I know who I am; I am lonely, very needy and manipulative sometimes, but am also very human and humble to talk, to admit faults, to strengthen things. Look Ive been dealing with depression for years as well and yes at times i feel a bit hopeful and at other times i just want to die. Copyright 2007 - 2023 GoodTherapy, LLC. Shes 30 but she isnt mature enough to have any responsibility, I pity for it. (Not married) She practically has no job and no home and fails to do anything about this. Shes my best friend, but I worry that shes not able to plan a life with me or be an equal partner in the relationship. Ive explained my feelings in the past and she says she understands but makes no difference. "So, yes, your relationship problems could lead you to suffering from high blood pressure." Your girlfriend loves you, but I think she is just a bit restless without you being there. And I was aware that there is so much wrong, that it is complicated, that I really cant explain it. My Girlfriend's Depression Is Bringing Me Down. Youve shown your love for her and she knows that. Having your sh$t together isnt exactly essential for survival anymore. I forgave her and forgot all of that. She is also currently in therapy. she undergoing medications and therapy but nothing could help her. If you have trouble finding a professional in your area, dont be discouragedit may mean youll have better luck doing a Google search or asking for a referral from a trusted health professional, such as your doctor. Than it all started to fade, she had weekly outbursts after we met, we had a lovely weekend, then, the other day, she was always very depressed or even aggressive, treating herself very badly, being jealous on my friends, depreciating herself. WE ARE ALL A PRODUCT OF OUR ENVIRONMENTS. If that person still doesnt change then it may be time to leave. This kept kappening and only got worse I had to see him every day and if I didnt he would kick off and make me feel worse than dirt. I still love him so much, but I think its the best choice for both of us. Long distance, depressed girlfriend, university, feeling trapped, spending too much time and sacrificing too many things for the happiness of the other person in the relationship. It has been a year so far and initially it was good and then I thought this was normal, but these days I am seeing more and more clearly that she needs help and the worse thing is she doesnt actively look for help. I once found out my girlfriend was talking to some other guy. 6. I feel like she is using me even though I take care of her. You have to tell her when she hurts you. Me and my LDR girlfriend were originally together for 7 months, then took a break for 3, and now we are back together. Theres a lot of pain in watching someone else you love give up on their own life, be unhappy about decisions they made and wonder why the relationship is falling apart when theyve manipulated your emotions by hurting u, breaking up with you so many times and not having anything positive to say on any problem you or they have,together or singularly. Look man its getting to the point where youre gunna have to tell some form of authority, whether it be the police or something else either way, shes gunna bring you down if nothing changes and youll become just like her in a flash. A key sign of depression from relationships is low self-esteem because your partner puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself. I found myself in a very similar situation. One day she wanted to elope Bcos she feared the crowd at our wedding and the next day she just broke it off completely with no reasons. My ex boyfriend left me because I was depressed all the time. Im tired of being told that I dont support her after 5 years of this abuse. Hey, lately iv been feeling more and more distant from my gf. Been experiencing something very similar in my relationship, I have been helping my girlfriend with her anxiety and depression for years as well and its been so long that often I feel down and hopeless too. How do I approach the situation without hurting her feelings/making her feel bad? I'm not sure how to begin so I guess I'll start from the beginning. You're so tired. It truly could be your relationship that's to blame. You may also try this, what my boyfriend did: he said he is leaving me cause it is too hard for him, he left me for two painful days, then he told me that he will be back, but in some time. She shut me off completely and gave me halfhearted reply whenever I talk to her. Take it as a hint that things need to change. There are groups out there for you as a caregiver who can help you through this too, and I think that if you found the right provider for her that could help develop the right treatment plan for her they would be willing to help you find a program that will match your needs too. There are so ways people find happiness and you guys both just need to find yours and you need to know that one day.. You will. i still want to date her, but not if she is unhappy and always stressed because of us. So are yours always casting concerned looks? Can anyone help me and tell me what can i do?. i cant let her go and i know she cant let me go either. I met my girlfriend 3 years ago through a very lovely and romantic way, and since that day we are together. She looks for a bit of comfort, wants some tea/cuddles and sex. Subscribe me to the GoodTherapy.org public newsletter. That takes incredible patience and compassion, but it can also take a toll on you. My partner's negativity gets me down A happy, optimistic man is brought down by the relentless negativity of his partner. I deserve happiness, everyone does! If you think youre a piece of poop, youre going to think others think that way too. Healthy couples can chat about pretty much anything. And this is where our problems come in. And he just feels like a failure and a burden onto everyone else to the point he has almost committed suicide twice. I do not see a future with her but I get so torn up at the thought of leaving her to her depression and her situation, Im in the exact same situation as you gaz. Sounds to me like a bunch of spoiled princesses. If you need them. I really don't know the best way if breaking it to her and I don't wanna do anything that I'll regret 3 28 28 comments Add a Comment AutoModerator 8 mo. And it feels like a lot of responsibility was placed on me, to the point where Im always anxious and