[26] Implicitly challenging the reader that they have never heard of some of these people, Vitruvius goes on and predicts that some of these individuals will be forgotten and their works lost, while other, less deserving political characters of history will be forever remembered with pageantry. Vitruvius is famous for asserting in his book De architectura that a structure must exhibit the three qualities of firmitatis, utilitatis, venustatis that is, stability, utility, and beauty. He originated the idea that all buildings should have three attributes: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas ("strength", "utility", and "beauty"). It is called resiliency, scalability, and security. The earliest evidence of use of the stereographic projection in a machine is in De architectura, which describes an anaphoric clock (it is presumed, a clepsydra or water clock) in Alexandria. The topics range across many fields of expertise reflecting that in Roman times as today construction is a diverse field. Thus, Sir Henry Wottons sequence (which is normally used in English-language texts) does not, as so often stated, derive directly from the Latin text of Vitruvius but from the Italian text of Palladios I quattro libri dellarchitettura (i.e., comodit, perpetuit, bellezza). Firmness or physical strength secured the building's structural Mary Corbin Sies and Christopher Silver (1996). Furthermore, it has been argued that the traditional concept of firmitas, utilitas, and venustas ceased to have any real value after 1800, when engineers began creating structures that seemed so ostentatiously to defy the stonemasons laws of gravity, when scientific studies were creating more and more doubts as to the economical, sociological, psychological, acoustical, thermal, or optical determinants of appropriate spatial accommodation and when beauty was altogether in the eye of the beholder.. AU $83.75. (or the "reforms" of the Gracchi in the 130s) and culminating in the civil war of . Vitruvius also mentioned the several automatons Ctesibius invented, and intended for amusement and pleasure rather than serving a useful function. Vitruvius gives these terms in the sequence firmitas, utilitas, venustas, whereas both Alberti and, following him, the 16th-century Venetian architect and theorist Andrea Palladio reverse the order of the first two. Three motives may be imputed to Vitruvius in his articulation of the three 'clas- Publius Minidius is also written as Publius Numidicus and Publius Numidius, speculated as the same Publius Numisius inscribed on the Roman Theatre at Heraclea. It was a device widely used for raising water to irrigate fields and drain mines. In the last resort, however, some concept of beauty must be essential to any theory of architecture, and, whether one considers Le Corbusiers buildings beautiful or not, his most stabilizing contribution toward the theory of modern architecture was undoubtedly his constant reiteration of this term and his insistence on the traditional view that beauty in architecture is essentially based on harmonious proportions, mathematically conceived. The locations where he served can be reconstructed from, for example, descriptions of the building methods of various "foreign tribes". Vitruvius was very much of this type, a fact reflected in De architectura. In the first book Vitruvius discusses the education of the architect, aesthetic and technical principles, elements of architecture, the siting of the town, fortifications, streets, and placing of its principal buildings. [6][7] His ambivalence on domestic architecture is most clearly read in the opening paragraph of the Introduction to Book 6. Utility provided an efficient 2009. John Shute had drawn on the text as early as 1563 for his book The First and Chief Grounds of Architecture. As we already mentioned, Firmitas means the need for structural integrity. Illustrated Architecture Book, a city-wide festival marking the He also advises on using a type of regulator to control the heat in the hot rooms, a bronze disc set into the roof under a circular aperture which could be raised or lowered by a pulley to adjust the ventilation. Of course, you can gauge the importance of usefulness by witnessing all the program types buildings can acquire hospital, school, house, office. These names vary depending on the edition of De architectura. Tries to point out how wise he is - tries to reach elite. These principles were later widely adopted in Roman . Dinocrates wanted to carve an image of Alexander to build a city. Vitruvius's description of Roman aqueduct construction is short, but mentions key details especially for the way they were surveyed, and the careful choice of materials needed. In Book I, Chapter 3 (The Departments of Architecture), Vitruvius divides architecture into three branches, namely; building; the construction of sundials and water clocks;[30] and the design and use of machines in construction and warfare. They were essential in all building operations, but especially in aqueduct construction, where a uniform gradient was important to the provision of a regular supply of water without damage to the walls of the channel. Shane is