Based on Lionel Shriver's 2003 bestseller of the same name, Lynne Ramsay's 2011 film explores a broken family, mental illness, and the aftermath of a tragedy. She frames Eva's discomfort against overjoyed mothers showing off their baby bumps in a pre-natal yoga class. ", As with any book-to-film adaptation, some of the nuances were lost in translation. Eva always wanted a daughter, and as her attention moves from Kevin, he becomes more and more begrudging towards his sister. Apparently even before he began to talk, Kevin made a vow to punish Eva for her feelings. Maternal ambivalence turns into filial antagonism, colouring her perception of him as inherently evil. Kevin's killings, meanwhile, are the absent, invisible center of Ramsay's film. This is also true of Eva, but we see the conflict in her about her son's mental state. ROHAN: Since Jentorra and most of her freedom fighters make it out alive, have you heard anything about coming back for more Quantum Realm adventures down the line? When Eva dips her whole face in a basin of water, her face turns into Kevin's. Unfortunately, Eva either doesnt know or refuses to know what a more meaningful relationship with her son would look like; thus when their dinner begins with her asking him how school is going, Kevin immediately shuts her down, offering up a clichd mother/son dialogue full of rote questions and deadened responses. Crypto Because children are normally associated with innocence, creepy children are a tried concept in horror films. Ramsay improves on Shriver's portrait of a mother with an honesty that leaves us thinking about Eva long after the credits roll. to revoke its approval of the two main drugs used for medication abortion in the United States. Ramsay builds on Shriver's idea of internalised blame with how Eva sees herself following the tragedy. We also did a lot of blue screen work before, which really helps with the imagination. Jake Martin, visit our special Oscars season blog, Movie Minister. The mistake would be to take the film apart and try to reconnect the pieces in chronological order. The second is Kevin's bedroom. To rate, slide your finger across the stars from left to right. Neither parent punishes him or seeks outside help, leaving him to his own devices. It is good to be more sensitive to the plights of children in general. Psychology Today describes the "nature vs. nurture" debate as questioning how both elements impact a person's characteristics. Her public perception is unlikely to change, but Eva appears firm in her choice to stick around for Kevin's sake. Privacy Policy. But it's also pretty surface level. We Need to Talk About Kevin : r/books. There are two really great examples of this: the first is the bow. Therefore, the sense of clothing provides a link between the otherwise antagonistic mother and son. In the next sequence, he appears in a loose white shirt. Not that she has a ton of options she struggles to find work and be accepted by those around her. So we must find our Grace in the minuscule, and it is in these brief moments of consolation, these shafts of light under the door, that Kevin provides the deft sucker punch to the, by now, standard narrative benchmarks of despair, emptiness and futility which permeate contemporary film. So, I'm personally glad that they distanced that part of the thing from this character, but there was so little overlap that - There's only seven comic books, I think, that have Jentorra in them - that we really did seem to have a lot more freedom to kind of create a fully new character for this. When he breaks his arm? Haunted by the past, Eva's memories are triggered by sounds, objects and everyday minutiae. Kevin abused his mother because she developed a relationship with him where he could have honest interactions with her if he did. A demon seed. While Eva and Franklin argue over the accident, Kevin taunts his mother by peeling a litchi, with a smug look on his face. Kevin was not necessarily abused or tortured as a child, many kids endure much worse and did not end up as mass killers. But when he just sits there frowning, she expresses real disgust towards him. From the beginning, Eva is detached from motherhood. I'd be happy to see what they come up with, but, they have more of the understanding of the wildness of the world that they're building. Eva, in turn, becomes more protective of Celia. She lives with the guilt of what her son did, on top of the guilt of knowing she did nothing about the various warning signs. Community Guidelines | What is lupus, an autoimmune disease diagnosed in Selena Gomez causing her weight gain? The film loops in time, proceeding mostly chronologically, with some dips forward and backward. He doesn't have the emotional capacity to have a disturbed son, and so has decided that he doesn't and that's the end of it. Yet it is in those infrequent instances of relief, conversion and mercy that the film finds its identity and direction. In an ordinary movie, there would be scenes in classrooms, meetings with counselors, heart-to-heart discussions between the parents. This is why, in the final scene, he no longer knows why he performed the massacre. She obviously feels complicit and takes on the role of communal scapegoat as a way to expiate her own guilt as well as to grieve the loss of her family. The sci-fi adventure opens in theaters on Feb. 17, 2023. Author Lionel Shriver on her early writing, politics, essential reading list and persevering out of 'sheer spite'. The