on our success to Troubled Teens. Me and 90% of the kids sent to ERA dont need treatment they need LOVE to be showed they are cared about not shipped of to people whos true intention is to make a buck Dj Hansen (WWASP Survivors), which was a notoriously abusive (and now-closed). Its normal for a teenager to feel down about academics, their friends, or themselves. I left about three weeks later. It wasnt something I desired to ever do. Eagle Ranch Outpatient Services Will Give You HOPE and PROVIDE You With The Tools To Find A Better Way To Live! And She Told Us Storys Of Having Fell Down Stairs And We Heard Storys Of How Her Dad Would Beat Her Phisically When She Was A Baby. Ive seen children be forced into isolation for months at a time where they couldnt even talk to friends or staff. Children from West Ridge's West Jordan residential treatment center would be enrolled at the charter, which would also recruit more troubled youths from the surrounding . LIES LIES Truth is they are being taunted by the EVIL staff members behind closed doors they love seeing kids cry so they can tell them they will NEVER leave that place or see their families again. I remember at one point in my stay I was made to stand up in front of a room full of people and be verbally dismantled, being told I dont love my family and I was selfish and a brat for my choices I had made in the past. i would never recommend this horrid place to anyone with a child! , At ERA I was told to believe and trust in my peers. He Ran Up And Grabed the Back Of My Neck, Threaten To Make Me Eat Carpet, Called Me Names. But they always made sure of having every thing in order when parents were visiting. Some kids do need a wake up call and the tough love approach, but it shouldnt come with the price that it does. And She Told Us Storys Of Having Fell Down Stairs And We Heard Storys Of How Her Dad Would Beat Her Phisically When She Was A Baby. I have built upon my horrible experience and made a career out of making sure that what happened to me does not happen again. (we were also given one change of clothes for the cold.) I have spoken to both agencies and confirmed ERA is not accredited by either. Seneca Was Clearly Actually Mentally Disabled Because [redacted], She Had Problems Speaking, She Loved Micky Mouse, She Had A Mickey Mouse Doll She Loved So Much, One Of Her Punishments Was Having It Taken Away. Cementerio Parque del Recuerdo, Curico, Curic Province, Maule Region, Chile. Eagle Ranch Academy can provide you with solutions to your childs mental health needs. We had to start over and valuable time, progress and momentum was lost. I couldnt stand it.I fantasized constantly about running away or getting pulled (being allowed to leave) with my peers. program. They shave your head if youre a boy and give you no clothes except for the same grey or red shirts day in and day out. My counselor, Gerry, that had acted like he truly cared to help me improve my life rudely shut the door in my face with trash bags in my hands full of clothes (looking like a homeless person) and didnt offer any help to find my way back to CA, not even a dollar. I hated my life. I fully recommend this program.. This is poor judgment and deceitful. The same release of dopamine is similar to the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters that happens when drugs are used (drugabuse.gov). The staff tell you your child can start mailing postcards to you immediately LIES the staff read them and throw them away bc the child is desperatly trying to let their parents know they are being lied to. I Feel Like Eagle Ranch And AA After It Stole My Childhood In That It Encouraged Isolation From My Peers. My son was only provided with 1 weeks worth of medication after being released. Its Hard To Imagine How To Teach Both The Kids And The Parents Because Their Parents Are Usually Both Wrong Too. Address J-55, Romeral, Maule, Chile. Kids would have to carry around backpacks full of rocks or sand, they practiced isolation and seclusion, and upon intake they make you do a cavity check.. But Im just going to stop here, Ive spent the last 45 mins on my phone typing this up and I could still go on. While mind you wearing nothing but these sandals and a pear of socks, which get wet and cold in no time, as well as just a t shirt and thin basketball shorts. This Program Is Too Mean And Was. I Wish My Dad Would Have Inspired Me To Be More Interested In Activities And Taught Me Why Being Good Was Important But He Didnt Really And Mom Sets Bad Examples. Part of my sons packet required use of the computer and printer, however the pod lost those privileges and my son was denied the ability to continue his progress. You will hear anything they know parents want to hear to gain your trust, child & money. I was brutally beaten by my male peer roommates and then punished by staff for upsetting my attackers. ERAs accredited education program does not include a geography curriculum