Either that or entertainment. I don't like this I, that they were real people contributing solutions to the problems of each of the individual groups and that kind of peer rating system, peer assisted feedback is so much more powerful and led to so many better points than what we could have probably come up with. Nadiem: That's super interesting. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. Right. He's like, what? First, is actually coming up with problems instead of solutions. That just kind of like took off. Is it really like what do you get? What is it that you are not, what is it again that you should be sacrificing even more, so. I feel exactly the same. INTROUCTION Organizational culture means a common perception held by the organization's members. So I think that would be my one. So just to review, that one more time. But it's how far are you willing to go to kind of make that happen? Or you have to constantly experiment by default, that means you have to fail most of the time. Yeah, exactly. A for those listeners that don't know where the co founders, GOJEK and, um, I think a lot to, just to kick this off, I think a lot of people talk about short term success criteria for technology companies. And that's okay. Um, so it's very easy to kind of look at, I'll look at these valuation numbers, look up the money raised, uh, look at, you know, revenue or users or are all of these numbers which are important. It's so easy to say, you know what, it's not worth it. I mean and that's what doesn't create that long term success factor because then some of the best people under that person will just go, it will just leave or they will burn out or they become demotivated. This is infused in the way we do a goal setting. Which used to be our criteria back in the day. Yeah, very, very powerful stuff happens so you have to back it up. Nadiem: And so the, the role of leadership there, and I think that there's a point to be made about when you're talking about building bridges and breaking walls, forcing that from a top down approach also is not very effective. It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. Because the whole point about having a sustainable long term business is having a critical mass of people who can lead. We always talk about how that's a bad thing, but what, what is a more scientific way of explaining the facts of lack of motivation or lack of sense of ownership? Gojek's scope, scale, and success have given Aluwi a unique constellation of . Nadiem: Yeah. That's a bottom up leader. Nadiem: Exactly. So I think there's a big risk though here in terms of deciding what, what truly matters. The sacrifices I think are what's hard. You don't say, oh, that's not my problem. In a hyper-growth organization like GO-JEK, technology plays a vital role. They're, they're rarely, there rarely is for any kind of organizational investments. thegeneralist.substack.com. Uh, and we're all kind of just executing, right? Right. * Yeah. My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. But then where's the trade off with speed, Kevin, and it's all nice and easy to say this, but when you need to execute a light-speed, when you need to, like we said before, run during this marathon, you have to sprint during this marathon. Yup. To the point of what's sustainable. And I think in a way I think we're almost, we have a bias towards finding smart, creative, driven people. Right. Dayu Dara, co-Founder Gojek, mengatakan bahwa perusahaan gojek bertumpu pada tiga pilar yang menjadi guiding principal gojek. And I think, you know, really kind of taking a step back and thinking like how, what are the things that really matter? So when I go and say, Hey, can you do this? It's very hard to recover after that. Uh, but then at the time our structure was not appropriate for, you know, those types of. Right? However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. Gojek used technology to rewrite these rules and thereby create a huge market that would not have existed otherwise. As Gojek continues to scale, readjust, and evolve, the Workplace Management and Community Experience functions will continue to play a vital role in preserving Gojek's history and culture and maintaining a conducive work environment for our GoTroops to call home. And instead of creating very, very prescriptive, a key results, we just combine those seven metrics with some strategic themes, three of which we're discussing today in this podcast. Right? And the first one, organizational investments. Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. Either way, it makes engagement and collaboration difficult, because nobody empathises with an ideal. Because if I'm trying to impress somebody, and again to this is actually quite themanic to this discussion, uh, which is that if I'm trying to impress somebody, this shortest path towards that is to show them that I came up with these ideas and I did all of that. Mario Gabriele. Uh, I think, uh, it's easy to think that you're doing things the right way when the what is, you know, all you care about, right? Theyre often reduced to a binary absolute: The Magical Team, or the Useless team. I think one is, um, people then, um, don't think they don't think, because like, oh, my boss told me to do it right. Having the patience to listen to someone elses ideas with an open mind, especially ones you disagree with are rare. Every piece of code we ship and our efforts to make sure our customers have a better experience. Among Indonesias Top 10 Powerful Brands at Brand Asia awards. So in 2019, there's three specific strategic themes that GOJEK has that represent our longterm investments. So your value, you should be secure in the value that you are actually laying the groundwork for those people to succeed by doing things that are better than you. Ada 5 perusahaan yang dirangkum ACT Consulting yang termasuk dalam kategori memiliki budaya kerja yang menarik dan sehat. That makes them feel more safe. Kevin: Yeah. Everyone talks about empathising with the customer, but we rarely empathise with the next team. Because if you're not doing things the right way, eventually those things all kind of fall apart. Contact Email info@go-jek.com. It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. And we're also much further from the problem. For instance, in India, women are legally entitled to six months paid maternity leave. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. Yeah. To make matters worse, Sam was just getting off a plane in Singapore. Like the end, Oh, you had all these ideas. That must be shared with another group. And what we did in 2019 is that we reduced it to seven basically. Gojek launched its application in 2015 with . And it was, it wasn't like, oh, we have to grow this fast. Kevin: So what do you think then is the, in this framework, right? At the very best. And here's where it gets really tricky. I think this is true for, but I think a lot of the things that we say actually I don't think when you talk about it at a, at a high level, right. And, and because you also understand the decision making that goes into, into that, um, you are also much better at problem solving, right? One of the few Southeast Asian companies to be listed twice by Fortune. Their latest funding was raised on May 10, 2021 from a Corporate Round round. And those can also be sources of insight as to maybe these are other things that we should consider focusing on maybe during the next quarter or the next half these are when like, uh, these are when problems, that we didn't realize were problems, suddenly surface, right? I'm thinking what's next? You can, you can either be a people leader, but you can also be a thought leader. Yeah. Crosses 190 million app downloads. It's not a, it's not just a value like a core value. Whether you're looking to get across town, or even earning on the road, choose Gojek - we're the city's latest ride-hailing app dedicated to making your commutes all that much better. How well and how quickly can I do it? Type 1: Clan Culture. And that's a very powerful statement. Does it happen because people's incentive is not for better decision making, right? Category - Community and Industry Engagement. GoTo Group is the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia, with a mission to "empower progress" by offering technology infrastructure and solutions that help everyone to access and thrive in the digital economy. It's very hard. Right? Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Kevin: Yup. A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. So you need that forcing mechanism. Making that extra effort to learn, listen and grow together. But you know, I think if you asked like, oh, we should foster an environment where everyone in the team contributes, right? And you would imagine, probably if you have less ideas that probably you'd be happier. Corporate culture is often referred to as "the character of an organization," representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. But what, what about ownership makes sustainably successful teams? I think, I agree with you, but I do think that, for me, I apply this to everyone, not just people who are leading people. Hmm. Right. Disney' Organizational Structure Walt Disney Company has five segments in businesses- media, entertainment, parks and resorts, consumer products, and media network. And that just doesn't work. It's a very small, it's very small nuance, but yet critical. And kind of see that in you check in like every year it's still the thing that they really want to nail that level of conviction of saying like, oh, we're going to be great at this. Nadiem: That's right. The three pillars of Gojek Speed Move fast, push boundaries. Kevin: Yeah. Know our journey, and the people behind it. Kevin: And so you see like the, that payoff, right? Because they receive direct commands on what to achieve and sometimes how to achieve it. You only figure that out later, right. According to MomentumWorks, this is the structure of the board of directors: Founders CEO and founder Nadiem Makarim who holds 58,416 shares, accounting for 4.81% of the total shares. You're great for short term. Top down isn't about being a, uh, you know, like a tyrant. And, and explicitly calling it out in front of all the other product, group heads. Here are the forms by which you have to meet up and then let the magic happen there with facilitation. Through a divisional approach, the departments are grouped by-products. If you kind of look at the universe of companies. But these apps that connect drivers to passengers are creating competition for established. Building a strong organizational culture is a long journey, one that requires exceptional focus and consistency between the various layers (from beliefs to rituals, from heroes to symbols . Company Type For Profit. Kevin: I think for me, I agree with everything that you said. WeWork Calle 26 # 92-32 in Bogota, Colombia. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. Right? This is one thing that I think all companies, including ourselves are consistently terrible at consistently. And this can be a very powerful thing when combined with bottom up innovation because what truly matters to the user. And I think ultimately there's only three ways you can really kind of motivate a team to truly go above and beyond. Right. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. It's just that they have, their team happens to do that really well. And that was the payoff in my mind. Right. When they're trying to raise something to me, I would like to hear, you know, I would like to hear, um, credit given to others. Nadiem: And why is that a bad thing? Like it's not, it's not just an ignorance of it. Kevin: Well, I think it's, uh, people don't even see it as a short term, right? Nadiem: A lot of people confuse that. And then I left after a while, right? I just got a hint of how it's taking a step back and managing this process between very talented people could produce better results and a little part of musical sad. Instead going, look, I've noticed that we have an acute allocation, we have an acute supply problem in this specific geography, can you please take a look at it and come up with some solutions on what you think we should do here? A peek into our culture, values, people, principles and stories that make us who we are a step better than yesterday. What does that mean in terms of real business performance? It also depends on what department, what function, what rate of urgency there is. Tell us what you want to be the best at. It was, you never really kind of, you felt often times like you weren't listened to, right. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. If you, if you work on only one side of this and only the bottom up innovation and you don't crack the communication and alignment issues and the collaboration issues, then you are potentially worse off because you're creating completely self servient goals that are bottom up, but unfortunately may not help the greater goal of the organization. Like what should they do and, and what would you give them credit for? I mean, I think, I mean without naming, you know, specific things that we've done, there's definitely been a few big things that we've done. That's it. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. Ranks 17th among Fortunes Top 20 companies that changed the world. And then, it is a tenuous balance and I think in some ways, right? Should we go one by one and talk about it? Social Impact Transform lives, inspire change. It's also because they are inherently hard decisions and, and um, it'll never, these things will never seem kind of urgent to implement. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Those issues happen. But, um, I think we really have to be almost obsessed with like infusing that in different parts of the company. If you just focus on output numbers, then at a certain point, those output numbers like revenues, sustainability, all of this other stuff might go down over time if you're not investing in the long term leading indicators of health in an organization. The best bottom up leaders were like, hold on, let me talk to my team first. You name it we do it. 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