non-linear approach makes the somewhat inevitable events more powerful and though Miller is effective as Kevin, younger actor Newell actually impressed me even more. His reply: "You don't want to kill your audience.". It's a cyclical pattern, making it impossible to hold just one person accountable for everything. We Need to Talk About Kevin. Maybe everything else is intended to be a flashback, and the timeline begins when she finds out what Kevin did at his high school. Kevin was never the apple of his mothers eye, which he realized from early childhood. We see it perfectly after he blinds Celia - Eva attempts to confront him about what he's done, and he sits chewing a water chestnut to impress the image of plucking out an eye on Eva, just to watch the horror on her face. ROHAN: You have a few scenes with Kathryn Newton, who is playing Cassie, in the film. Rated R As a baby and toddler, he is merely colicky, irritating and would try the patience of a saint. It's so convincing that it has the opposite effect on us, convincing us of her innocence and her son's innate evil - how could someone so pitiful, so sorrowful, so emotionally sensitive be responsible for the development of a totally psychopathic mind? When Eva goes to meet Kevin in the detention center, she asks him the same question. All Rights Reserved. Jokes are fine, but don't post tactless/inappropriate ones. One may ask how one of the main instincts of every living thing, the need to reproduce, could be frightful. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Swinton told me of a line in the script that wasn't used, wisely, I believe. Though Ramsay does away with Eva as a first-person narrator in the film, she still retains Eva's point-of-view throughout. Don't post randomness/off-topic comments. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. The film ends with the emotionally blank mother visiting her son on the second anniversary of his crimes, just before he's transferred to an adult prison. This cycle is beautifully written and acted by Swinton, so much that you can't help but empathize with her despite her own assurances that every drop of blood her son ever spilt is on her hands, an image weaved throughout the movie. Her body can't absorb more punishment. For instance, post-partum depression similar to hers is very common and probably didn't do as much damage as she ascribes to it. There are two really great examples of this: the first is the bow. While Eva is shown throughout the film to be indifferent toward her son, Kevin's actions are fueled by his desire to spite her. There seems to be almost no form of abuse she is not willing to take as belonging to her for what has happened. This turns out to be some sort of annual Italian tomato festival, but the image is disturbing. This model of motherhood so deeply rooted as it is in the biological doesnt leave much room for aberration, such that any rejection by the child becomes an indictment of the mothers entire existence. Eva repeatedly tries and fails to create a bond with her son according to traditional societal expectations. The film depicts him as a psychopath beyond redemption. We see it in her bond with the more amiable Celia. For mothers always seem to be on trial. Ambivalent toward motherhood, Eva struggles to care about her increasingly cruel son, Kevin (Ezra Miller). We gather she didn't want to get pregnant, isn't sure why she's married, is a mother who tries to mask hostility with superficial kindness. Also read:Author Lionel Shriver on her early writing, politics, essential reading list and persevering out of 'sheer spite'. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina . It's no secret that We Need to Talk about Kevin is intended to challenge your assumptions about the people we think of as "evil." Or maybe I'm somehow getting it mixed up with another film! Indeed, one of. Go. He is pursuing a Licentiate in Sacred Theology at Heythrop College in London. SPOILERS AHEAD. and our Helmed by Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay based on the Orange Prize-winning eponymous 2003 novel by Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin is a jarring, erratic, and sometimes profoundly disturbing 2011 psychological thriller that creates an uncanny place in the viewers mind. Finally. He's positive, cheerful, disconnected; he always behaves as nicely as he can, and in doing so, suggests his profound cluelessness. Moving back and forth in time, the narrative revolves around a picture-perfect American family, but as the story progresses, we see cracks in the familial structure. He grows into a spiteful toddler, refusing to say "mommy" and egging on her frustrations. In a fit of rage at Kevin's soiling his diapers (at 7), Eva throws him down and breaks his arm. In this one, it is Kevin's triumph. Starring: Tilda Swinton, Ezra Miller, John C. Reilly. A lawsuit could force the F.D.A. But Eva is incapable of showing him the love that he deserves, even after trying her best. The real monster is expecting nothing less than unconditional love. When asked about the film adaptation in an interview with The Guardian, Shriver said her biggest concern was if they'd be able to "capture the quality of the slightly unreliable narrator and the ambiguity over who is to blame. That's a deeply human tale, and it calls to us, and I think that's why I see takes on the movie saying that it even encourages the viewer to think evil is in our nature and is immutable. Near the top of the list of the worst movies to watch on Mother's Day is "We Need to Talk About Kevin." The movie we see is her collecting every horrible interaction she ever had with her son and putting it under the umbrella of "things I did," because the only way she can cope with the insanity of what her son did is by fitting it to a narrative where she's responsible. ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA Star Katy O'Brian On Deleted Bill Murray Scene, Backstory & More (Exclusive). The colour red is a recurring motif in the film. She sits in a blank daze in the hospital room. Don't get in arguments with people here, or start long discussions. Only with her because his father was at work whole day and saw his son for like an hour a day. Does Eva's open contempt for Kevin drive him to darkness? "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is a movie adaptation of Lionel Shriver's novel with the same title. Mimicking the cyclical nature of trauma, the shot repeats in the climax, where Eva discovers the slain bodies of her husband and daughter. However, just the neglect of his mother would not amount to the cathartic finale. Where do you think Jentorra's story goes next? Home | Powered by VIP. It may not strike one as something extraordinary, but one needs to understand that Kevins mind is wired differently. We Need to Talk About Kevin is already playing in NYC; it opens today in LA, Chicago, Houston and Phoenix and is rolling out nationwide. Putting herself through a painful process of introspection, she revisits moments from well before Kevin's birth to the eventual tragedy. All of the performances are secondary to an urgently compelling narrative that is both agonizing to witness and impossible to look away from. His final act of brutality a school massacre in addition to murdering his father and sister destroys any semblance of normalcy for Eva. A flashback, from long before Kevin was born, shows Eva at La Tomatina, celebrating with the crowd. Trademark | Eva Khatchadourian, a former travelogue writer, lives in a rundown shack in an American suburb and goes to meet her son. Eva rushes to the school to see Kevin getting arrested. otakucode 11 yr. ago Alienated from friends and community, all she has left is her son. Kevin is a story of hope for a new millennium, an It's a Wonderful Life in the age of school shootings and planes crashing into buildings -- a world-weary world that has been bombarded by nihilistic themes in their narratives for the better part of a century. Nicoletta Vallorani in her essay Of women and children: Bad mothers as rough heroes, reads a Biblical metaphor into We Need to Talk About Kevin. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She asks Kevin why he didn't kill her. Three days before his 16th birthday, Kevin Khatchadourian (Ezra Miller) kills several students, a teacher and a cafeteria worker in his high school gymnasium. However, we dont really know why Kevin kills his family. It was a really short moment, and then yeah, I would have loved to have had some interaction with Janet, but that wasn't even in there. Or to put it differently, Ramsay more or less stays true to the novel's somewhat callow and, at times, hysterical approach to the rich questions of maternal doubt. Or did Kevin turned this way because she messed him up from the very birth. Directed by Peyton Reed and produced by Kevin Feige, p.g.a. She makes one feel her strung to the breaking point tension in scene after scene. Together, with Hopes parents Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), and Scotts daughter Cassie Lang (Kathryn Newton), the family finds themselves exploring the Quantum Realm, interacting with strange new creatures and embarking on an adventure that will push them beyond the limits of what they thought possible. After you see the film, think about it. Eva has spent the events of the film in deep introspection, coming to terms with the fact that she was an abusive mother, and at least some of what happened grew out of that. We had a lot more time to prepare for the character, had a lot more time to delve into the script and the role wasn't just like, you know, here's four pages, learn it by tonight, you know? Will she continue living in their hometown, where she's harassed by locals who blame her for the deaths? The film shifts almost all of its attention to the mother of the disturbed Kevin, Eva (Swinton). So, I think it'd be really cool to explore that either in future Quantum Realm stuff or if somehow I got sucked out into the surface world or something, any of that would be fun. It asks, "who is to blame when something horrific happens?". Is Kevin a sociopath or a psychopath, then? At first glance, it would seem that Kevin is yet another installment in the pantheon of post-modern films intent upon assaulting the human desire to give meaning to the world. Read on for our full interview with Katy O'Brianand please remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for exclusive content! We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver plays with the deepest fears of the majority of people. The condition causes loss of the ability to understand or express speech. I watched this film several years ago and decided today I'd watch it again as I really enjoyed it the first time round! Although the act is enhanced through visual obscurity and concealment, we get the idea that Kevin kills a few of his classmates in the locked auditorium. Watch Indie Spirit Stars Suggest Indie Gems You