which is a requirement for graduation. Website http://eagleranchacademy.com Industries Mental Health Care Company size 51-200. ERA is also suspected of being affiliated with the confirmedly abusive WWASP organization, although ERA vehemenently denies these allegations. The unexpected visit was when I was finally able to talk to my parent one on one with out Shannon breathing down my neck. I was force fed foods that I was allergic to and which were against my religion. If you think its right to isolate kids in room alone for days or ghost kids for months with no contact to anyone but staff. Plus Code X875+PR Los Quenes, Romeral, Chile Me and 90% of the kids sent to ERA dont need treatment they need LOVE to be showed they are cared about not shipped of to people whos true intention is to make a buck . If you have any questions please email me,I probably will not get on this site again. I Was With A Group At The Time Called Pod 3. ERA is here to help. So that ruled out ever telling her what was going on in my heart. 5 Ways To Help Your Son With Cell Phone addiction, How Cell Phones are Producing Anxiety Amongst Teenage Girls, Top 10 Reason Teenage Girls Need To Take A Break From Their Cell Phone, Family Conflict/Relationship Difficulties, Involvement with the Juvenile Justice System. I asked for 1-on-1 updates on my sons progress and was rarely if ever given any. Letting your troubled teen know theyre not alone during a mental, or emotional health crisis is the key to save them from future suffering in life. We teach and emphasize eight basic core values through Individual, Family, and Group therapy. I know what is legal and what is not. My Aunt Who To This Day Will Only Ask Me Inappropriately At Family Parties If Im On Drugs. The most important thing you can do is talk with your troubled teenager. ERAs accredited education program does not include a geography curriculum which is a requirement for graduation. This place strips you of your identity. Most parents just brush it off with the thought of their child just wanting to be independent. But Im just going to stop here, Ive spent the last 45 mins on my phone typing this up and I could still go on. Multiple phone calls and emails have been left unanswered. Some more than others, depending if you were willing to fall in line. They give up much of their own time and have taken their responsibility as ERA team members very seriously. So that ruled out ever telling her what was going on in my heart. Which then leads to a very troubled teenager. One of my female friends was forced to live in a cardboard box for 3 weeks straight. I Feel Like Eagle Ranch And AA After It Stole My Childhood In That It Encouraged Isolation From My Peers. Not even in jail do they not allow you a phone call for this amount of time. Forgot account? This place and any place like it are wrong in so many ways. (Which happened to people almost daily in our twice a day sessions of group therapy)while I was there I was put on various medications including anti phsycotics and anti depressants. tel: 435-922-0440 Eagle Ranch Outpatient Services. , which is a reportedly abusive (and now-closed) behavior-modification program located nearby in St. George. This place claims to no longer have any ties with WWASPS but the seminar i attended and the level system the children must endure say otherwise! Only After I Completed That Assignment And Got My Packet Signed By All Nine Staff Members Could I Move On To The Next Packet, And Get Shoes That wernt bob Barker Flip Flops And Socks. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of troubled teens. I Never Had A Girlfriend In High school Or Went To Partys. as you can imagine this is not easy for one to handle.especially because we were given prison sandals, and forced to do calisthenics in the cold and wet grass in the early morning. is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Eagle Ranch Academy. BULLSHIT ! kIds are walking around sick with swine flu, athletes foot, food poisoning and if your child throws away food they dont eat they are punished by the psycho cook and forced to eat cold oatmeal for three days. He Told Me To Be Queit I Said Fuck You. This is all an act, its a business and the only real interest here is making money. Medications I had no choice in taking,I quickly became a very different person turning to things I had never done before like self harm and needing to lie constantly about my true feelings. I would have been pulled that day. They only take 150 people a year, so I am freaking out that I got in! I was forced to carry 6 heavy garbage bags everywhere on campus for several weeks. The program now claims to be accredited by, , but it is important to note that CARF has accredited several controversial programs, such as. ESTERO FAVIO. Our admissions counselors have spent a life time working with young people and their parents. Kids would have to carry around backpacks full of rocks or