The purpose of shark culling is to kill sharks in order to decrease the shark population in an attempt to lower the amount of shark on human attacks. [29] Organizations that oppose shark culling include the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Humane Society International, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, Shark Conservation Australia, Sea Life Trust, the Australian Greens Party, and the current government of Western Australia. In 1949, diseases were ravaging and killing hundreds of Chinese. So, is culling animals good? It causes severe illness in animals and humans. Sharks regulate the behaviour of prey species, and prevent them from over-grazing vital habitats. [22] Jessica Morris of Humane Society International calls shark culling a "knee-jerk reaction" and says, "sharks are top order predators that play an important role in the functioning of marine ecosystems. Intentionally reducing the number of sharks have more negative effects on the ocean than we can comprehend. What It Means For Sharks & People. [19], The government of Queensland currently kills sharks in the Great Barrier Reef using 173 lethal drum lines; in 2018, Humane Society International filed a lawsuit (court challenge) requesting that the drum lines be removed there. The NSW Government plans to relocate and release sharks caught by drum lines. '"[34], In October 2018, the Queensland state government proposed a policy which would ban the photography of shark culling in Queensland; Lawrence Chlebeck of Humane Society International said the following about this proposal: "The Queensland Government's plan to put exclusion zones around shark control equipment is simply a measure to keep the slaughter of sharks and marine wildlife hidden from public view. In the three decades since nets were installed, there have been no fatal attacks at those beaches and only four resulting in serious injury. The attack occurred in an unpatrolled area. Culling . SMART drum lines will send a realtime alert that notifies authorities that a shark (or other large marine life) has taken the bait is and is hooked on the line attached to the SMART drum line. [37] However, a 2014 poll indicated that 80% of Australians did not approve of shark culling in Australia. Sharks: they're some of the most majestic and wondrous animals in the ocean. Basically, the sharks are unable to move and this is fatal for many species. [62], Environmentalists, conservationists, scientists, animal rights activists and shark experts oppose shark culling. Some animals pose a serious threat to or interfere with human activities such as farming, recreation, and even human settlement. [55] In August 2018, the Western Australia government announced a plan to re-introduce drum lines (though, this time the drum lines are "SMART" drumlines). They were first installed in 1935. The Dorsal App claims to be Australia's largest shark alerts and reporting service. The predatory role of sharks is also significant for the worlds economy. Sparrows helped to regulate the population of locusts and other insect pests in rural China. Between October 2007 and December 2011, about 23% of animals caught on the drum lines died. "[31], Shark nets and drum lines are utilised to kill sharks in a "shark control" program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa[1][12][42] which has been occurring in KwaZulu-Natal since the 1950s. [18] Shark experts and conservationists also say there is no evidence that drum lines prevent shark attacks. [69][6][31] They also say that shark culling is "outdated, cruel and ineffective". Eventually, the state government decided to cull them, which solved the problem. [1] From 2013 to 2014, 667 sharks were killed on Queensland's drum lines and in shark nets, including great white sharks and critically endangered grey nurse sharks. Sharks hold a economic and cultural significance to many communities. Below are five reasons why the practice is not 100% foolproof. Of these animals, 7 were dolphins, 7 were green sea turtles, and 10 were grey nurse sharks, which are critically endangered. Also, as the culling of elephants continues in South Africa, many East African nations are struggling to increase their herds, many of which were killed in the 1980s. Additionally, these sharks can be tracked via apps by surfers before entering the water. also dubbed as the Shark Mitigation Strategy, is the deliberate killing of sharks by government authorities in response to shark attacks, often backed by public safety concerns (an effort to reduce shark attacks on public beaches). Avoid surfing at dusk, or alone, or in the most dangerous spots with murky water. However, there are some people who think otherwise. But be aware of their limitations many devices haven't undergone independent testing, and no device will protect you in all circumstances". The call for a massive cull was backed by the fatal shark attacks in the surrounding waters. They are killed to protect surfers, swimmers and other people engaging in ocean water activities. [19], The government of New South Wales has a program that deliberately kills sharks using shark nets. We need to take shark culling off the table and look for innovative, non-lethal shark control measures and better general public awareness to co-exist peacefully with sharks and other marine life. [54] This "imminent threat" policy was criticized by Senator Rachel Siewert for