a writer of art and architecture at KUKUN and the founder/creative director of The Architect Laughs Last, a collaborative design group based in Los Angeles. As a practising engineer, Vitruvius must be speaking from personal experience rather than simply describing the works of others. The ten books or scrolls are organized as follows: De architectura Ten Books on Architecture. Architects base their practiceon many standards. [16] A legion that fits the same sequence of locations is the Legio VI Ferrata, of which ballista would be an auxiliary unit. While Vitruvius is fulsome in his descriptions of religious buildings, infrastructure and machinery, he gives a mixed message on domestic architecture. Sear, Frank B. Remains of the water wheels used for lifting water have been discovered in old mines such as those at Rio Tinto in Spain and Dolaucothi in west Wales. L ucy Shoe Meritt shared a passion for the study of ancient architecture with the Roman ar-ichitect Vitruvius. and 'intrinsic' gaps or inconsistencies that constitute the kernels of values that resist paraphrase, caption, or explanation. Classical orders and architectural elements such as columns, pilasters, pediments, entablatures, arches, and domes form the vocabulary of Renaissance buildings. Venustas (beauty) is a buildings relationship to its contexts standard of aesthetics. This included many aspects that may seem irrelevant to modern eyes, ranging from mathematics to astronomy, meteorology, and medicine. "Vitruvian Paradigms". "The Articulation of the House". fairly widespread among Romans. The Vitruvian Triad influenced the construction of buildings. building: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas. Henry Wotton, a seventeenth century translator, firmness, commodity, Their functions are not described, but they are both made in bronze, just as Vitruvius specified. publication of the first illustrated book on architecture, the Fra His discussion of perfect proportion in architecture and the human body led to the famous Renaissance drawing of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci. A 1684 depiction of Vitruvius (right) presenting, Lists of names given in Book VII Introduction. In addition, a number of individuals are known to have read the text or have been indirectly influenced by it, including: Vussin, Hrabanus Maurus, Hermann of Reichenau, Hugo of St. Victor, Gervase of Melkey, William of Malmesbury, Theoderich of St. Trond, Petrus Diaconus, Albertus Magnus, Filippo Villani, Jean de Montreuil, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Giovanni de Dondi, Domenico di Bandino, Niccol Acciaioli bequeathed copy to the Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence, Bernward of Hildesheim, and Thomas Aquinas. He also advised using a type of regulator to control the heat in the hot rooms, a bronze disc set into the roof under a circular aperture, which could be raised or lowered by a pulley to adjust the ventilation. This analysis ensures that any building is built to serve only a specific purpose. Some examples are consistent fonts, input elements, a well-executed flow for user interaction, or a striking, eye-catching layout. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. In addition, Vitruvius' main contributions to the history of architectural theory include (1) his canonical account of the classical orders (Books III and IV), and (2) identification of three principles of architecture, firmitas, utilitas , venustas, conventionally translated as structural integrity, utility, and beauty; or ( per Wotton 1624) In 1896, Louis Sullivan interpreted the concept of usefulness in architecture with his famous statement, Form follows function. He wrote this while considering the near future of skyscrapers. popular manuals, records of the University's physical development, It is speculated that Vitruvius served with Caesar's chief engineer Lucius Cornelius Balbus.[10]. the opening of the new Special Collections Research Center Exhibition Renaissance architects, such as Niccoli, Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti, found in De architectura their rationale for raising their branch of knowledge to a scientific discipline as well as emphasising the skills of the artisan. Dinocrates and Alexander. This is yet another important concept introduced by Roman architects in building designs. View arc181 annotated bibliography entries.pdf from ARC 181 at University of Toronto. The original illustrations had been lost and the first illustrated edition was published in Venice in 1511 by Fra Giovanni Giocondo, with woodcut illustrations based on descriptions in the text. Boechat, E.M.B. It cannot have any exit for easy escape. For example, when one designs a hospital, he or she curates a plan, complete with emergency exits and faster routes for doctors arrive promptly when an emergency arises. Vitruvius sought to address the ethos of architecture, declaring that quality depends on the social relevance of the artist's work, not on the form or workmanship of the work itself. On the other hand, the practical advantages, in academic treatises, of giving priority to venustas are evident. Every enclosed structure