How can the firm use opinion leaders to help its PRO LINE Round Savers thrive? Masimo SET Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion pulse oximetry, introduced in 1995, has been shown in over 100 independent and objective studies to outperform other pulse oximetry technologies. - More interested people are typically better able to explain their reasons for being liberal or conservative. - Most people rely on a wide range of considerations to form opinions. There are 23 Gen X senators, up from 16 in the 115th Congress. Ironclad Oath: Was never passed, but would have required all northerners to forgive the southern states that seceded from the Union, Wade-Davis Bill: Revealed a split in the Republican Party over how to go about reconstructing the Union. Slave-catchers New rates cover an association's necessary and reasonable operating expenses. a president who has a good understanding of public policy. The proximity of the Confederacy's capital to the North In the House, nearly two-thirds of representatives (64%) have a graduate degree. Why was the election of 1860 so contentious? Dred Scott filed a lawsuit claiming that he was a free man. The Sand Creek Massacre c.) According to the graphic, which of the following are ways in which error can be introduced into the surveying process? The share of women in Congress remains farbelow their sharein the country as a whole (28% vs. 51%). c.) k=11k2\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k^{\sqrt{2}}} a.) b.) - People are far more conservative now than they were previously. The Black Hills gold rush, Consider the following statement:"What! Missourians who fraudulently voted in Kansas elections )African Americans were the logical choice to participate in the war against slavery. Consider the following statement:"Slavery is a moral evil. Subsecs. Young women had few employment options and could be paid a very low wage. The Senate gained just one new female member:Republican Katie Britt, who became the first elected woman senator from Alabama. a.) c.) Anger over the results of the election reflected the democratic political changes taking place in the 1820s. The sampling error or margin of error is determined by the size of the sample, Introduction to American Politics Chapter 6 P, Chapter 13. d.) Divine mission They believed it didn't address the issue of slavery. d.) We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourse/ves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". a. the market value of the shares to be issued. Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true? The 118th Congress achieved a variety of demographic milestones when its members took office in January. Incorrect Ans: They provided legal protection for anyone arrested under the Fugitive Slave Act. The Battle of Little Bighorn a single executive who can respond quickly to crises. Incorrect Ans: the number of members that are part of the minority groups is increasing. a.) There is no middle ground. b.) Radical Republicans: Opposed any efforts to provide former slaves with civil rights or protection a method for adopting a constitutional amendment. The attack on Fort Sumter Q. Question 34. Correct Ans: According to traits with single-gene dominant-recessive inheritance, which statement accurately predicts the likely hair characteristics of Barrett and Bonnies offspring? d.) Correct Ans: c.) ", Which of the following statements best reflects Eric Foner's interpretation of the Reconstruction? After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763 which made the colonists angry because. d.) Which statement accurately reflects changes in congress? c.) Law-breakers Divine mission - their political background Why did the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots emphasize that Abraham Franklin "was a quiet, inoffensive man, 23 years of age, of unexceptionable character, and a member of Zion African Church in this city"? - Respondents' gender strongly predicts feelings on whether or not abortions for any reason are OK. c.) b. Each person within the specified population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent. The dollar return is a more useful measure to compare performance because it more accurately reflects the change in wealth of the investor. While younger generations have increased their representation in Congress, older generations still account for the largest share of lawmakers across both chambers. The immense size of the South Results of the American Revolution. A. b. - the sample size - 24257202. morgeron7341 morgeron7341 07/19/2021 History College answered expert verified . About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. They simply cannot stay here as equals. b.) - participating in a political campaign. In 2021, about 6% of U.S. adults were veterans, according to the U.S. Census Bureau down from 18% in 1980, not long after the end of the military draft era. Which statement accurately explains the influence of heritability on human traits and characteristics? b.) Free African Americans Knights of the White Camelia "Which of the following principles or movements would the speaker most likely support?" Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, sent a female lawmaker to Capitol Hill for the first time, Nearly all members of the 118th Congress have a bachelors degree and most have a graduate degree, too, House gets younger, Senate gets older: A look at the age and generation of lawmakers in the 118th Congress, U.S. Congress continues to grow in racial, ethnic diversity, 118th Congress has a record number of women, 60% of Americans Would Be Uncomfortable With Provider Relying on AI in Their Own Health Care, The changing face of Congress in 8 charts, As Russian invasion nears one-year mark, partisans grow further apart on U.S. support for Ukraine. a.) Why did slavery nonetheless continue to flourish in the South? Far fewer members of Congress now have personal military experience than in the past. By comparison, when the 79th Congress took office in 1945, non-White lawmakers represented just1% of the House and Senate combined. They wanted to show how many victims of the riots were upstanding individuals, targeted for no other reason than the color of their skin. - A minority of people think that the government is run for the benefit of all people. Free women cannot sit idly by while their African sisters are in chains. d.) Thomas Jefferson and James Madison proposed that states could nullify a federal law if it threatened state sovereignty. Abolitionists c.)The consequences of failure were overwhelmingly dire. There have not been any openly transgender members to date. "It is time to reject traditional ties to Great Britain's institutions and create our own denominations.". c.) Suppose that an October 2020 election poll of 1,000 people indicated that 49 percent of voters favored Joe Biden and 51 percent of voters favored Donald Trump, with a 2 percent margin of error. b.) The Sand Creek Massacre - The process through which political beliefs are shaped by other people and the surrounding culture. c.) On which issue is an average American most likely to give an accurate opinion? The statement that accurately reflects George Washington's role as commander of the Continental Army is "He endured terrible hardships with his men and won a great victory at Yorktown." In the Revolutionary War years, the Continental Congress named George Washington Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. - Most people have a range of opinions-some are well formed, and others are formed on the spot, - The extent to which the public wants gov action on a specific issues. a.) Republicans; Congress, Which of the following was an advantage for the Union in the Civil War? Another 22 members (5%) do not have a degree. a.) Greater political unity among states, Which of the following was an advantage for the Confederacy in the Civil War? In the 118th Congress, 94% of House members and all but one senator have a bachelors degree or more education. d. Correct Ans: the direct election of members of Congress. Which of the following are ways that social groups shape opinions? Slavery is a positive good because it helps an inferior race. Choose the statement that best explains why Richard Nixon represented a significant challenge to the Democratic Party in the 1968 presidential election. Here are eight charts that show how the profile of Congress has changed over time, using historical data from CQ Roll Call, the Congressional Research Service and other sources. Totalitarianism is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high if not complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life. Our enemies may accuse us of striving to stir up the slaves to revenge but their accusations are false, and made only to excite the prejudices of the whites, and to destroy our influence. Senators are often concerned with issues that affect the entire country, such as. The Senate did not have more than three women serving at any point until the 102nd Congress, which began in 1991. answer choices. Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French. Sharecropping was an economic burden for women after the Civil War. c.) Southerners began to abandon their Free-Soil positions and threatened to leave the Union. Correct Ans: This includes two senators and 11 members of the House of Representatives. a.) b. b.) African Americans were the logical choice to participate in the war against slavery. Which of the following accurately summarizes the different purposes of the First and the Second Continental Congresses? Given the importance of political environment in shaping political views, which policy area below might someone feel is more important if they grew up during the war on terror? In the excerpt from Frederick Douglass' 1863 speech, "Men of Color, To Arms!," what does he mean by "the arm of the slave was the best defense against the arm of the slaveholder?" "Which of the following principles or movements would the speaker most likely support? Conspiracies of revolt in major southern cities What did the personal liberty laws passed in several northern states after the Compromise of 1850 accomplish? Feigning ignorance and cultural adaptations "All people are created equal, and must have equal rights in everything, regardless of their race." In the sentence below, write the correct past or past participle form of the verb in parentheses above the verb. Question 7 3 pts Which of the following statements accurately reflect scientific skepticism and climate change denial: Scientific skepticism states doubt but allows for the possibility to be convinced. By comparison, when the 79th Congress took office in 1945, non-White lawmakers . - an opinion about whether the capital gains tax should be increased. The Constitution was a contract between sovereign states that could be ended at any time. - Rasmussen used a computer script. "Compared to the working poor in Europe, American slaves live and work in superior conditions.". c.) "Union Leagues and other organizations taught African Americans to hate white Southerners. The number ofwomen in Congressis at an all-time high. Northerners who condemned the physical attack in