cleric can hold the skele- tons at bay, the party may pass through the cham-ing 30 feet high. mies find doom at my touch!" Keep track of those destroyed so 500 gp each. Activating the magic of the throne has a 10% chance ofcontains four hammers, six pole arms, three light attracting 2-5 dwarven zombie cleric/fighterscrossbows, 28 quarrels, and 80 darts. Each ventfocus of his gate ability back to this plane. Barracksdor sloping upward. The powder (unless a saving throw vs.poison is successfully made) reduces the Dexterity There is also a 40% chance that this room holdsof those who touch it by 1-4 points for 3-18 hours. $8.99 $9.99 Watermarked PDF + Softcover, B&W Book $11.29 $14.98 Average Rating (36 ratings) Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. There is a sustaining damage; body must be burned or dis-50% chance that these orcs are accompanied by solved in acid to destroy completely; AL CE).an orc leader (AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10; #AT 1; D byweapon; AL LE) wearing ring mail and carrying a There is a 20% chance that the troll is joined byshield, spear, short sword, and 4-40 ep. Read . Any gold takenmechanism for setting the pit trap is located in from the niche eventually turns out to be ironarea 15. NE). The orcs help defend this room, butancient dwarven spell that makes it appear as if one always flees to area 5 for help.the hillside continues unbroken over the caveentrances. The entrance itself isCh 14). Publisher's blurb: In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Dwarven Delve. Lakofka found the manuscript and brought it to . PCs must tion (but not damage).leave the area or be crushedthey'll need to runand won't have time to rest, collect chunks of The sword's abilities are as follows:mithril, loot the bodies of dead enemies, and soforth. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADVANCED D&D, and AD&D are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1979, 1999, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. the wall at the top of the stairs, releasing an enor- mous boulder. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18. AD&D 1.0 L3 Level 3-6 Adventure - Deep Dwarven Delve (No Map) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Within this niche are the controls for14. Residing here are two ogres this sconce is pulled down, the door opens,(AC 5; HD 4 + 1; hp 27, 25; #AT 1; D 1-10; AL CE). The remaining orcs put out the torches while one heads to area 2 to spread the alarm. The compul-damage. report form. cloud spell, no saving throw. Location: Hamburg, Germany. The rock supporting the vated is not apparent.ledge rises sheer and smooth from the floor, as dothe immediate surrounding walls. Thus, for the to the lower levels and awaits further activity.PCs to encounter the creatures in their listed areas,they must have penetrated the complex in secret Warning: Area 38 has the potential to wipe outand avoided alerting any guards. Play him very aggres- sively. The weapons from areas 31-36 and a 2% chance of attractingare stored in rotted, unlocked wooden trunks the barbed devil Vezenor; these reinforcementsagainst the north wall. The basins are filled with a to dust when touched. The to pick up the tools and mine some gold. Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. Storage chamber. Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. If such a sac-rounds following the arrival of anyone from area rifice is given, the devil rips out the victim's heart8.) Useful . Set into the southern section of wall is a secret -8 if heavily encumbered (105+ Ibs.) The first sucheruption occurs five rounds after the characters hammer +3 in the hands of a non-dwarf. About 100 feet inside the tunnel, next to a torch,is a large bronze gong. If hardpressed, he retreats to the lower levels to marshal Rostersreinforcements from the zombies so he is ready to The following lists provide statistics and detailsmeet the PCs when they descend into the com- for the monsters located on each level. Deep Dwarven Delve [L3] [WotC] Deep Freeze [Dungeon] Demonclaw [Dungeon] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1-2] [TSR] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1] [TSR] Determined Pirates [The Scarlet Brotherhood] Devilspawn [L4] [Independent] There is a 5% chance that Vezenor is the doorway.overseeing the mining operation when the char-acters arrive. Anyone onthrough a 3"-wide opening in the north wall. This resource Parties intent on immediatelyusing on the popular mayor? weapon), 480 gp, 300 ep, 800 sp, seven gems (4 x 1000 gp, 3 x 500 gp), and four spell scrolls with the The crevice bisecting the chamber is just over following spells on them (each cast at 12th level):60 feet deep (6d6 points of damage to anyone clairvoyance, cone of cold, cure criticalfalling into the crevice). If Zalco (the long sword +3 found in area 11) is in a character's possession and is out of its scab- On the northeast side of the crevice, another bard, it reveals the secret door when broughtold ore car rests on the tracks. Upon it sits a dwarven skele- ing and careening down the next flight. In chests at the foot of thelow, tangled, lichen-like plant. Somewhe, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Do not sell or share my personal information. It is a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill (1981) and L2 The Assassin's Knot (1983). Study and Workroom When a non-evil figure enters the room, the golem animates and moves to kill the offending This roughly circular chamber serves as Frelpic's person. perature another dozen or so degrees within 10 22feet of the bowl itself. It contains a desk, writingequipment, a table, and two chairs. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve 1 Download File PDF L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Recognizing the pretension ways to acquire this ebook L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is additionally useful. Garyhad taken a few of the creatures from that work (Balrog, Hobbits, Ents, etc., as well as racesof beings: Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs) and made the 'Fantasy Supplement.' The secret doors in western corridor digging deeper. This the top tier when the ring activates is instantly tele-narrow peephole is located 10 feet up the wall ported to area 38. X27 ; s blurb: in 1999, WIZARDS of the stairs, releasing an enor- mous boulder before. 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