should serve the purpose of usage. External radiation therapy planning is a highly complex and tedious process as it involves treating large target volumes, prescribing several levels of doses, as well as avoiding irradiating critical structures such as organs at risk close to the tumor target. Vitruvius related the famous story about Archimedes and his detection of adulterated gold in a royal crown. [20] The only building, however, that we know Vitruvius to have worked on is one he tells us about,[21] a basilica completed in 19 BC. options are on the right side and top of the page. (This activity of finding and recopying classical manuscripts is part of what is called the Carolingian Renaissance.) Some say this is due to the increase in mass production. a set of problems related to the 'extrinsic' realities of architecture (ecology, building technologies, etc.) Numerous such massive structures occur across the former empire, a testament to the power of Roman engineering. Theory is the result of that reasoning which demonstrates and explains that the material wrought has been so converted as to answer the end proposed. Though not indicative of sea-level change, or speculation of such, during the later-empire many Roman ports suffered from what contemporary writers described as 'silting'. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Vitruvius is the first Roman architect to have written surviving records of his field. The concept of symmetry as comprehended by Vitruvius differs from the contemporary notion associated with this term. This element can be made apparent in the use of an attractive building or flooring materials. This Morris Hicky Morgan, 1960), Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 02:01, Ricerche sulla storia e sul diritto publico di Roma, "Classical Sources, Greek and Roman Esthetics Reading: The Grand Tour Reader; Vitruvius Background: Life of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 9020 BC)", "Works that pre-date 1900 Firmness, Commodity, and Delight The University of Chicago Library", "Vitruvius Basilica in Fano, Italy, journey through the virtual space of the reconstructed memory", "Vitruvius' basilica at Fano: the drawings of a lost building from, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1028&context=libraryscience, "Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture", "LacusCurtius Vitruvius on Architecture Book I", "LacusCurtius Vitruvius on Architecture Book III", "Architectura Les livres d'Architecture", "LacusCurtius Vitruvius de Architectura Liber Primus", http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~wulfric/vitruve/, An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius, Leonardo da Vincis Vitruvian man as an algorithm for the approximation of the squaring of the circle, Discussion of the inventions of Vitruvius, Online Galleries, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries, digital scans in high resolution of 73 editions of Vitruvius from 1497 to 1909, Werner Oechslin Library, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vitruvius&oldid=1138866632, The siege and massacre of the 40,000 residents at, Danielle Barbaro, includes illustration by, Bill Thayer transcription of the Gwilt 1826 Edition, Thomas Gordon Smith, The Monacelli Press (5 January 2004), B. Baldwin, "The Date, Identity, and Career of Vitruvius". Other lifting machines mentioned in De architectura include the endless chain of buckets and the reverse overshot water-wheel. In later years, when the value of proportion and ornament became highly controversial, architectural theorists tended to avoid committing themselves to any criteria that might be subsumed under the heading venustas. mechanical systems to meet the functional needs of its occupants. One can also gauge the extent of Firmitas by examining the age of a building. Myus, the third city, is described as being "long ago engulfed by the water, and its sacred rites and suffrage". But Guadets approach became unfashionable, and since the 1960s the predominant methods of teaching architectural theory have ranged from a return to the synthesis of structural, spatial, and formal values espoused by Robert Venturi to the exploration of the architectural implications of general theories of linguistics advanced by Christian Norberg-Schulz. The constant need to dredge ports became a heavy burden on the treasury and some have speculated that this expense significantly contributed to the eventual collapse of the empire. Vitruvius cites many authorities throughout the text, often praising Greek architects for their development of temple building and the orders (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian), and providing key accounts of the origins of building in the primitive hut. It was a device widely used for raising water to irrigate fields and dewater mines. Vitruvius, The Ten Books On Architecture by Vitruvius Pollio. He also developed one of the first odometers, consisting of a wheel of known circumference that dropped a pebble into a container on every rotation. And the one that has perhaps best stood the test of time is his three criteria for a piece of architecture. Again,you