killing endangered sharks. [41] National Geographic cameraman Andy Casagrande said the following about the cull: "When will basic intelligence and respect for the planet be a requirement for highly paid supposedly educated government officials? The White-tailed deer have become a threat to settlement in many suburbs across the US because they do not have natural predators. On average, 15 great white sharks are caught by the NSW and Queensland shark control programme each year, compared to 186 caught in Australia from other activities. [11][29][3][6][21] Queensland's shark-killing program has been called "outdated, cruel and ineffective". Sharks are long-lived and slow-growing. Struggling to get your head around the shark situation on the north coast of New South Wales? Life on earth depends on the delicate balance of this vast life support system. Physical barriers in dangerous or crowded spots. The proposition for shark culling has been widely opposed by environmentalists, conservationists, and most policymakers. To put that into perspective, jellyfish kill 40 people a year and in the United States alone, over 400 people die from falling out of bed. A Brief Look at Shark Culling. Other farmers resort to crushing the chicks, a totally unethical practice. Sharks are [viewed as] either a commodity or a pest, instead of a respected fellow species on this planet. Overall, the Jaws effect and cull programs resulting from an inaccurate shark mental . But the question is, do shark culling programs help save human lives? CONS: Associate Professor Adam Stow, of Macquarie University told the ABC that: "Killing sharks risks disruption to the ecology of the ocean". Avoid surfing at dusk, or alone, or in the most dangerous spotswithmurky water. Read More. [6] In addition, Western Australia Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly said "there is currently no scientific evidence to show that drumlines reduce the risk of a [shark] attack". CONS: Trial was abandoned in two locations in northern New South Wales because the barriers could not withstand rough conditions and surfers were concerned the barriers would pose a risk to their safety by snagging and trapping them underwater. Because of their huge population, they littered the city with thousands of pounds of feces every day. They have been trialled in Western Australia. Unfortunately, of the 172 sharks that were killed, none were white sharks. The disappearance of scallops and clams in the restaurants is an indicator of the declining shark population. Some trials of the technology have taken place, with another trial due to begin this year at Port Stephens. In Queensland, in 54 years of operation, only one fatal shark attack has been recorded at a controlled beach,[62] compared to a total of 27 fatal attacks between 1919 and 1961. 426 Words; 2 Pages; Decent Essays. The WA State Government has issued a tender for professional fishers to catch and kill all white, bull and tiger sharks more than three metres long in certain areas along the states coast. [25] No shark attacks occurred at the netted beaches during the trial, and the trial was continued for the 2017-18 summer. Well, heres a detailed list of all the benefits and drawbacks that come with this practice. In Australia, white sharks had caused several human fatalities. The loss of great white sharks has increased the subsequent ray population who. But even with the best-laid plans, the culling of animals still has both advantages and disadvantages. The traps with a baited hook that are used to attract and snare sharks instead trap them on the ocean floor, leaving them unable to swim. For an ocean with sharks is a healthy ocean and one that stands a greater chance in mitigating against the climate emergency we are in. As stated earlier, culling should be based on solid facts and a well-thought-out plan of action. Shark culls are often triggered in response to shark attacks. (a site that tracks attacks and fatalities by sharks across Australia), there is an average of 10 fatalities per year due to shark attacks globally, compared to the approximately 100 million sharks killed by humans annually for food, sport, and safety. Shark culling is ludicrous, you have more of a chance dying from a coconut falling on you than a shark attack, . In South America, for example, vampire bats are responsible for the transmission of the deadly rabies virus. The data is bounced to a satellite and an alert is sent to lifeguards and coastal authorities through a mobile phone app. In spite of such efforts no significant decrease in . You can be a voice for sharks and other marine life by signing the petition to end 84 years of shark culling, remove the nets and drum lines and opt for more non-lethal alternatives to shark mitigation. So culling only hastens the process of extinction. In December 2013, the Western Australian Government announced the deployment of drum lines along popular beaches, but no permanent drum lines have been used in WA since April 30, 2014. This approach causes unnecessary animal suffering to both target and non-target species. The Australian Environment Ministry also considered a massive shark cull program in Western Australia in 2014 after seven fatal deaths were reported by shark attacks over the past three years. As a keystone species, sharks are important for maintaining the delicate balance in the aquatic ecosystem. "[41] Most Whitsunday locals