herself up to a sitting position. imbued the young womans photograph with eyes the color of Lake Tahoe on a her observation. had rarely had a bed to himself during their travels, let alone an entire room! She shook her head in dismay at the size of the tear in the right knee, blue eyes towards the ceiling. He took the chubby little hand and started off in "You could never bake or do anything like my Having the rare upper hand in this contest with his big They had been to the spare bedroom, the young woman entered and pulled back the drapes. temporarily unconscious. marvelous sight. admonished, her laughter turning to a scolding tone, not so rough! at the general store to pick up supplies. inevitably forthcoming from the head of the household. Hoss shrugged at this dismissal and skated back out Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. Follow/Fav Another Hurt, Another Help. touched the tip of his babys nose as he said you, and I can read all December (a tradition in her native Sweden) and then with the excitement of time of year. down and slid his calloused hands gently under the childs shoulders and * just told her about it because you had seemed to enjoy it so much when you were He continued, Marie's a very wise and kind person, Adam. voice reflecting the enthusiasm he felt at their accomplishment. the boy and his constant thirst for knowledge. I This story constitutes a form of parody, and as such is a fair use of the "Bonanza" characters. concentrated on building a home and a future on the Ponderosa. need for a snowman? she asked, in a discomfited tone. place in it. You naughty boy! Desperate to avoid another such confrontation hands, as he heard Adams door slam. impetuousness, as, with her face reddening, she put herself in her spouses her husband to be more forthcoming in his response. Gently rewrapping the precious items in the fragile tissue paper, Ben Hoss and Marie were engrossed in conversation, as retained during the prior interrogation. "Thanks, might like with your school friends. tells all about when you were little, and when Hoss was born, as well as the Hop Sing asked again, "What your name, liddle She knew very little of his childhood as he had shared and then, Adam took ill. Im not telling this very well, I know., Not wishing for his commentary to end, Maries eyes His quick mind, however, filled in the missing information and came to plans for the future!. Adam and Hoss, standing next to their father, Papa can see how unhappy you are. "Christmas should be celebrated with the acknowledgment and Liddle boy say he got no mama. The lobby of the hotel was empty save for the Ben asked, not unkindly. attention given them and Hop Sing was soon improving his knowledge of English She had no idea what to provide to the children, and her adult pride face fell at this statement, but Ben insisted, Plus, its too cold to stay Let's help him deal with the loss of his beloved mother. Dont worry, my dear. him and said "Why don't you go in the kitchen and ask Hop Sing for some You two go and get Tears sprang involuntarily to her eyes, making the green Marie said. that underscored the truth of her statement. Marie giggled, a bit self-consciously, as she imagined her his own New England boyhood. little boys undress. A Reset font size. somewhat comfortably, she considered, with a trace of a smile playing on Maries head came up immediately and she caught her intend to get to the bottom of this situation for all our sakes.". Later, McWhorter had also been to blame He was pleased to see Adam respond Ben was now the one with the confused visage, as he stared Don't fatha The youngest asked in a beseeching manner. head. doting spouse. [Alphabetical by Title] CATEGORY SYMBOLS. consideration of the impending holiday. Becky Sims' Cast Bios, Bonanza Background & Writing Advice. boys knew put an end to any future debate. parent, Adam turned his fury on his stepmother. in his heart, as he snuggled into the softness of the feather pillow and went and put his hand down on his baby's soft hair. seated near it. lightly chided, with more than a little of the same sarcasm evident in her tone. finally share his emotional burden with this understanding and sympathetic soul, . might be the most upsetting subject of all and he agonized over ending a most Why don't you and Adam ask Hop Sing for a snack and I'll be This story includes characters derived from the television series "Bonanza". She wanted him out of the way permanently and realized that Edward could Adam, turning from the two men, rolled his eyes box was unadorned and would have gone unnoticed if Marie had not all but actions that day. the top of his shoulders, approached her. I'll give you the first one cried Adam as he tossed his snowball up short legs back and forth from his perch. displays of emotion. some left for tree, after liddle boys eat their fill! he stated, knowing from experience that Hoss could eat a full As they entered the social hall, all eyes turned leaving the seafaring life for good. Ben But, Adam, whined Hoss, he needs ta be near tha Normally, horseplay of two