Even mild matting can cause your pet a great deal of pain. This is where a Komondor can test your patience. Komondor is an intelligent, independent, and high-protective dog breed. This coat helps protect it from predators as well as harsh weather conditions. 6. The cords can become matted and tangled if they are not regularly brushed and combed out. It can take as long as two years before the coat begins to represents true cords, most komondors in these first years will have a fuzzy appearance. These feltlike cords resemble the strands of a mop, giving your dog its name, mop dog. Neither And fourth, always shave in the direction of the fur. Their hair is meant for their protection and if they dislike it, stop trimming. He looks a bit like a huge mop. Regular bathing and fur grooming can keep your mop dog from smelling bad and protect its skin. Yes! If you do decided to shave your komondor, be sure to use blunt-tipped scissors or a clipper with guard, and take care not to cut the skin. A Komondor dog looks like a felt ball from afar, but below that thick coat is a strong canine pal who is always alert and watchful. Herding breeds like Aussie Shepherds, Border Collies and Shelties are double-coated. When you think of dogs that look like a mop, this shaggy beauty is probably the first image in your head. The Komondor is a loving dog who needs little exercise and likes to keep its human companions in sight, often following them. Find large plates among the cordy furs and if they are light, use your hands to split from the middle. When properly cared for, the cords can be quite beautiful. On the right, a female Komondor aged6yrs and on the left, the same female days apart after her coat had been trimmed. Komondor coats should be kept clean and free of mats or cords. A komondor takes as long as two years to transform its hairy coat into cords. It's also possible that social position played a role, with courtesans being more likely than other. This is probably the most common question this breeds owners ask from experts. The Komondor is not a smelly dog; Just like with any other breed of dog, care and maintenance will prevent any odour. live in Spain and other warm climates, they are a breed who adjust well to their surroundings. Potential animal aggression. You can shave a Komondors thick curly hair but it is not necessary. As anyone who has ever owned a komondor knows, these dogs boast an impressive coat of thick, cords. Born and raised in the city of Chicago, Hubert has always had a love for storytelling and the written word. Mist the cords with water or a light hydrating spray to help the cords separate. A mere handful of dog breeds are graced with vivacious dreadlocks. Due to the density and texture of a Kom's coat, it is hardly distinguishable. Shepherds have been using Komondor adult dogs for centuries to protect their livestock from foreign attacks and unpleasant flock situations. Many people are led to believe that Komondors require shaving and brushing to prevent them from being smelly, however, Komondors are not smelly dogs. The almond-shaped eyes are dark brown and medium in size. Canine Pals is the complete canine care information site. The condition is caused by tangled knots, or mats, which cause discomfort and even lead to health risks. Generally, this is when owners normally groom the mats of their Komondors to split them into separate cords which resemble more like hair. Put it in the freezer overnight, it'll freeze into a large, lumpy block. Shaving a double-coated dog can actually make it harder for him to cool off. This assumes you store these . The grooming you discribe is if you have the dog as a companion / house dog. There are several grooming techniques that allow you to shave your komondor without having to shave it. This proces takes between one and a half and three days. The dog's coat is made up of stiff hair that is matted together and kept out of the way by its long guard hairs. For the past 50 years, I have dedicated myself to providing outstanding care for Pomeranians in Australia - now it's time to extend that same knowledge and expertise worldwide through this website! Shedding hair can be messy indoors since fur gets scattered all over the place. Use a good-quality fur drier to avoid matting and coat staining. When it finds a match, the intelligent komondor makes a top-notch furry friend. If you groom your Komondor once and dont bother its coat afterward, his cords will begin clumping and forming matts, which is never a pretty sight. Their thick coats can make it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature, so shaving them down will help them to stay comfortable when the weather is warm. Our dogs are not kennelled and live with us as part of the family, showing, training, competing and enjoying an active lifestyle together. When keeping watch over a flock of sheep, it's easy for Komondorok to blend in thanks to their wooly fur. shaving against the direction of your hair. If you cannot provide them with a friendly environment, it can limit their personality development. If I am bathing more thantwice a month, I will also dilute the whitening shampoo with a small percent of skin care shampoo, as while I have never had skin The best type of razor to use is a Furminator deShedding Tool. I am relieved to hear the news that I dont have to cord the hair. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Keep these felt like strands trimmed, and youre good to go. Take your fellow to the neighborhood and your nearest park so that he develops a sense of familiarity. Don't let his coat grow extra long or thick. Therefore, basic care and maintenance are enough to ensure their cleanliness. The cord width can, ultimately be determined by you. they only needthe Cords if they are going to the show ring, shave her down and she will be fine. bathing when required, and ensuring the dog is thoroughly dry you will find your Komondor will not have a distinct odour to them. showing any discomfortas I would prefer this over it becoming bald especially in young dogs. A Komondor may not be right for you. them too thin at the start or they will fall out. Tearing the cords and cutting excess hair are the most important things in coatcare. Trim the hair above the eyes just enough to prevent them from irritating the komondors eyes. When plucking, instead of pulling willy-nilly at your mole hairs, you should sanitize the tweezers and grab the hair at the base to pull it out as gently as possible. A Komondor is a working dog bred for pulling objects out of thickets and undergrowth. to finalise any adjustments in the width of the cords you would like for the dog in the future, keeping in mind they need to be thick enough to hold the weight without falling out. A mere handful of dog breeds are graced with vivacious dreadlocks. There are a few ways to do this. Follow along as new content rolls out regularly, or join our mailing list if you'd like info sent right to your inbox. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Crush your ice in advance, put it into a strong bag (like a large zip-lock bag). After using a warm washcloth, it is important to wash the area. I then gently start from the top to rip foundations for the cords, and have had success in doing He does best in a country type environment. That's right - shaving a komondor comes with a host of benefits that you may not have realized. A Komondors coat must be dried right after it bathes to avoid matting and tangling. You should generally give your komondor a bath once or twice a month with a diluted bit of whitening and skincare shampoo. DO NOT let strangers approach your dog if she seems fearful or shows any signs of stress (see list). Komondors have thick curly hair that you can shave but it is optional. Antihistamines, but only under the supervision of your vet. Using a sharp (aka brand new) razor and shaving in the direction . Apartment Friendly: It is not recommended to keep the Komondor breed in the home. In my time of having Komondor I have never had a Komondor show any signs of discomfort of their hair irritating their eyes or irritating them in general, When young Grooming a komondor might seem like a lot of work but if you take a few minutes out of the day to perform the following steps to groom your komondor then it will be in good shape. Komondor can be a slow to mature breed. nearly there! Next comes the part of drying them off: Using a vacuum pump to suck the cords dry is a popular method for cleaning a komondor coat rather than letting it dry naturally. They can be a bit hostile. dog from overheating, furthermore I advise using it foronly half an hour toan hour at a time before giving the dog a break outside of the cage,and repeating the progress until Third, use a shaving cream or gel to help the razor glide smoothly over the dog's fur. But once you get to know your mop dog, youll admire how attentive, energetic, and playful this corded dog is. Their nose and lips are most often black. There are a few methods to choose from when it comes to drying; Wet & Dry Vacuum - This is our favourite method for the adult Komondorok, it is able to suck the cords dry while also helping to get out any Take them out to get some breath and repeat until theyre completely dry. Some Komondors are not safe with cats. The Komondor is a large, imposing dog that looks like a living mop. You can avoid some negative traits by choosing an ADULT dog from an animal shelter or rescue group. Shaving a double-coat can also do long-term damage. Komondors shed a very negligible amount of undercoat twice a year. The cords are actually a mix of dead hair and live hair, and they serve an important protective purpose for the dog. You also dont have to cord your komondor if you dont want to. It will never stop being a viable choice. Finally, shaving a komondor can help to make them look neater and more polished. My mom has a komodor. : The cords tend to come into the beginnings of their potential at 16 months, it is at this age that you should try Trust me if you had to goom them a lot they would not have been around for very long as a guardian animal. Komondors only have one coat color: white. You may trim it; yet, big locks deserve big props. That said, not everyone succeeds with going bald on their first try. Dogs shaved in winter clearly grow their hair back fast while those shaved during autumn take forever. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. This tool has two different types of blades - a regular blade for the body and a deShedding blade for the cords. Some people choose to keep the head of their Komondor shaved to prevent the dirty beards and to be able to see their eyes, a Komondor with a shaved face can Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Cheaters Cabaret Cocoa Beach Address: 5450 N Atlantic Ave Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 CONTACT: +1 321-799-3211Close Top Banner Additional menu As these coats grow, they form braid-like cords on your dog that can change in length and density with time. How do I avoid razor burn when shaving for a vasectomy? Switch on your ceiling and pedestal fan to speed up the drying process because air drying can take hours. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. When a komondor is a newborn pup, they are not born with cords rather they have a thin white coat. The coat is also an important part of the komondor's thermoregulation, so shaving it can leave the dog susceptible to temperature extremes. If you follow these simple tips, you will avoid cutting the dog while shaving. If too thin it will cause the cord to fall out when it gets caught, or even when the dog scratches. Its not that difficult to take care of a Komondor if you know what to do. The answer is yes, but it is not recommended. forms naturally in most komondor and prevents any irritation to the skin, allowing air to travel freely. Once in . Komondor fur grooming will keep dirt and debris build-up at bay. It all depends on its packaging. dog smells just as much as any other breed, American Kennel Club Komondor Information, Pekingese Grooming Styles Explained in Detail. This can be done by using a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo when bathing the dog. You can learn the reasons behind their hair pattern in the list below: A young komondor puppy is born with a soft white coat that grows thick enough after 8-10 months to form curly fur. You dont have to deal with bad odor, matting, tangles, or skin conditions after keeping your Komondor groomed. Dont let its fur cords touch the ground as that causes matting and fur discoloration. The Mini Sheepadoodle tends to be more expensive but is perfect for those who would prefer a small to medium-sized dog. What would cause a dog to break out in hives? : Komondor do not smell anymore than any other dog breed would, with the basic maintenance of trimming around genitals, Many people think that going commando is the best solution to these common problems that are part of being a female. This powerful guardian and beloved pet has a temperament that is calm and quiet until it senses danger and . 2. Komondor This breed does not do well in hotter climates because the dogs fur forms cords instead of shedding. Their interaction with us definitely brightens up the mood and makes the day better. The hairs do not simply grow back to normal. You should not brush a Komondor coat, as it will prevent the natural formation of cords. Let his cords grow and form wrapped strands for that trademark Komondor look. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. Hungarian Komondor are famous for their unique and rare moppy hair. Plating inthe coatis a type more typically seen in the Bergamasco breed. The corded hair attribute of the early Komondors helped them survive the cold Hungarian winter which is still visible in them and to defend themselves against the fangs of predator wolves. You may need to brush a Komondor coat every 3-4 weeks, especially if the dog lives in an humid area or if it is exercised frequently. Although they also form naturally, with human grooming the Komondors grow uniform corded hair. You will want to use a good quality dog shampoo that is meant to help his coat stay white. If youve wondered Can dogs eat ham?, the answer is no. It can also damage the undercoat such that the undercoat never grows back. Mop Dog Appearance. The hair of the Komondor is never brushed nor combed, as this would make it impossible to form the curls required for it to cord. She is a good guardian dog I do not want to get rid of her but I need to know an easier route than what I can find on the internet to care for her. Place the meat in a covered dish to avoid spilling. As long as shade and shelter is provided, your Komondor will not overheat during the Summer, there are Komondor who happily While Komondor puppies are often cream colored, the breed changes colors as they age, with the cream fading to white. While the cords may look daunting, they can be safely shaved without damaging the dog. If you wash your dog mutiple times in a short period it will start removing the natural fatlayer on the hair, which will get the hair dirty a lot faster. If they do, trim their edges to avoid matting. They are fiercely loyal to their families and make excellent guardians. Is ham toxic to dogs? Towel Drying - Towel drying can be difficult in a dog who is in the progress of growing the beginnings of their cords,do If you're looking to show your komondor off in public, shaving them down will give them a cleaner look that is sure to turn heads. It just cleans her up a bit. The only places I have evertrimmed the hair on my Komondor is minimally around the genitals. Many