resisted the cull. These measures are dangerous to other sea creatures like rays, turtles, dolphins, and small, harmless sharks, which get caught up in the traps. These traps are designed to capture bull, tiger, or great white sharks off popular beaches. If a shark is sighted in the area leave the water as quickly and calmly as possible. [10], Shark culling mainly occurs in four locations: New South Wales, Queensland, KwaZulu-Natal and Runion. PROS: An electrical repellent known as the 'shark shield' has been independently shown to be effective at deterring sharks from biting, most of the time. Add to that the fact that shark nets can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and its easy to see why people are so critical of shark culling, particularly the aggressive programs used in New South Wales and Western Australia. [27], From 1962 to the present, the government of Queensland has targeted and killed sharks in large numbers by using drum lines and shark nets,[22] under a "shark control" programthis program has also killed large numbers of other animals such as dolphins; it has also killed endangered hammerhead sharks. Protecting humans from sharks: What are the options? Chapter 29 In: M. L. Domeier (ed). A range of brightly coloured and striped wetsuits are currently being marketed as shark deterring outfits. Pros Cons Sharks are an important source of tourism across Australia. Many countries are also reaping billions of dollars from reef . A drum line consists of a large, baited hook suspended from a large plastic float, which in turn is anchored to the sea bed. This makes sense, because sharks are mindless killing machines, and will take anyone's life if they get a chance. The unsuccessful trial in Lennox Head resulted in debris from the half-built barriers polluting the area and the estimated cost of the unsuccessful trial was $2.6 million. Free of shark harassment, turtles are munching seagrass, and crabs have been disrupting seabed sediment. It has been said that these methods of shark control have trapped over 5,000 marine turtles, and killed hundreds of dolphins, whales, rays, and other marine animals. [32] From 1962 to 2018, roughly 50,000 sharks were killed by Queensland authorities.[33]. CONS: Traditional drumlines are designed to kill sharks. Any contact with animals should always be humane. [19], Since the policy was implemented there has only been one recorded death, at Amity Point in January 2006. More about how we earn money as an affiliate. PROS: Swimmers and surfers can be warned if a shark is detected close to shore. For example, breeders can invest in technologies that can establish if an embryo is male or female before the eggs hatch. Webbed Gloves Can Help Your Surfing. In Mauritius, the Mauritius flying fox had been causing great losses to farmers. Often inhumanely culled for their notorious, Sharks keep our oceans and reefs healthy, Other research suggests killing sharks actually, published by a team of researchers from Deakin University, University of Technology, Sydney, Griffith University, and Utah State University in "Nature Climate Change,"warns that the declining population of top ocean predators, i.e. So instead of becoming the solution, culling compounds the problem. The KZNSB also states that there were seven fatal attacks at Durban from 1943 until the installation of shark nets in 1952, and that no fatalities or incidents resulting in serious injury have occurred since nets were installed. [12] Shark nets are currently installed in Marine Protected Areas, and kill animals there. Films like Jaws have given everyone the false impression that sharks are out there waiting for humans to bob by so they can snap and feast. What do the Public Think About Culling Sharks? Such ecological changes have indirect adverse effects on carbon cycling and, in the longer run, affect our ability to reduce climate change impacts. Shark-spotting programs using surveillance techniques, including drones, private helicopters, observation towers and even blimps, are being trialled in various locations across the globe. How Does Saving Water Help Climate Change? Invasive Species How could they think that when shark attacks are becoming more and more common? Given the legal status sharks enjoy, the benefits to humans would have to be especially high to justify culling as an ethical option. According to the report, 16,177 metric tons of shark fin, valued at around USD294 million per year, were imported globally each year between 2000-2016, with 90% of these shark fin products being imported by four countries: Hong Kong SAR (9,069 mt/year), Malaysia (2,556 . More about how we earn money as an affiliate. [81] Sharksavers estimates that in total 50 million sharks are caught unintentionally each year as bycatch by the commercial fishing industry. These diseases can decimate large animal and human populations if not well handled. Surfer Mick Fanning changed the colour of his board from yellow to dark blue after hearing sharks were attracted to lightly coloured, shiny things. The sharks' rights are enshrined in our law. Here's why shark culling is not a good idea: Sharks are in their natural environment, swimming and finding food; Sharks are irrational predators; Sharks will always keep returning to beaches and surfing/swimming zones; There are more than 480 species of sharks, but . But the methods of culling chicks are inhumane. Most shark nets are deployed in Western Australia, where shark populations are vast and shark attacks are relatively common when compared to other areas. [11], The shark-killing program in Queensland has been criticized by environmentalists, conservationists, and animal welfare advocatesthey say Queensland's shark-killing program is unethical and harms the marine ecosystem. 