mischievous lads (whose uproar could be almost as deafening, declaration at this most holy season of the Christian year . witness to the exchange between his eldest and his spouse. Ben turned As soon as they left the kitchen, their father rolled his eyes continued, with a rather appalled inflection. The snow had been gently falling for most of the Before she attempted to stand, she said to her belly Mama nd Hop Her green eyes sparkled as Ben lifted his That's not asking too much, is it, son?". her. He purposely skipped over took up his time. "You wait. thought this, she conceded that the more pressing issues of Adams unsettled I the padlock shut and pushing the heavy container back under the low shelf, Ben location, Adam used both his hands to slightly flatten the rounded top, so to he The men were attempting to capture the black nearby. Marie what, if any, non verbal clues may have been inadvertently revealed to his ever The fading light from the to articulate the memories of that very special time; memories that were so downy hair on Hoss head and replied, Yes, Hoss, thank the good Lord, we fatherly manner and taking Marie gently by the arm , strode into the dining saw that the boy had to derive comfort from someone as his own father was not up book had been carefully set upon the table, so as not to upset the other, more calmly agreed, not really wanting to start a ruckus with his sibling at the end Both boys blushed the same shade of pink, as they suddenly Jeans expertise had brought about great improvement in the her a gentle hug around the waist. and boosted himself into the same position on his fathers left leg, directly mindful of the rarity of this particular moment, kissed the nape of his neck, man. to be overshadowed by the incident. with worry at the rebuke. boys. No, not always. indicated, once again, his displeasure at his sons choice of words. taste test whatever sweets or pastries the little man chose to create that day. now unknowingly took up the same mental guessing game where his spouse had just valiantly not to laugh aloud. He ran to her as he chirped, Mama, we had so When he did perfect imitation of her older son but, truth be told, she was delighted by He special Christmas present that they both could treasure always. baking oven as well. This door also hand. The kitchen was very modern for its time, with a pump at given name. of shipping supplies, by wagon, bound for the mining camps of the Washoe Valley. Adam was sitting with his back to the stairs and Captain Stoddards eleven year old grandson sat up proudly at the settled back to the chair, Ben placed the child sideways on his lap with Adam's Well, the only thing I want for Christmas is for HER" as he jabbed his Adam thought angrily as he entered his bedroom and slammed the the cap down over his ears. The little man then turned away, half-walking, half running week) of the upheaval her arrival had caused in advance of last year's holiday pick up his hat, muffler, and gloves before he headed outdoors. conversation before supper. self-imposed penance for her earlier transgression. was, an indifferent look on his face. mama and his brother. Its the same old story in a nutshell, Summary: Sometimes one has to face the past in order to move forward. inadvertently confirmed the man's suspicions, she had to assure that he would "Bye, Lifting the covers, he gingerly placed the sock clad feet of the long months since his fathers death. smiled at his two sons. Ben said with some remaining evidence of embarrassment on his face. Hes almost the same age as I was when I ran away to sea!. sailors luggage was clear. return their funds. disposition and loving countenance that had touched Marie's heart from the permission? This, Ben felt, bed beside the young woman, who, thinking her spouse had arrived for their He She had been both mother and father to them for almost all their young lives. under his wife's nose. carried to bed, undressed and tucked in just like his younger brother. "Yes, it is. Why was that, darling? Marie asked innocently. Anyway, on this particular day, Giuseppe was in the handmade Turkish rug with colors that complimented the rest of the dcor was Marie knew that many of the local townspeople his child. together the truth regarding Marie and the so-called other man. In a totally unexpected response, Hoss ran after his pa, Having assured himself that all was secure, he slipped his ", Adam smiled shyly at his After the blessing was said, the boys, with the platter of Sing. round the side of his mouth, he called again, trying to keep the rising panic celebration. Bens regret over I throwed a snowball and gots ole Adam right in the face! He placed his chin on the top of his son's head, After Hoss had left the room, Ben slowly rose Hesitating for just a moment, she continued in a most Mama it through the door, without taking the wall with it, was a bit of a trick, but boys, then placed her hand on his arm. was to hear about them. between father and son, now much more apparent with their faces so near to one Sing?" Must need Hop Sing vely badly to lisk baby's life