sand, they practiced isolation and seclusion, and upon intake they make you do a cavity check.. They have regular trainings and you work with the therapist on almost a daily basis. I was then put on a project where I had to express every period of the day. They shave your head if youre a boy and give you no clothes except for the same grey or red shirts day in and day out. SERVICE: I will give back to others because I have been given much. It is a mental, physical, and emotional illness, which needs to be treated properly. One of my female friends was forced to live in a cardboard box for 3 weeks straight. Records:. Because I Also Decided To Embrace Sobriety And The Program When I First Got There I Sat At A Table where We Had What Was Called Last Ten. I Was With A Group At The Time Called Pod 3. The Only Reason I Went To Eagle Ranch In The First Place Was Because My Aunt Told Her To Put Me There. Like One Girl There Named Seneca Who Was Mentally Ill And May Actually Be Mentally Retarded But Despite That She Was There For More Than A Year On The First Packet. There is feces in the bathroom soap dispensers, my daughter saw writing in blood on a wall. Eagle Ranch Academy is CARF accredited, to offer therapy for troubled teens. This place and any place like it are wrong in so many ways. With cell phones come all of the fun stuff. I Isolated To Stay Sober Because I Thought Smoking Weed Again. Images:. Stemming off into potential psychological problems, such as low self esteem. They lie about almost everything. Ive seen children be forced into isolation for months at a time where they couldnt even talk to friends or staff. ERA uses a Choice Based Program.We use a core value behavior change model. This is not necessarily an accident. Allegations of abuse that have been reported by survivors include: violent reatraints, solitary confinement as punishment, dehumanization of the teenagers there, and widespread brainwashing/cult-like techniques. But all to often do frustrations,bias, and judgement cloud the decisions these staff make. Also Katherine B. was a tyrant. It is a FILTHY TORTURE facility. She is also the Vice President/Owner of Journeys Adolescent Services, which is a teen transport/escort company which is hired to kidnap children and take them to these types of programs. I on the other hand was left with the short end of the stick, being an introvert by nature and coming from a middle class family. Paul Arslanian is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Eagle Ranch Academy. by Eagle Ranch Academy | Jun 15, 2020 | Eagle Ranch Academy. This is poor judgment and deceitful. Michelle Wenell, a Behavior Analyst, found ERA to be the best residential treatment center for her child. Life is Co-ed. 10/29/2020: (SURVIVOR) Eagle Ranch is abusive! ERA has a maximum enrollment of 57, and the average length of stay is reportedly between 8-10 months, but can be much longer if the teen is deemed resistant. Each packet has a set of assignments the teen must complete to be eligible for the next packet. read more 5 Ways To Help Your Son With Cell Phone addiction Eagle Ranch Reinforced The Lesson I Already Knew That That All Incarceration Is Horrific, And Unnatural And Dirty And Many Horrors And Wrongs Exist Inside All Prisons And Our Society. The Staff Members Wouldnt Sign Her Packet For Here To Move On To The Next One. I was forced to wear prison sandals. He is the brother of David Arslanian. It is easy to talk to the supervisors if you have any problems. My daughter watched younger kids trying to commit suicide there bc they want to talk and see their parents. The accusations of verbal abuse drugging children and social isolation are very real. Expect your child to be fed the cheapest food, be watched by staff that have no other qualification other than warm blood and if you have insurance expect them to charge them $800 a day! Katherine Benson worked as the Assisstant Program Director of ERA. I was Forcefully taken in the middle of the night handcuffed and put on a plain and mind you i had never even gone to jail or had problems with law. . HONESTY: I will be Honest in all my relationships. Just my opinion. Victor (Google Reviews), 2016: (SURVIVOR) The counselors assigned to you in the program act like they care about you when you begin going there. I have severe trauma, trust issues and memory loss from ERA. Teenagers at Eagle Ranch Academy are also forced to participate in a series of seminars (see, ), which are used by many behavior-modification programs (including the notoriously abusive. There has been zero meaningful post-release care or support from ERA. , I lived in this slave camp for 9 months. Mental health problems associated with past childhood abuse and neglect include: At such a young age, its difficult for teens to know how to cope with the emotions theyre feeling in these situations. Eating disorders can make a teen dissolve physically in front of their parent's eyes. This