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In Hawaii, almost 5,000 sharks were culled between 1959 and 1976 (18 years) with no reduction in shark bites. You will not find paid product promotions or sponsored content on this site. It was curtailed by the culling of more than one million pigs. Should Shark Culling Be Banned? Most shark species take longer to reach maturity, especially the larger species such as bullshark, who take about. The tags are attached to a small arrow-head and a short tether and are usually attached to sharks using a tag pole as they swim past a vessel. [1], In Recife, Brazil, the number of shark attacks was reduced by 97% when long lines and drum lines were deployedin the Recife program, some of the sharks were caught on drum lines and then moved away from the shoreline. CONS: Shark biologist Dr Rachel Robbins told Radio National: "The problem is, it could lead people into a false sense of security because they'll think 'there hasn't been a detection in two weeks', however we're only looking at tagged sharks and we're only going to ever be able to tag a very small portion of the shark population at any one time". [47] George H. Burgess called the killings "an archaic, knee-jerk reaction that seems more borne of vengeance than of science. According to a spokesperson for WA's Fisheries Minister Ken Baston, in September 2014 the WA Government withdrew its proposal for the operation of drum lines for a further three years because the WA Environmental Protection Authority found there to be a: "high degree of scientific uncertainty about impacts [of drum lines] on the south-western white shark population". 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, Tax ID#: 82-1646340, The Truth about Shark Culling & the Devastating Environmental Impacts, According to the National Geographic estimates, we have already wiped out 90% of the worlds sharks. During that period, about 114 sharks and other animals died. Culling is the process of selective elimination of animals based on traits or factors such as health, appearance, and sex. CONS: Reports can not be received in the water, possibility of hoax reports, impossible to report every shark. In fact, removing the apex predator from the ocean can have negative effects on the marine habitat at large, not to mention the unintended killing of other marine species which are also critical to the health of the oceans. [68] Michael Levenson of the Boston Globe said the following about shark culls: "Traditionally, shark hunts, or culls, have been the first and perhaps most primal response to shark attacks worldwide. Long term shark control programs using shark nets and/or drum lines have been very successful at reducing the incidence of shark attacks at the beaches where they are installed. The feces would also contaminate waterways leading to the risk of diseases. There has been some hesitancy by people who were keen to put in tenders and some of them have pulled back, he said. [17][11] The current net program in New South Wales has been described as being "extremely destructive" to marine life, including sharks. There also economic benefits of culling domestic animals, especially in commercial farming. About half of the shark species caught in Queensland's nets and drumlines pose very little risk to humans. The efficiency of the shark nets and drum lines as deterrents is also questionable. Acoustic pulses from tags are detected by underwater receivers also known as listening stations but sharks need to swim close (typically within 500 metres) to a listening station for its acoustic tag to be detected. Mr Barnett says commercial fishermen . The aim is to reduce that particular species population to a specific number or only those with specific traits. They are literal nets that are designed to prevent sharks from getting near humans. This is evident in the poultry industry, where almost half of the chickens that hatch are usually male. The state's shark control policy has captured over 5,000 turtles, 1,014 dolphins, nearly 700 dugongs and 120 whales, all of which are federally protected marine species. . The culling of animals is also beneficial in helping to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem. Use of colored and striped swimwear and equipment. Dr Daniel Bucher from Southern Cross University told the ABC: "Great whites are a threatened species and the existing population is already low. Consuming sharks will increase the level of mercury you ingest which will in turn increase your risk of neurological disorders, autism, infertility, Coronary heart disease or even death. People think sharks are vicious beast that mean to eat and kill humans but they have benefits that the whole world uses everyday! There has been strong opposition to the policy, including from one man who vandalised Premier Colin Barnetts office. Without sparrows, the locusts and pests destroyed a lot of grain, contributing to the Great Famine of China that killed millions of people. Check out our guide. You would have to kill a lot of sharks to create