stressed and in a constant state of I dont know what to do, what to feel, how should I feel how should I do it. You will only drag yourself down in the end. The one thing that I would ask that you do before making any kind of rash decision is to think about this- if you know how helpless you feel, can you imagine how helpless she feels too? Well, Ive dating this girl for the last half-year, after two years of deep depression, isolation, drugs & alcohol abuse and poverty. She also will fail in it, many times, probably hurting you, but she will go on. I have a problem and cant find anyone to tell Found that website and the posts here are very similar to mine. of each person. Im sick of having nothing in my life matter. How wrong! In the best moments, when depression is at its weakest, the real person youve loved takes over and comes out. I am really surprised to see that there is so many cases of difficult relationships, and also that persons who write here are mostly guys dealing with broken girlfriends. I'm seeing shapes behind the curtain. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. She losing her best friend to cancer and she going through crisis with weight loss. Dealing with a depressed girl isnt easy and there some moments of greatness and when it happens I take full advantage of it. You wish your sex like was more active, but hate being the one to initiate. Dry spells happen a lot. I have honoured her decision to sort this out alone. somewhere inside you still know that too, its a natural instinct. Not cool. Even she could not continue her studies and quit her studies.Its all because of she loves me to core and missing me much! As time went on our texts started to get more and more one sided as i would ask about her day and i would help her with any problems she had, but she would always start complaining about her problems and never actually talking about mine. She has been alcoholic for 10 years. She will text or call me out of blue and tell how much she appreciates my patience with her. And that is the hard and painful task to face the truth, because depression is, for me at least running away form truth, avoiding to face it. What's my issue, and what steps can or should I take that would help both her and me? Things are never as simple as you think. Everything is my fault according to her. According to psychologist Salama Marine, your pattern could be emotionally draining if "you . The best I could do for him was to let him go and wished him happy. Uffo , I feel like I dont want anything in my life. She just dont know how to do this. I thought she was the woman of my life, that I would do anything for her and I would but she simply doesnt want. My gf & I have been dating for only five months. If signs point to your partner, it's time to make a change. Sorry to say this but its just my own opinion. Leave. On my side my family is going through a very rough time and were worried about losing our home, Im going through a quarter-life crises where I dont know what I studied is the right thing for me, Im also really worried about my future because I dont know where Im heading in life. Just stay focused on your ultimate goal with her and never lose site of how she was before depression. What you have to realise is that she didnt chose to become depressed so to have a partner in this situation is devastating, you cant be angry and leave her because shes done nothing wrong, she still loves you as much as you love her and I promise she feels a million times worse when she has an outburst than you do. From past one to two years I came to know.Now it becomes severe.she suffers from anxiety , bipolar disorder. This is the person who wants what you have - your charm, your wit, your success, your intelligence, your job, your partner, whatever - and because they don't think they . and the thing with sex: if you are curious and want to understand: I feel like if I do shell ask why I havent been talking to her, she wont message me for atleast 2 days if I do. I am trying to help her but I could not help anymore than this.i could concentrate on caring myself, could not eat or sleep well. This is especially the case if you haven't dealt with anxiety before, but suddenly feel yourself worrying constantly. I know she deals with her own issues and Ive known for quite some time, but I see it more often now. This is a painful, complicated issue, and you deserve to have support as you work on figuring out what is best for you. But I love her and want to help. If you're being dragged down by your partner, it could be due to cheating, or emotional abuse, or a lack of support. We stopped having sex last year because of her trauma. (You're so tired) But you just can't sleep. At first I was stressed about it, but later I realised that my worrying wouldnt change the situation at all. Sam is just absolute right, Ive been with the same girlfriend for 8 years, helping her to cope with her anxiety and depression, which are not mild, in return I became a cranky, fearful and highly depressed individual, as soon as she moved in with me the symptoms became severe and everything was somehow my fault, even though we always lived under my expense (before at my parents, now at a house that i pay for literally everything) shes not willing to work or do anything, she always finds an excuse why something wont work out (she has a doctors degree, and she can do a lot of things with that particular degree she simply refuses to always citing some excuse about how its never going to work). He has on multiple occasions told me that he only feels happy, safe and secure around me, and that if it wasnt for me he wouldve killed himself long ago. Ask yourself if you truly want to continue in the relationship. Setup Size: 8.9 GB. I admit I got carried away with video games, I wasnt quick to the punch texting her back but Id always tell her where I am what Im up to so she would know and I would always give her an heartfelt lengthy reply. I know that you wnat to help but it doesnt really sound like you are getting the things that you need out of this sort of relationship anymore. Sometimes I lash out because I get so frustrated, and then I feel guilty because I got frustrated. Wow.. so many people with so many similar issues and I thought I was the only one! In cases of chronic depression, it is very common for partners to begin to feel more like caretakers than anything else. Good looking, good healthy cooking. I love her, but she needs to help herself before she can focus on a relationship with me. To me all of these modern mental issues we see are a result of too much free time, too many choices and the conveniences we enjoy. Try thinking back to those in hard times (or look at the older texts again like you do, I do that too haha). Long distance relationships where you rarely/never meet in person are not really the same thing. Recently I have many more commitments and as a result I no longer have the time to reassure her all the time, and her depression has gotten much worse. Gently but strongly. Do something romantic. 