Congress on Charles Sumner Baby Boomers (who are between the ages of 59 and 77 this year) make up 45% of the Houses voting membership, in addition to 66 of the 100 senators. - Ideological polarization is high. White Southerners (2003)? a. By Alexa Ura and Carla Astudillo Published: Jan. 11, 2021. b. Which of the following practices led in part to the creation of Jay's Treaty between the United States and Great Britain in 1794? Union Leagues Correct Ans: A slave owner blaming northern abolitionists for slave rebellions the South, d.)A slave owner blaming northern abolitionists for slave rebellions the South, Which element of Manifest Destiny is reflected in the following statement? The television, as well as the radio, _____ news about the big fire. Together, these lawmakers make upa quarter of Congress, including 28% of the House of Representatives and 12% of the Senate. Presidential Reconstruction d.) Roughly similar shares of current representatives (18.4%) and senators (17%) have served in the military. answer choices. The majority of my people are Muslim, which created t ensions early on with our Christian oppressors. )They provided legal protection for anyone arrested under the Fugitive Slave Act. If survey respondents are hiding their true preferences about race from the interviewer, what is the survey suffering from? Separate Spheres Ideology - People tend not to think about political issues before being asked. C. The United States acquired almost all of Mexico's northern territories west of the Rio Grande. They believed it didn't give southern states equal representation. Correct Ans: The boundary between Canada and the United States in the Oregon Territory is settled. Once ratified, it became the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. C. The United States admits Texas to the Union. Civilians hostile to the Northern army which statement accurately reflects changes in congress. While discussing the irregularity of her menstrual cycles with her doctor, Lasha learned that yo-yo dieting and resulting weight gain and loss is likely causing her unpredictable periods. Among current senators, 78 have at least one graduate degree. a.) John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry - Digital Oral Presentation on APOLLO-CD Phase 2a primary and secondary results to be presented on March 3 r d- - Oral Presentation on ARTEMIS-UC Phase 2 primary and secondary endpoint data from Cohort 1 to be presented on March 4 th-. Better manufacturing capacity, b. "The Constitution should be interpreted such that Congress has any rights not explicitly withheld." b.) Why did Radical Republicans disapprove of Presidential Reconstruction? Which of the following are true about latent opinions? African Americans deserved to seek retaliation for their continuous enslavement. Slaves wanted to defend the Union against Confederate attacks in the North. A food-based agricultural economy Which statement accurately reflects the activity of lobbying by interest groups? Congressional Reconstruction. 30 seconds. Safety valve, Which element of Manifest Destiny is reflected in the following statement? By adding stocks to your portfolio, it is possible to . Activist policy mood Which of the following statements are correct regarding the relationship between group identity and attitudes on the issue of abortion? Government policy _______ to public opinion; public opinion ______ to government policy. Which document was designed to "secure the Blessings of Liberty"? - Respondents answer the way they think they are supposed to, rather than answering honestly. "Reconstruction was significant for expanding the authority and purpose of the federal government, which adopted policies that considered equal rights for all races in America. The United States forced women in the South to work in factories. Promotes safe, efficient, and reliable pilotage service on the Great Lakes. Based on the infographic, we would conclude that using a ______ sample, along with several other key decisions, made ________ results more reliable. d.) Most favor a mix of liberal and conservative issue positions. A. White supremacy a.) Which statement accurately reflects the nature of American public opinion? They prevented free blacks and escaped slaves from competing economically with whites. Step 2. The Abolitionist Movement "The development of the west is a great way to ease the economic tensions in the east." Small differences in survey wording can have big differences in results, Given that politicians, journalists, and political scientists try to find out what the American people think, it is evident that, public opinion is relevant to American politics. "Put all these facts together and one gets a clear idea, not of the failure of Negro suffrage in the South, but of the basic difficulty which it encountered." Turner would have viewed abolitionists as doing more harm to his cause than good. "The peoples of the west will be better off with American culture and progress." It marked the end of the Free Soil Party. b.) A manufacturing-based economy c.) Still, Christians share in Congress is greater than their proportion of the broader American public. The Second Great Awakening contributed to the rise of militant abolitionism. )The Constitution was a contract between sovereign states that could be ended at any time. The Senate now has three Millennial members, up from one the first ever to be elected in the last Congress. After 1808, slaves could no longer buy their freedom, and free southern blacks were forced into slavery. There have not been any openly transgender members to date. )Pro-slavery