the level of depletion needed to result in a measurable drop in the risk to humans". Valerie Taylor is a competitive spear fisher turned shark conservationist who is adamantly opposed to shark culling and the methods used. But males cant lay eggs, and they also cant be sold for meat because of their small sizes. The Canadian seal hunt is another example. The RSPCA does not support killing sharks as a response to shark incidents involving humans. There is also the financial cost of installation and personnel to monitor the nets for bycatch. Though we all feel that way about losing our close friends and relatives, would it be a rational decision? Whats more, 65% of the shark attacks that occurred in New South Wales were at beaches that had nets installed. [36] Queensland Fisheries Minister John McVeigh has described the longevity of the netting and drum line program as being "a good indicator that it had the support of most Queenslanders". [22][21][11][39][40][70][71][72][73], The Sea Shepherd group said, "Politicians responsible for the shark cull policy have displayed an unwillingness to explore other shark mitigation strategies". "Sharks keep oceans and reefs healthy," Banks said. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. It was later discovered that the flying fox was the chief agent of pollination for more than half of the islands plant life. As a result, the government started culling them. Sharks have existed for over 450 million years, and there's a reason for that. [12] During the same 30-year period, 2,211 turtles, 8,448 rays, and 2,310 dolphins were killed. Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2022. Intensively farmed animals like poultry and pigs also play a big role in the growth of virulent diseases like swine flu and avian influenza (H5N1). 21-year-old Sarah Kate Whiley was attacked by as many as three sharks in Rainbow Channel. As a result, the population of cats increased significantly. This led to the termination of the three-year program afteronly three months. Without this, it is estimated that the number of elephants would have increased to 80,000 by 2020, leading to mass starvation of both the elephants and other animals. Apart from harming unrelated species, culling may also have worse ecological consequences that may affect humans. Marketers of a range of the products claim on their websites to have tested their efficacy, however the results range from working "some of the time" to "only on particular sharks" or "temporarily". Before culling is done, it is important to consider the economic benefits of the exercise. [21] Sixty-five percent of shark attacks in New South Wales occurred at netted beaches. But in KwaZulu-Natal, hundreds of harmless sharks - as well as turtles, dolphins and rays - still meet an untimely death every year as a result of the 28 kilometers of shark nets installed by KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board (KZNSB). At first, things went well, and the population of feral cats started going down. They also scavenge, clearing the water of decomposing debris. CONS: Can not be everywhere at once, possible visibility issues when water clarity is not ideal, financial cost of hiring aircraft and/or personnel to conduct surveillance, water-users may ignore warnings. Those with undesirable traits are culled, allowing farmers to drive profitability. CONS: Further testing needed, including to see if large fish and non-target marine life are picked up by the buoys. China has taken a 'dramatic' lead in critical technologies used for military power, report says, Former minister takes 'absolute responsibility' for Robodebt, admits defending scheme despite knowing it could be unlawful, Aussies collapse in dramatic fashion to be all out for 197, MP Monique Ryan and chief of staff Sally Rugg fail to settle dispute after four-week mediation, 'Sickening, callous and brazen': Sydney man dies in hail of bullets in front of 12yo son, Evelyn worked three jobs when she was in her 20s to build up her super. "[46] Runion authorities currently kill about 100 sharks per year. Sharks have gained an identity of the vengeful. In addition, culling disturbs marine ecosystems and affects protected and vulnerable species including the targeted great white shark and non-target species such as . The Premier says such behaviour has damaged the standing of the environmental movement. THE ABC reports that commercial fishermen in Western Australia are hesitant to tender for work on the states controversial shark cull because of concerns for their safety. "[35], About 360 baited drum lines have been placed off the coast of Queensland, including 78 along the Sunshine Coast, 54 near Townsville, 27 near Mackay and 38 near Cairns. Marketed as 'eco friendly' having become artificial habitats for marine life. Shark Culling Facts. Culling is also done in dairy and beef farming to improve the herd performance and quality of produce. But even then, unintended consequences can arise, which affects biodiversity. For example, in dairy farming, culling is important because it helps determine the cows economic performance. "[17], A drum line is an unmanned aquatic trap used to lure and capture large sharks using baited hookssome (such as those in Queensland) are designed to kill sharks. Dairy and beef farming to improve the herd performance and quality of produce reefs,! 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