Must Watch Right Now. Read More: Best Movies About Mental Illness. Years later, the birth of her daughter Celia, on the other hand, feels more festive. You've got Braveheart, which it kind of has a similar feeling to. I have the feeling that this film, by entering Eva's mind, sees only what has been battering her down for 16 years. He can't understand her, but don't you suppose he understands her dislike? It's why vandals paint Evas house in red, and neighbours take out their anger on her. Maybe he is subtly telling others that his mother does not take care of him. KatyO'Brian (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. With Franklin there is no conflict. The woman sits up in alarm and shakes the MAN. Kevins reaction is an indictment of both Eva and audiences expectations and their desire for his complicity in perpetrating the fraud. Written by Julia Wolf. Those trucks have the new UPS logo, where if the time-frame is correct, the trucks would have had the old logo of a stringed parcel above the UPS Shield. Eva is entirely bound by the expectations of a culture that fetishizes the mommy and insists upon a particular quality and dynamic in order for relationships to be healthy and normative. Last March, Bruce Willis family said his aphasia had affected his cognitive abilities. Did your prior experience help prepare you for some of what to expect on Quantumania? Kevin does not play ball, and he becomes increasingly manipulative. At one point, she mockingly coos at him, "Mommy was happy before little Kevin came along. There are several red flags in the movie that indicates Kevins volatile dispositions, but an accurate diagnosis is not possible. Not sure I get the fuss about this one. Directed by: Lynne Ramsay. We see this throughout Kevin's early developmental journey. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined. Motherhood was therefore intended as a punishment.. Not here. We see Kevin as a troubled kid who may need greater care. By contrast with Elephant's oddly diffident lyricism, We Need To Talk About Kevin's expressionistic naturalism has a roiling, post-traumatic nonlinearity. Eva is attempting to play the part of mommy as defined by popular culture; the cooing, gooey, all-encompassing ubiquitousness to her child. The most plausible answer is that Kevin killed the family to hurt his mother. it's difficult to accept why Eva keeps visiting her son in jail, at one point even asking why he did it. She created a relationship which encouraged him to act out as horribly as possible to get the most honest reactions from her, because she only ever showed him her real emotions when she was disgusted. And I really am curious as to how she's handling a society of ultra-intelligent ants that basically flooded her world. He answers, I used to think I knew why, and now Im not so sure. This small act of hesitant humility is followed by Kevins embrace of his mother which can only be likened to the embrace received by that infamous scriptural progeny upon his arrival home. This in turn completely undermines the husband/wife dynamic. The real horror in the movie is society's dogmatic conception of motherhood, and the pressure to live up to it. He's aware of her feelings toward him, and throughout the film, points them out. In We Need to Talk about Kevin, Eva is literally on trial for parental negligence. Rated the #74 best film of 2011, and #5264 in the greatest all-time movies (according to RYM users). The novel by Lionel Shriver relates the story through a series of letters Eva writes to her husband Franklin. Left to pick up the pieces is his mother, Eva (Tilda Swinton). edition that "We Need to Talk About Kevin" asks an explicit question, "Yet I hope that this question is no more resolved in the book than crude oppositions like 'nature vs. nurture' are ever reconciled in real life.". What if she knew while being pregnant that she is about to give birth to a monster? Kevin grows a liking for the fictional character of Robin Hood, and his father gifts him a bow and arrow. But we can safely assume that Kevin did not literally eat the eyeball. Kevin is neither rational nor articulate enough to identify his desire, that is, to have an authentic and fully realized relationship with his mother. Children seldom get that attention, though. Votes are used to help determine the most interesting content on RYM. Franklin and Kevin have no special connections like that, and Franklin appropriates Eva's so that he can have something manly to do with his son. Of course, that mental illness is presumed by viewers. Her husband Franklin (John C. Reilly) dismisses her concerns and uproots their bustling city life for a quiet home in the suburbs. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. When his father is around, Kevin behaves like a charming and enthusiastic kid. Because Kevin is infallible to Franklin, he's also incapable of needing help, and as a result Franklin seems to have no respect to any sort of danger to his son, even giving a disturbed young man a lethal weapon just for fun on his fifteenth birthday - something that could even be considered an act in direct defiance of the reality of his son's deteriorating mental state, or even a dare. Film finds its identity and direction some sort of annual Italian tomato,. Her perception of him when his father was at work whole day and saw his son like! The most plausible answer is that Kevin killed the family to hurt mother... 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