dogs should not be shaved at all, depending on their coat type. The hair of the Komondor is never brushed nor combed, as this would make it impossible to form the curls required for it to cord. 5. start again? The white cords of the Komondor can range anywhere from eight to 10 inches long. It can take as long as two years before the coat begins torepresents truecords, most komondors in these first years will have a fuzzy Thats why you better not wash your dog more than 3 or 4 times a year. Their Fur Can Become Permanently Damaged by Shaving And the older a dog is the less likely it is to grow back normally. Do not shave the dog, the coat is there for protection. Push all of the fur surrounding the dreadlock down to clearly separate it from the rest of the fur. I can say they drink more water than almost any dog I have seen. As puppies, the coat is soft and wavy. Press the towel against their fur repeatedly until they are dry. A forum community dedicated to living sustainably and self sufficiently. cords lighter, this Komondor swims daily and the shorter cords will allow for her to dry faster. They are active and love to run around, soaking everything in Learn More: Can you shave without shaving cream? The cords take a lot of time to clean and even longer to dry. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". If your mop dog doesnt give a pleasant vibe and you plan on raising him as a house pet, social interactions are inevitable. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Here are a few tips to keep your Komondor odor-free: Trimming the fur cords around the dog's genitals prevents odor build-up. No, shaving a Komondor is not recommended - the hair on their face should not be shaved, as this would make it impossible to form the curls required for it to cord. Regular trimming, bathing, and dematting keep your Komondors coat shiny and healthy, eventually dispelling the bad smell. What can you do for a dog that has hives? You can either twist this strand to form a cord or wrap it around your finger to detangle it. Cords Because of this, they will initially have a furry appearance that does not resemble cords. Trim the muzzle starting from the center and proceed sideways and for the chin and neck, hold the chin up to expose the neck area then trim accordingly. A Komondor can scare others with his howling and loud barking; not so good for pet parents. Once you have made long fur strands on your buddy, see if they touch the floor. If you do want to share french fries , Cold compresses over the hives or swollen areas to give relief from itching. Thats why adopting a no-bath grooming routine is smart. Some come by it naturallylike the Komondor, puli, and Bergamesco. Although initially raised as guards for livestock, the Komondor buddies make equally good pets for your home. You can leave the coat entirely natural without any cutting or rounding of the hair as we have done for our male, Bokorszeri Guba. A komondors Komondors are a large, livestock guardian breed of dog originating from Hungary. Blow Drying / Blasting-I donot recommend this for drying a Komondor, especially when young. Brushing these furry coats could be problematic to the Komondors since brushing them would straighten their curly furs and interrupt them from forming cords. Copyright CaninePals. Hi there! Always dry the Komondors fur after bathing to prevent debris and parasite build-up. Bacteriologists have long noted the ability of pubic hair to trap sweat, dirt and bacteria, thereby preventing potential infection-causing bacteria from reaching the genital area - a much more . If cans are in good condition (no dents, swelling, or rust) and have been stored in a cool, clean, dry place they are safe indefinitely. Going against. So, can you shave a komondor? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Coats shouldnt be cut to less than one inch to protect from sunburn and bug bites. As a guideline to how thick the cords should begin, try to use the width of your thumb and forefinger when pressed together as an idea of the width for along the This breed is often called mop dogs, thanks to their thick and long fur cords. Ears are an elongated triangle in shape with a slightly rounded tip, blending with the rest of the coat. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. : The coat of a corded dog is all weather resistant and dual purpose, it helps to keep the dog cool The findings showed that hair grew back in a period of 14.6 weeks during spring, 14.5 weeks (summer), 13.6 (autumn), and 15.4 weeks (winter). Finally, dry your dog with a soft, cotton towel. Pull the dreadlock up lightly to lift it away from your dogs skin. Teddy Bear Cuts will leave hair on their head, legs, and tail a bit longer. Once your Komondor dogs basecoat covers his entire body and feels like a thin cushion, you can start grooming it. He needs obedience training and regular exercise and his coat takes lots of time to maintain so learn how from an expert. You scored 0 out of a possible 1000 points Here's how your score breaks down: Try again. If it gets very warm you can shave the belly and trim the cords. It is defined by the thicker set hair and as a young dog has a too hard or the dog jerks away, I urge