1992 - Video directed by Dani Jacobs. Thinking that you will solve the problem will only make you more and more frustrated. She is quiet, shy, passive/aggressive yet bubbly she would do anything and everything instantaneously for me, great girl! And do not try to help, just try to understand. Im getting sick and tired of this relationship and after reading your comment Sam I decided to leave her.. theres nothing I can do to change this or her, nor do I think I should be, Im a highly more depressed and anxious person nowadays then before Ive been with her (and I can attest for myself for having a pretty accurate gauge of how I used to be..) Can still manage to go to pool every Tuesday night til 2am. I strongly encourage you to begin your own therapy. And here's hoping you both can turn things around, and have a little more of that "good.". She has lost sleep all night, and so did I. I dont want to leave her, as a friend she needs me more than anything, but I need to figure out a way to help us both (I know Im not going to fix her issues, but just being around saying the same thing over and over again like I love you or everything going to be okai doesnt seem like its doing anything at all. You mention that your girlfriends medication does not seem to be helping her. You couldnt survive being a total mess a hundred years ago and Girls love that kind of crap and its not gay or anything if you do something where you express your feelings. He occasionally took me out shopping saying it was my treat for putting up with him but when we got to where we were going he wouldnt treat me, one time he left me in the metro centre (Newcastle uk) alone with no money, when we got home he always wanted sex, I never wanted to but allowed him to make him happy. I see her every weekend, during the week I keep to myself play video games, homework, go over to a friends for a beer. I always supported her and told her that she needed medical support in this field. I compared myself with healthy happy laughing girls that my boyfriend meet everyday. Its gut wrenching. Go with her to therapist. Im worried that I put myself as his crutch unintentionally and that Im not helping him although he says I do. She doesnt like me going out to see my friends, she gets inconsolable whenever I do anything that doesnt involve her, even if I tell her about it weeks in advance. When I have some me time to save my soul from drowning because of her, she said that I was selfish for leaving her for, like, a day! ), It can also really take you by surprise. Shes gone to therapy, but currently not going. Everyday is a battle. ! I have asked him to go to the docs last year he was given anti depressants but only took them for a month !!!! All i see now is cold person who i love and so frustrated by the lack of intimacy. Maybe she doesnt want to tell you how much she wants you to be with her because she doesnt want to appear needy. Im talking about Yeshua, the son of the God of Israel. Taken from Revenge Of The Goldfish. Her family is going to assist her getting professional help, and I have told her that if she needs me in the future I will be there to support her in any way she requires. im so torn and she suggested friends with benefits because we still show each other we care and shit by being friends at school and stuff, then casual hook ups and hanging out, basically dating. Some times its okay but those are only the times when things are easy. I Feel Helpless! And it was bad enough that i was married at one time and my Ex wife cheated on me thinking that i was going to spend the rest of my life with her at the time. You may click to view our members full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. She is very complexed about her weight, her mental issues and the time she has lost in her life. I hate her anxiety. The medications side effect is sex blocking, also with her off alcohol her mind cant deal with emotions as other people, so basicly we had like 3 times sex this year. She can realize what she lost later and change then, or they can do something dramatic which will be out of your hand anyways. The most important thing to find is courage to say goodbye because if you dont then say goodbye to your soul . You can try running Text Recognition on the page (if it's not secured, and doesn't already have recognized text on that page), and if successful you'll be able to select and copy it. She constantly tells me she doesnt want a relationship anymore and wants to be alone, but she still demands the amount of time that she had before and acts exactly the same. So you see, these emotions are complicated, you have trace them few steps back to understand what is really going on. The burden on caretakers is significant, and there is great therapeutic value in realizing you are not alone. First two years went well. Karen S., a business executive in her late 20s, had been with her boyfriend eight months when she fell into a funk. Peace, Man, you guys are explaining my life. But I just dont know anymore. Shes 30, Im 26, she never had a boyfriend, nor had sex or drugs nor anything. I wanted to cope with it on my own, I thought that I would be finally feeling proud of myself if I could fix myself. That way too some times its okay but those are only the times when things are easy still want appear. Turn things around, and since that day we are together love and so frustrated by the lack of.... Nothing could help her to begin to feel more like caretakers than anything else she needs to help just., I pity for it her when she fell into a funk here 's hoping you can... Partner puts you down or makes you feel bad lovely and romantic way, and there some moments of and! It can also take a toll on you missing me much bunch of spoiled princesses steps to... 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