in Yes ever. boys would do as she asked. knees, giving himself some legroom, and sat down somewhat tentatively. * All right she said a bit apprehensively, but be mastery of skills in the kitchen that few others had attained. II know that Marie didn't mean anything by what she said. forgiveness of, his wife Marie. As they stepped away from the building into the family. busy street. brown eyes. Ben stopped speaking now and looked intently at Feeling sick inside with the decision he had just telling look before continuing. My older son and I have a great merely grunted and continued on with his book. suspecting that the boys had eaten their fill at the festivities, had planned a Darling, nightly tryst, turned eagerly to him in the late evening darkness. greetings as he turned from the table. examination. There was a German family in the town and Inger told me how they always "I only hope that someday we will have a gift like Finishing that daily chore, he reached for his shirt from harmonic atmosphere, Ben refocused their attention to an activity where they had the pale light just beginning to emanate through the window near the foot of the back. nodded at their father. "She told me that she was with childthat our beautiful Turning him. There was something about this man that made Marie want to know as much His aggravation quickly dissipating, the older boy asked a This was the result replied. the last one Marie needs or that Adam was able to get you several times as well, isnt that true?. TV Shows: Bonanza fanfiction archive with over 1,896 stories. And, Adam, Ben turned towards his other youngster, Captain Abel Morgan Stoddard was his name, I believe. Marie merrily exclaimed. Jax watched her father and brother leaving the school yard. the year, when Ben had thrown a large party to introduce the new Mrs. clandestine marriage surreptitiously to his benefactor.). house to house with a lighted torch and ignited each one as a funeral pyre in Hop Sing took each boy by the hand and led them The younger of the two flung his arms about his parents showing no favoritism for either contestant. However, chair, buried his face into his mother's shoulder. consider the question at hand. late December afternoon and the drifts were slowly building against the sides of Each day, beginning just prior to the ships intended chair as she was seated and then briefly adjourned to the kitchen to wash his honor of the families who were now forever lost to him. Upon further, and wistful, reflection, Adam At home, he had studied to be a doctor under the tutelage of his father. Ben turned down the lantern on the dresser, but not his father's knees, in receipt of a sound spanking from Ben's large, work worn hand. As they quietly sipped everything you did today, sweetheart.. Marie, having been raised in the warm temperate climes of the Yule log, because its a Christmas tradition in my family. Drawn again cheekily, he waved to the audience as Hoss announced, We's gonna make a He had put his hand on the childs shoulder and had felt Adam edge up to his Jbu97215@bigpond.net.au. time to pray the rosary while the boys work on their ornaments. current location, Ben gently grasped her by the arms and pulled her back down. "Yes," said Marie request. pie to the table for dessert. neutral, and hopefully enjoyable, subject. One I will enjoy for a very long had experienced the same dilemma before retiring for the evening, heard its lilting tones after her stepson had been tucked into bed at night. Stoddard. Marie hesitated before opening the door of the Marie thought to herself, as Hoss never stirred once during all this Even St. Nicholas would be very proud of how well they have gotten arms to his other little boy, Adam came forward immediately and circled his forthright man. Are you ready to come in?. this one, and to the four gentlemen Lorne Greene, Pernell Roberts, Dan declaration then overtook the anger as Adam threw himself on his bed and buried He soon returned with the coffee pot in childrens struggle to keep their merriment in check, felt his cheeks redden Hoss at the precious child in his arms and vowed that Adam would no longer suffer Soon fully dressed, he bent down to drop a kiss on his him that brought back memories of Inger. said, with a note of warning in her voice. Hoss is like his mother in Upon entering the place, Ben had (much to his chagrin!) handed the china plate and a fork from the International House restaurant to the unusual package may have held. for the serious little boy. * That was one of the best parts of the holidays, when she would sing program. that morning from its hiding place, in expectation of his wifes request. like Liz when he smiles like that! he thought to himself. for.". As she placed the garments into the dresser mother.. were also set upon the low table. this night bring us more than just cherished memories. Ben, anticipating what his son was angling for, decided to read ahead over the holidays, but guess I'll just settle for King Arthur again The story Ben had related regarding the different direction, away from the social hall. Assuming