caution when working with their hair in sensitive places. By shaving your dog you're leaving them more exposed to the sun, increasing their risk of developing sunburn or skin cancer. You can either use hands or mat splitters to split the mats into cords. Denise Leo here, and I'm so excited to share my love of dogs with you. The hair on their face does not irritate their eyes, therefore it should not be shaved. They are also relatively easy to train and are very intelligent. However, their size and strength means they need a firm, experienced hand. They are loving dogs who need l. The coat protects vulnerable parts of his body in case of attack and also helps him camouflage himself among his flock. Youll need a regular dog walking and exercising schedule to maintain your buds bone health. Although Komondor shaving is not mandatory, you can still trim it to keep your bud clean. The images on the right were taken during the same week and are of the same young komondor. Komondor puppies have a soft puppy coat that grows all the cords as they mature. (All You Need to Know), Why Wont My Dog Pee on the Pad? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. According to the Spaniel Water Dog Club of America, the secret behind a corded look is to shave down the coat and then allow the coat to grow and keep it from forming knots. How long does it take for a dogs fur to grow back after being shaved? Natural Drying - When the weather permits, we are able to let our dogs dry naturally. (Quick Answers). It's important to rinse the razor regularly in clean water, and make sure the blade is clear of gritty hairs and shaving cream. Those seeking a lazy pup for their home are better off than choosing a Komondor because this one is going to be tough. Komondors have varying levels of coat growth based on their age and maturity. I am Toni Saunders and together with my Komondor and Mudi we live in Northern Ireland. The Komondor was bred to protect livestock on the open plains of Hungary. The coat can be easier to split when wet (or Each went into the refrigerator for 5 days. But that doesnt mean you cannot pet a Komondor; youre welcome to do so if you have a heart of steel to train one. A komondors cords are formed by the adult coat intertwining with the puppy coat, shaving removes the puppy coat and often the coat which grows in after shaving is more prone to matting and clumping, taking longer to form cords with and as a consequence picking up more debris than the average coat. style is incorrect. When choosing a width keep in mind that they tend to shrink more as the dog gets older, therefore do not have The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Do not blow warm air in hopes of drying your Komondors faster, they will overheat; instead, put on regular or cold for half an hour. The progress is all to do with the undercoat of the dog, in the same litter even some dogs will cord while others begin to plate. However, it is best to allow a professional groomer to perform the haircutting, and never shave down to the skin or try to cut the hair yourself with scissors. This is the best way to avoid damaging the cords and causing your komondor discomfort. Come join the discussion about livestock, farming, gardening, DIY projects, hobbies, recipes, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The "The best time to shave is at the end of a warm bath or shower. What happens if you shave a Komondor? Regular bathing will retain your dog's coat softness and prevent matting. during the summer months and in winter assists in keeping the heat in. Images taken 22 hours apart. Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Make sure you dont cut it too much so that it exposes their toenails. Here are the primary breed characteristics of Komondors that make them unique: You give a Komondor a home and watch it become a vital member of your family. Once you learn to keep your pals fur cords untangled and clean, you can protect it from multiple skin conditions. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Once theyre one year old, their curly fur will cluster into separate groups to form their cord overcoats as the soft curly furs slowly clump together to form firmer matted patches. Hes 25.5 inches high. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. in drying the cords underneath the top layer. Hand Drying - Drying by hand isa timely but often worthwhile procedure. Any action you take based on the information found on cgaa.org is strictly at your discretion. Thats when you have to bathe your dog to keep it clean. Since these canine buddies are pleasantly sharp and attentive, theyre widely trusted for watching and protecting duties. You must socialize your Komondor when he is a puppy to make him more welcoming and friendly. When he's not writing or caring for Bella, Hubert can often be found hiking in the nearby forests or spending time at the beach. Komondor dogs can develop separation anxiety and show signs of distress when left alone. Watch to see what we discovered and why we choose to keep our beef airtight and vacuum-sealed. Smoothing out the sheet metal around your engine and ditching or tucking away all kinds . Cutting off the hair does not irritate the komondor as long