cannot apply this same principle while designing a prison. Press. His description of aqueduct construction includes the way they are surveyed, and the careful choice of materials needed, although Frontinus (a general who was appointed in the late 1st century AD to administer the many aqueducts of Rome), writing a century later, gives much more detail of the practical problems involved in their construction and maintenance. The English architect Inigo Jones and the Frenchman Salomon de Caus were among the first to re-evaluate and implement those disciplines that Vitruvius considered a necessary element of architecture: arts and sciences based upon number and proportion. One was found at Calleva Atrebatum (Roman Silchester) in England, and another is on display at the British Museum. The position of the camp, the direction of the entrenchments, the inspection of the tents or huts of the soldiers and the baggage were comprehended in his province. The first known Latin printed edition was by Fra Giovanni Sulpitius in Rome, 1486. According to Petri Liukkonen, this text "influenced deeply from the Early Renaissance onwards artists, thinkers, and architects, among them Leon Battista Alberti (14041472), Leonardo da Vinci (14521519), and Michelangelo (14751564). This element can be made apparent in the use of an attractive building or. The remains were discovered when these mines were reopened in modern mining attempts. 161 Likes, 0 Comments - Studio 3 Designs (@s3d_india) on Instagram: "A playful use of colors enhance different elements of the canteen block. Both pulchritudo and ornamentum were thus related to function and environment in that, ideally, they were governed by a sense of decorum, and, since the etymological roots of both decoration and decorum are the same, it will be understood why, before 1750, the term decoration had in both English and French a far less superficial architectural implication than it often does today. [6] Marcus Cetius Faventinus writes of "Vitruvius Polio aliique auctores"; this can be read as "Vitruvius Polio, and others" or, less likely, as "Vitruvius, Polio, and others". The work is important for its descriptions of the many different machines used for engineering structures such as hoists, cranes and pulleys, as well as war machines such as catapults, ballistae, and siege engines. Morris Hicky Morgan. Vitruvius' De architectura was widely copied in the Middle Ages and survives in many dozens of manuscripts[5] though in 1414 it was "rediscovered" by the Florentine humanist Poggio Bracciolini in the library of Saint Gall Abbey. Vitruvius Architectures Golden Rules: The Vitruvian Triad, Some of the best neighborhoods in D.C. to live in, The best living room chair for back pain and sciatica, The safest and the best neighborhoods in Chattanooga, Some of the best neighborhoods in the Bronx for you, Best robotic pool cleaners for a sparkling pool, Some of the safest, best neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, Best neighborhoods in Manhattan, NYC, to live in, Signs of Speculation Emerge in the Home Flipping Market, A guide on some of the best neighborhoods in Richmond VA, 8 Questions to Ask an Architect to Find the Best Match. In Roman times architecture was a broader subject than at present including the modern fields of architecture, construction management, construction engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, military engineering and urban planning;[17] architectural engineers consider him the first of their discipline, a specialization previously known as technical architecture. Copyright 2023 Kukun. He describes the construction of Archimedes' screw in Chapter X (without mentioning Archimedes by name). 1.. Others suggest that the general population grew too disinterested in architectures potential for beauty. . For instance, in Book II of De architectura, he advises architects working with bricks to familiarise themselves with pre-Socratic theories of matter so as to understand how their materials will behave. The Elements of Architecture as described by Vitruvius are Utility, Firmness and Beauty also known as Commodity, Strength and Delight The fundamental elements of greek architecture? He goes on to say that the architect should be versed in drawing, geometry, optics (lighting), history, philosophy, music, theatre, medicine, and law. Little is known about Vitruvius' life. The Dominican friar Fra Giovanni Giocondo produced the first version illustrated with woodcuts in Venice in 1511. which requires easy-to-reproduce building elements. In all matters, but particularly in architecture, there are these two points:the thing signified, and that which gives it its significance. This is because they were introduced to supplementary architectural elements such as elevators and air conditioners. To sign up, Google will share your name, email address, and profile picture with Kukun. Vitruvius mentions Massilia several times, and the siege itself in. [citation needed]. Such a site will be high, neither misty nor frosty, and in a climate neither hot nor cold, but temperate; further, without marshes in the neighbourhood. . The layout of these cities is in general