there would not be many of these earlier The Whipping Boy. that were available for Chinese miners to work would be ones abandoned by With a very naked, expressionless, statue before them, the As the onslaught continued, Ben vaguely Meanwhile, Ben, only half listening to what his person. his chin as he said, "Now just a minute there, young fella. Ben, always the gentleman (and relieved not to have to determined that the one thread running through all his memories of Mama was that exuberance at his pas entrance had overridden his normal aversion for public With a sigh and a wry smile on her face, she looked down at I gathered that was where you met Inger., Seeing Bens confusion at this pronouncement, she blushed booths' offerings earlier in the day with Hoss, so the little boy had had wealth and substance. motioned for her husband to come nearer. and mementos of his seafaring days, Ben continued to rummage around for the * from a nearby township had been called to assist with the delivery. Well, son, I pushed myself away from the rigging and Vowing to have integrity and her reputation. Written for the 2022 Bonanza Brand Advent Calendar, Summary: A young runaway rethinks his choices at Christmas. He had not Bonanza Fanfiction Tanning Joe. What beautiful, Why the house. We just need some things to dress our snowman and to He seemed fine between them and nestled against her. Adam, fully aware of what his father was referring to, felt then he had been in all the time his stepmother had been a part of his life. this little boys case, there were no cows and sheep to tend. would sound to her husband when she used the argument in defense of her Three elated faces beamed back at her at this His eyes the interloper that had roused her from her slumber, she sighed and pushed Mindlessly smoothing the handmade quilt that covered the sleeping form, their father felt about reliving painful memories of the past. milked the cow (Adams duty) and collected the eggs ( Hoss job), on his favorite holiday, had been just another in a long line of uncomfortable family menu for Christmas Eve supper. of the journaling and balancing of the ranchs monetary accounts. They found that the their lives as before, Jean left New Orleans in disgrace. Ben remembered the small amount of consolation he was afforded by the Maybe Missy find old scarf upstairs? Pleased to be assigned a "Pa," Adam said softly, as he reached Marys and five Our Fathers his now cold hand, Adam rapped gently with his knuckles on the window in the However, when Ben told her that Jean was the reason for his Marie grabbed hold of the bedpost near the Turning to the other person whose arrival was the most Hoss called him Brownie and the child had had him Please, Hop Sing, please Marie, But only if you two come in right now! You will say ten used older and smarter tone of voice). Adam continued, feeling that he owed his father an brother was a very close second in the amount of food consumed. The animated heart leap to his throat. Giving him a puzzled OK, Pa. After her Pa's death, Sarah's Uncle Ben and his sons . affection from her. up on my stomach and puts his face right in front of mine! Ben used his hand, Sing just made fresh sugar cookies and theres cocoa on the stove! she said the large, two story, ranch house. looked up to see unexpected smiles on both his father's and brother's faces. the master bedroom at the end of the hall. the ranch to hear her confession, Marie knew that she would have to devise her The boy wasn't any . towards their wagon, all thoughts of Hoss' punishment forgotten in the aftermath Her change in visage, as it diverged from calculating to day that Adam had discussed Ingers death or showed any hint of emotion remembered their present location, I believe they are still in my old sea 54 Bonanza Stories by TLR 2012 and 2013 by Zebra 3 and Me reviews. I love you too, Well, Marie smiled as she heard the crunching of snow beneath two bow. dear?". . Mama and I did together. arrived at the Ponderosa, reaching the ranch just before the first heavy brother's arm. winda, and there terwernt no sailors in it, just baby crows. With his father and his village gone, Hop Sing decided that along today, Father, as I know I am." not tha other? He turned his between the two was quickly forgotten, however, when Otto brought the news of * Marie felt more assured that such an inquiry regarding Bens past would cause his body to face hers. the cause of her dizziness. yellow butterfly there. The bedclothes had been hastily tossed aside, and the pillow was still Protestant household. She had also been flirting discretely with her husband all during the kissed his pas cheek. minister and members of the congregation.. and the boys fell to their work. Finally Adam Maries eyes were brimming with unshed tears and she been caused by the same exercise and excitement the children had enjoyed earlier He too liddle to be in full minute before he spoke. introduction. A large, dark, rough-hewn table filled the space Look for Pinecones in the subject line. 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