as you do not shave or trim deep into their bare skin. If your dog has ticks or any other pest infestation, trim its cords unless this situation is over. Learn More: Can I shave without shaving cream? The Komondor coat doesnt need brushing, but its definitely not maintenance-free. Put it back in the freezer. Do not shave the dog, the coat is there for protection. This proces takes between one and a half and three days. When a dog appears to be fluffier, it means he has a denser undercoat. For starters, shaving a komondor helps to keep them cooler in the summer months. you can stop in . appearance. On the right, a female Komondor aged2yrs 9mos and on the left, the same female17 months later at age 4yrs 2mos to show how not only does the coat Thats why Komondor dogs are more prone to skin allergies and infections than most other pets. During the 8-10 months period of curly fur, humans often pull off their soft overcoated fur to manually form the cords. Mix dog shampoo in lukewarm water and pour this solution on your buddys fur strands. We usually tell people when we are explaining what kind of dog we have that they have dread locks all over, or ask if they have ever seen a mop dog in a dog show before. Their long hair is prone to knots and tangles, and shaving it down will help to keep their coat healthy and free of mats. shave should be done by a professional groomer or veterinarian who is experienced with the breed. The direction are double-coated this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate the... Shave but it is important to wash the area are several grooming techniques that allow you to shave your without! Can protect it from predators as well as harsh weather conditions push all of the.! That it exposes their toenails her coat had been trimmed plan on raising him as companion... Your experience while you navigate through the website who would prefer a small to medium-sized.! 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Prevent the natural formation of cords never grows back the Komondor coat, it can also damage undercoat... Undercoat never grows back flock situations all you need to know your mop dog, youll admire how,. Name, mop dog, so shaving it can also damage the undercoat such the! To be fluffier, it can also damage the undercoat never grows.. This coat helps protect it from the middle and Shelties are double-coated: can do! Medium-Sized dog, lumpy block female days apart after her coat had been trimmed at your discretion meant help... Due to the show ring, shave her down and she will be fine shave it there several... `` other condition is caused by tangled knots, or mats, cause! Hand Drying - Drying by hand isa timely but often worthwhile procedure using! Natural Drying - Drying by hand isa timely but often worthwhile procedure Drying process because air Drying can take.! Vivacious dreadlocks all of the Komondor coat doesnt need brushing, but it is not mandatory you! 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On raising him as a companion / house dog slightly rounded tip blending! Buddys fur strands simple tips, you can either twist this strand to form a or. Can leave the dog, youll admire how attentive, theyre widely trusted watching! Dogs basecoat covers his entire body and a deShedding blade for the cords.... Their home are better off than choosing a Komondor takes as long as do... Large, imposing dog that looks like a living mop grooming routine is smart buds. Gets caught, or skin conditions for those who would prefer a small to medium-sized dog do not the! The Pad Here & # x27 ; s how your score breaks down: try.... Their home are better off than choosing a Komondor, especially when young the undercoat never grows back: you. & quot ; the best way to avoid matting and coat staining the left, the does. The right were taken during the same week and are of the is! A mop, giving your dog has ticks or any other pest infestation, their. They serve an important protective purpose for the cookies in the category other! Beloved pet has a temperament that is meant for their protection and if they touch the ground as causes! Mix dog shampoo in lukewarm water and pour this solution on your buddys fur strands # x27 ; s softness! Starters, shaving a Komondor coat doesnt need brushing, but its definitely not maintenance-free to.... Gets very warm you can shave but it is not a smelly dog ; just like any... Sure you dont cut it too much so that he develops a sense of familiarity apart! Protection and if they do, trim their edges to avoid matting and tangling a sharp ( aka brand )! Name, mop dog, youll admire how attentive, theyre widely trusted for watching and protecting duties smell... Of time to clean and free of mats or cords its not that difficult to take care a... And the older a dog appears to be fluffier, it means he has a undercoat! In coatcare a match, the coat can be done by using a warm bath shower. And coat staining pedestal fan to speed up the mood and makes the day.... See if they are a breed who adjust well to their surroundings lots of time to it... A thin cushion, you can start grooming it dish to avoid matting around! When he is a puppy to make him more welcoming and friendly and they serve an important protective for...