from south to north so that it appears that where Myrus should be located is inland. This work is licensed under a In the preface of Book I, Vitruvius dedicates his writings to giving personal knowledge of the quality of buildings to the emperor. , wrote his thoughts on architecture. Vitruvius is the author of De architectura, libri decem, known today as The Ten Books on Architecture,[26] a treatise written in Latin on architecture, dedicated to the emperor Augustus. "Vitruvius: Building Roman Identity". His full name is sometimes given as "Marcus Vitruvius Pollio", but both the first and last names are uncertain. Vitruvius's work is one of many examples of Latin texts that owe their survival to the palace scriptorium of Charlemagne in the early 9th century. See Kukuns Terms and Privacy Policy. Morris Hickey Morgan (New York: Dover, 1917), book I, chaps. When perfecting this art of building, the Greeks invented the architectural orders: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Culture, technology and aesthetics are all connected. Over time, architects have been able to calculate with greater levels of exactitude the expected life spans of their buildings. This second edition includes the iconic frontispiece illustration by French artist Charles Eisen. (Spector (2001) structures his book around Vitruvius's three elements.) After the German philosopher and educator Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten had introduced the neologism aesthetics about 1750, the visual merits of all artifacts tended to be assessed more subjectively than objectively, and, in the criticism of all those sensory stimuli that, for want of a better term, critics somewhat indiscriminately lumped together as the fine arts, the visual criteria were extended to include not only beauty but also sublimity, picturesqueness, and even ugliness. Prometh. His book would have been of assistance to Frontinus, a general who was appointed in the late 1st century AD to administer the many aqueducts of Rome. 2. Vitruvius also described the construction of sundials and water clocks, and the use of an aeolipile (the first steam engine) as an experiment to demonstrate the nature of atmospheric air movements (wind). [10][11] These observations only indicate the extent of silting and soil rebound affecting coastline change since the writing of De architectura. Click anywhere in the Practice and theory are its parents. Vitruvius outlined the many innovations made in building design to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. Vitruvius' writings also influenced the Renaissance definition of beauty in architecture. Techne (as calles by ancient Greeks) is the craft of building and includes: Building technology, communication of building intent, construction methods and materials of construction. Likewise, Vitruvius cites Ctesibius of Alexandria and Archimedes for their inventions, Aristoxenus (Aristotle's apprentice) for music, Agatharchus for theatre, and Varro for architecture. the art and science of designing and constructing buildings is. style, proportion, and visual beauty. Having been asked to investigate the suspected adulteration of the gold used to make a crown, Archimedes realised that the crown's volume could be measured exactly by its displacement of water, and ran into the street with the cry of Eureka! Just so the parts of Temples should correspond with each other, and with the whole. the aesthetic quality associated with the goddess Venus, imparted [citation needed] The Rio Tinto wheel is now shown in the British Museum, and the Dolaucothi specimen in the National Museum of Wales. He mentioned its use for supplying fountains above a reservoir, although a more mundane use might be as a simple fire engine. Vitruvius was very much of this type, a fact reflected in De architectura. [22] It was built at Fanum Fortunae, now the modern town of Fano. The term theory of architecture was originally simply the accepted translation of the Latin term ratiocinatio as used by Vitruvius, a Roman architect-engineer of the 1st century ce, to differentiate intellectual from practical knowledge in architectural education, but it has come to signify the total basis for judging the merits of buildings or In Book IV Chapter 1 Subsection 4 of De architectura is a description of 13 Athenian cities in Asia Minor, "the land of Caria", in present-day Turkey. Concrete and lime receive in-depth descriptions. Finally comes Venustus, which means that a building should be beautiful. Vitruvius is clearly a well-read man. Vitruvius makes the point that the work of some of the most talented is unknown, while many of those of lesser talent but greater political position are famous. a set of problems related to the 'extrinsic' realities of architecture (ecology, building technologies, etc.) [1] He originated the idea that all buildings should have three attributes: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas ("strength", "utility", and "beauty"). The 16th-century architect Palladio considered Vitruvius his master and guide, and made some drawings based on his work before conceiving his own architectural precepts. In the 20th century the main obstacle to an acceptance of Albertis notions of pulchritudo and ornamentum resulted from the influence of nonrepresentational sculpture after 1918, whereby ornament was no longer conceived as an enrichment of proportioned structure but as an integral, all-pervading part of each buildings totality. The Roman author gives advice on the qualifications of an architect (Book I) and on types of architectural drawing.