mobs attacked and burned public buildings and settlers' homes. Which statement accurately reflects leadership? answer choices. d.) Anger over the results of the election reflected the democratic political changes taking place in the 1820s. Pro-slavery mobs attacked and burned public buildings and settlers' homes. Start Preamble AGENCY: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Labor. The Free Soil Party ran its first candidate for President. Female abolitionists If a trait such as shyness has a heritability estimate of 0.40, this suggests__________, Behavior geneticists estimate the heritability of intelligence to be about __________, suggesting __________% of the variation in IQ scores is attributable to genetics, __________ twins are a result of one fertilized egg splitting in two, Fraternal, or __________ twins, and siblings have __________ of their genes in common, Stacy is excited about her future career options. 1. - Most people rely on only one or two considerations when forming opinions. They wanted to show that free blacks deserved the same social and economic opportunities as white Europeans. Citizenship for all people born in the United States, d.)Citizenship for all people born in the United States, Which of the following groups was responsible for assassinating a U.S. congressman and three state congressmen during Reconstruction? It was left to the federal government to decide. While relatively few members of Congress today have military experience, an even smaller share of Americans do. )Wealthy, influential white Americans who viewed blacks as biologically inferior. The ability to issue war bonds Which of the following statements about surveys and samples is correct? a) growth in the size and power of government _____, or providing information supporting their policy positions to legislators, is a visible role played by interest groups. Carpet baggers Economic support from Europe The Thirteenth Amendment It was completely legal. By 1854, a new political party emerged focused on limiting the spread of __________ into __________." This proposed amendment to an appropriation bill would have outlawed slavery in any territories acquired from Mexico. Wade-Davis Bill: Revealed a split in the Republican Party over how to go about reconstructing the Union Then, circle the word or words it modifies. U.S. Army Conservative policy mood The approximately 200 people who died during the extended period of violence in "Bleeding Kansas", b. Nearly all findings in this analysis are based on voting members of Congress and exclude nonvoting members. Lincoln was not included on the ballot in several southern states. Which of the following statements about considerations are correct? ", a. "Once free, slaves should be sent to Liberia. Milestones for each unit and the file milestone quiz with answers which statement accurately reflects reasons why the government adopted containment as foreign. - At that time, 53 percent of the population supported Biden and 47 percent supported Trump. d.) Ku Klux Klan Which statement accurately reflects how changes in nutrition and health patterns have impacted patterns of height around the world over the last century? Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century? There is no middle ground. Which developments most led to changes in the level of presidential power during the 20th century. Most slaves wanted to leave the United States after being emancipated. Quiz Grade 2. There were at least 470 Christian lawmakers in each of the last eight Congresses, and the number exceeded 500 in 1970. The Republican Party was established. Why did the Committee of Merchants for the Relief of Colored People Suffering from the Late Riots emphasize that "[James] Costello was a shoemaker, an active man in his businessindustrious and sober?" They believed it was too lenient on the southern states. slavery; western territories Incorrect Ans: Because cell phone usage is so widespread, polling people who use landlines is an effective way of getting a random sample. The executive committee of the Faculty Senate saw the referendum results as vindication of the Senate's previous two no-confidence votes in Sloan's . Ratified by ratification conventions in three-fourths of the states. an electoral college in the selection of the president. The Battle of Little Bighorn, Which of the following events resulted in the establishment of a reservation for the Lakota tribe in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory? In a perennial takeaway of The Texas Tribune's demographic analysis, the Texas Legislature remains mostly white and male. Given the debate on nature-nurture, which, Due to __________, males are at greater risk of developing genetically based problems such as learning and intellectual abilities. - Respondents with the highest level of income are more supportive of abortion for any reason than respondents with the lowest level of income. a) genes influence the kind of environment humans experience. "Which of the following principles or movements would the speaker most likely support? Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Thomas Jefferson? b.) c.)An antislavery majority in Congress could harm the South's economy. Generation Z is now represented in the national legislature, while Vermont sent a female lawmaker to Capitol Hill for the first time. The Seneca Falls Convention The Black Codes In contrast to initial . Most abolitionists only supported emancipation, not equal rights for African Americans. Capitalism Just as in the previous Congress, four states Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire and Washington have all-female Senate delegations. Inthe 112th Congress of 2011-12, just four members all representatives identified as gay or lesbian, and none as bisexual. b.) Which of the following justifications did southern states give for secession? The Seneca Falls Convention, Consider the following statement:"Women like the Grimk sisters ought to effect change not through public campaigns, but by raising young and supporting their husbands. - At that time, 50 percent of the population supported Biden and 50 percent supported Trump. Congress passes a law that severely restricts hostile takeovers. - politicians. Correct Ans: Prior to the Compromise of 1850, what was the legal status of slavery under California's state constitution? Why were attempted slave rebellions so rare? which statement describe an unwritten . Turner would have agreed with Garrison's call for a nonviolent movement to end slavery. Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was. The current Congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse ever. Which statement about the Emancipation Proclamation is true? The expanded use of executive actions to combat economic crises. Note: This is an update to a post originally published on Feb. 2, 2017. The following graphic compares Americans' beliefs over time about whether or not the government is wasteful and inefficient or is run for the benefit of all people. a.) b.) b. identify political leaders. "Reconstruction failed because free blacks and poor whites did not work together to overcome the wealthy plantation owners who had profited from slavery." The educational attainment of members of Congress far outpaces that of the U.S. adult population. )He felt obliged to fully support African-American soldiers in the Union army since he decided to allow them to enlist. B.The First 2,937 results, page 18 d.) d.) Non-Hispanic White Americans account for 75% of voting members in the new Congress, considerably more than their 59% share of the U.S. population. c.) Look for all the types of phrases you have learned about. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Government is a process of decision making conditioned by all of the following except a. the people. The analysis of women in Congress, however, is based on nonvoting as well as voting members. ", d.)"Reconstruction was significant for expanding the authority and purpose of the federal government, which adopted policies that considered equal rights for all races in America. The Treaty of Fort Laramie The position of a leader is always assigned. Blacks must live and work freely beside their white neighbors and compatriots." What is one way that the newly drafted Constitution reflected the principles of republicanism? d.) c.) Gradual emancipation was instituted in 1808 in the South to help its economy transition away from slavery. "We want a form of government that will protect the rights of all its subjects.". )Participants in movements characteristic of the Second Great Awakening, like temperance. 518.210.3877. which statement accurately reflects changes in congress?anthony ryan patterson wife Northern Cross Vineyard Easy Quiz 2. AIUSA, 2021; Clinton, 2009; Ganzer, 2014; Nolan, 1997; Stohl, 2010; Waltz, 2007).Since the 1970s, US law has required the government to take into account whether an arms export would 'increase the . Based on the data, which of the following statements about people's trust in government are accurate? Lincoln believed Black soldiers should serve as apprentices until they gained military experience. d.) a.) A two-thirds vote in both houses of U.S. Congress. a. plants. c. the book value of the shares to be issued. Skip to document. Which of the following statements about slave resistance is true? A dominant portfolio is one that has the highest risk and highest return within a set of portfolios. - Most people have a range of opinions-some are well formed, and others are formed on the spot. a.) a.) - important events Which of the following quotations represents most Americans' attitudes toward deference by the 1820s? - Most people have preformed opinions. Earth Sciences questions and answers. (This includes six nonvoting House members who represent the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, four of whom are women.). It led to violent conflicts on the floor of the Senate. b.) The dollar return is a more useful measure to compare performance because it more accurately reflects the change in wealth of the investor. changes in the structure of Congress changes in the Constitution. A.The First Continental Congress was held to write new laws for the colonies, while the Second Continental Congress implemented those laws. By comparison, LGB Americans make up 6.5% of the U.S. adult population overall, according toa 2021 Gallup survey. - By drawing on considerations, people are able to articulate stable policy positions. a president is most likely to use an executive order to implement a new policy when: congress refuses to pass laws the president supports. c. A leader carries a legitimate source of power. Across both legislative chambers, 5% of lawmakers, or 29 members, are part of the Silent Generation, down from 14%, or 61 members, in the 115th Congress at the start of 2017. The war ended with the death of Robert E. Lee. Britt, who became the Thirteenth amendment it was left to the Compromise of 1850 accomplish form opinions of,! Agricultural economy which statement accurately predicts the likely hair characteristics of Barrett and Bonnies offspring greater their... 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