website uses cookies and third party services. Because of this, my son will not be able to graduate on time after spending over a year at ERA. That Was The Point. I did everything for anyone but my self I came to ERA for sneaking out, self mutilating, being violent and defiant, for manipulating, and lying. No case information was exchanged between counselors when one quit and another took over. I was sent to ERA when I was 14-15 and I dont ever recall anything from that time until recently. It was frustrating to both my son and myself. If it wasnt for the fact that it was so close to the end of the school year, and I being a senior who still needed to graduate. Do not send your children here. After three months of being brainwashed and they are sure you wont bad mouth the program then you get a supervised 10 min call. Expect your child to be fed the cheapest food, be watched by staff that have no other qualification other than warm blood and if you have insurance expect them to charge them $800 a day! I wasnt there for drugs, in fact I had never smoked or drank at all in high school, my parents knew that too, being from Utah and LDS. I was forced to wear prison sandals. or. Eagle Ranch Academy helps teens overcome abuse, depression, anxiety, gaming addiction, phone addiction, behavioral health, and lack of respect for authority. It can be confusing and very detrimental to ones mental health. in which they tried to respond to many claims of abuse that have been made against them. Seneca Was Already Predisposed Enough To Homelessness. While I was Walking Down The Hall, He Made Sound Effects For My Footsteps Behind Me That Where To Make Me Literally Sound Like A Stupid Cartoon Character, And Kept Calling Me Billy Badass. To the people that think ERA was a good experience: maybe it was for you, and Im not trying to discredit your opinion or your experience but I promise you this, there are better options. For Homeless, The Acceptance And Practice Of it To Ever be An Acceptable Answer Especially At A Place Selling A Program To Save Lives. The Staff Members Wouldnt Sign Her Packet For Here To Move On To The Next One. On the day when they first kidnapped me. After completing ERAs program, your child will have a better understanding on how to successfully make their own choices. Why do they do things like that its a tact so you cant explain what really happens on a daily at era. ERA is very much abusive. These are all outliers that may lead to troubled teens. We offer a full school curriculum for both Junior High School and High School. Because of this, my son will not be able to graduate on time after spending over a year at ERA. These are just some of the things that went on while i was there. I feel for those kids I really do, the living conditions in our cottages were disgusting if we complained they got mad at us. I was forced to do military level calisthenics when i was underweight and with fragile double joined elbows. I was picked up in the middle of the night by 2 strangers and flown across the country without any explanation. If your child chooses not to participate in their brainwashing- cult like shit they are tortured!! I wasnt allowed communication with my parents and when I finally was allowed to talk to them (6 weeks after arriving) i was monitored so closely i couldnt say anything. Allegations of abuse that have been reported by survivors include: violent reatraints, solitary confinement as punishment, dehumanization of the teenagers there, and widespread brainwashing/cult-like techniques. The whole reason I was sent there was for the lack of trust I had with my parents. Some may benefit from this program, glad for them, but do not expect anything but hooks and more hooks in their contract. Sections of this page. and Spring Mountain Treatment Center. They will also learn how to create and sustain successful and healthy relationships. Some kids do need a wake up call and the tough love approach, but it shouldnt come with the price that it does. It was a mistake that I have gotten over and accepted as a speed bump in my life. Log In. Teens Overcoming Abuse Its clear where the money goes in this facility and its not to upkeep the property or ensure the best of the best care. From your first phone call, to well after your Child completes our program, we will be with you every step of the way. Stories written by students at Eagle Ranch Academy. I was sent to ERA when I was 14-15 and I dont ever recall anything from that time until recently. In 2000, Dave sued the university after he fired for hiring his brother, Paul Arslanian, as offensive coordinator against the president of the schools wishes. ERA claimed at one time to be accredited by the SAIS and SACSCOC, however, this was never true. Part of my sons packet required use of the computer and printer, however the pod lost those privileges and my son was denied the ability to continue his progress. Why do they do things like that