[5]. This included many aspects that may seem irrelevant to modern eyes, ranging from mathematics to astronomy, meteorology, and medicine. If this is the case, then since the writing of De architectura, the region has experienced either soil rebound or a sea-level fall. This further attests to the importance of one of the three major claims of Vitruvius architecture. During the height of the Ancient Roman civilization, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, otherwise known as Vitruvius. Thisnotable work is commonly known as Vitruvius architecture, which he had penned down in his Ten Books. Vitruvius' writings also influenced the Renaissance definition of beauty in architecture. [35], In the introduction to book seven, Vitruvius goes to great lengths to present why he is qualified to write De Architectura. Od. First comes the choice of a very healthy site. papers of urban planners, postcards and ephemera, photographs, and Leon Battista Alberti published it in his seminal treatise on architecture, De re aedificatoria (c. 1450). Jacques-Franois Blondel, in his nine-volume Cours darchitecture (177177; Architecture Course), used this sequence because he observed that considerations of decoration are almost entirely within the domain of the theory of architecture, whereas neither distribution (utilitas) nor construction (firmitas) can be explained properly without practical experience. The Etruscans were considerable builders in stone, wood and other materials of temples, houses, tombs and city walls, as well as bridges and roads. Similar constructions dated from the 1st to 3rd centuries have been found in Salzburg and northeastern France, so such mechanisms were, it is presumed,[by whom?] All rights reserved. [31][32] He further divides building into public and private. Architects base their practiceon many standards. the arts of building and design. [3], Whether De architectura was written by one author or is a compilation completed by subsequent librarians and copyists, remains an open question. The navel is naturally placed in the centre of the human body, and, if in a man lying with his face upward, and his hands and feet extended, from his navel as the centre, a circle be described, it will touch his fingers and toes. Current location in this text. Fire - ceramics . The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center. Though the original illustrations have been lost, the first illustrated edition was published in Venice in 1511 by Fra Giovanni Giocondo, with woodcut illustrations based on descriptions in the text. Similar to a modern reference section, the author's position as one who is knowledgeable and educated is established. Important exceptions can be found to this generalization. He advised that lead should not be used to conduct drinking water, clay pipes being preferred. During the height of the Ancient Roman civilization, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, otherwise known as Vitruvius, wrote his thoughts on architecture.This notable work is commonly known as 'Vitruvius architecture', which he had penned down in his Ten Books. He who is theoretic as well as practical, is therefore doubly armed; able not only to prove the propriety of his design, but equally so to carry it into execution.[29]. Nichols, Marden Fitzpatrick. Distinction between the history and theory of architecture, Distinction between the theory of architecture and the theory of art, Commodity, firmness, and delight: the ultimate synthesis, Woman-made: 8 Architects You May Not Know, 5 Historically Significant Houses in Germany, Everything in Art and Design (Part One) Quiz. Roman architects were skilled in engineering, art, and craftsmanship combined. Flavius Vegetius Renatus (390 BC). The surviving ruins of Roman antiquity, the Roman Forum, temples, theatres, triumphal arches and their reliefs and statues offered visual examples of the descriptions in the Vitruvian text. Elements. of adulterated gold in a royal crown position as one who knowledgeable. Beauty in architecture, otherwise known as Vitruvius architecture, which he had penned in! Building designs l ucy Shoe Meritt shared a passion for the study of ancient architecture with the.! Invented, and another is on display at the British Museum to point out wise. From personal experience rather than simply describing the works of others a passion for study! Specific purpose study of ancient architecture with the Roman ar-ichitect Vitruvius a reservoir, although a more mundane might. Manuscripts is part of what is called resiliency, scalability, and profile picture with Kukun power! L ucy Shoe Meritt shared a passion for the study of vitruvius three elements of architecture architecture the! 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