its a tact so you cant explain what really happens on a daily at era. If we can not place you into our program, we can help with military academies, programs for troubled teens, homes for at-risk teen near me, ranch for troubled teenagers, or boarding schools. Our daughter was assaulted her first day there and then restrained by an adult male that drug her in a neck hold down the hall and placed her face down on a FILTHY floor. INTEGRITY: I will always be the same person, whether in front of people or behind closed doors. I wanted so badly to talk to a professional, and even sent letters home asking for the ability to talk with my counsilor on site. When I turned 18, I legally signed out of the program against the wishes of my parents who had absolutely no idea the kind of place this was to live in everyday. Each students study skills and academic strengths are assessed to set up their own specific Academic Plan and class schedule which meets the needs of the student. See how a troubled teen turned his life around and became a mentor. This was confusing to me. I Wish My Dad Would Have Inspired Me To Be More Interested In Activities And Taught Me Why Being Good Was Important But He Didnt Really And Mom Sets Bad Examples. Some more than others, depending if you were willing to fall in line. The whole reason I was sent there was for the lack of trust I had with my parents. If it wasnt for the fact that it was so close to the end of the school year, and I being a senior who still needed to graduate. Eagle Ranch is a nonprofit organization assisting families in crisis through outpatient counseling as well as group homes on 315 acres in Flowery Branch. Thats All Ive Got To Say Right Now , Worst of the worst. Eagle Ranch Academy is reported by many survivors to be an abusive program. In addition, the program model, jargon and methodology of ERA is very similar (if not identical in some ways) to the WWASP Program model. But all to often do frustrations,bias, and judgement cloud the decisions these staff make. She also reportedly has a daughter (Sierra/Cierra) who works at ERA and has been reported to be physically abusive towards the children there. Utah's Office of Licensing inspects and regulates each facility, and sometimes finds neglect, child abuse or sexual misconduct. Communication is good between staff and management. Rebranded as West Ridge Academy in 2005, the school is applying to become a charter school named Eagle Summit Academy, which would receive public funding on a per-student basis. We help troubled teens create internal core values that become natural for them to stick to, despite the struggles or poor choices they have made in the past. I was Forcefully taken in the middle of the night handcuffed and put on a plain and mind you i had never even gone to jail or had problems with law. Today I have my masters degree and just got licensed (LCSW)! Who they knew could afford to pay or kids who would non stop talk about their feelings. I was picked up in the middle of the night by 2 strangers and flown across the country without any explanation. Ive never seen a single student leave and get better what so ever. Most of the children there were on medication, and I was one of the few that were not on any. Eagle Ranch RTC is a choice based program. The program now claims to be accredited by CARF International, but it is important to note that CARF has accredited several controversial programs, such as Narconon, which is a Scientology organization which promotes the theories of founder L. Ron Hubbard regarding substance abuse treatment and addiction at Utah State. ERA never provided me with an Enrollment Agreement. (Im not saying Ive never done any thing wrong weve all made our mistakes before.) The abuse is real. The Facility Staff swears you will be in contact with your child!!! Like other behavior-modification programs, Eagle Ranch Academy uses a level-system. This place considers them a Choice Based program. Like One Girl There Named Seneca Who Was Mentally Ill And May Actually Be Mentally Retarded But Despite That She Was There For More Than A Year On The First Packet. Eagle Ranch Academy is one of the top residential treatment centers for troubled teenagers. I noticed that the girls especially were what I would think of as brain washed. ERA doesnt provide enough information to give informed consent to medication changes. Get directions, learn treatment costs and read verified patient reviews. The Discovery Packet I Was Given To Be Completed Had An Assignment Called An Amnesty Which Was A Letter I Had To Read To My Parents On The phone That Was A Recount Of Not Only All The Drugs I Did, But Also All My Sexual Expericnces Using The Words Intercourse, Or Heavy Petting And Wether I Gaved Or Recived It, How Old I Was WHen It Happened, And Where I Was When It Happened. Why do they not allow you a phone call for this amount of.... 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