Areas include, for example: This project has been in development for nearly two years with support and input from Asian Americans Advancing Justice AAJC, Center for Democracy & Technology, Color Of Change, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Action Network, The Leadership Conference, and Upturn. The SEC considered the arguments described above to exclude the shareholder proposals on Racial Equity Audits, and, in each case, the SEC did not concur with the company that the shareholder proposal should be excluded. In a recent review of federal mortgage data from 2020 by Bloomberg, the outlet found that Wells Fargo has the worst record among major lenders when it came to disparities in approvals of refinancings by Black homeowners, approving fewer than half of Black homeowners refinancing applications in 2020. The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its May 25, 2022 annual meeting, requesting: The shareholder proposal requesting a diversity and equity audit, Item 12, was withdrawn by the proponent, update here. In particular, shareholders have begun to request that companies conduct racial equity audits (Racial Equity Audits), which generally seek an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. (go back), 9ESG DisclosureKeeping Pace with Developments Affecting Investors, Public Companies and the Capital Markets, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, John Coates, March 11, 2021, available at Item 7 requests a racial and gender board diversity report, the proponent arguing that the banks 25 percent representation of people of color on the board does not correlate to its workforce or customer base. (go back), 138See H.R.2123Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act, Congress Bill Tracker, available at (as of July 15, 2021). [57] The aspects of Facebook that the audit focused on were informed by the aforementioned interviews, which led to a holistic review of the entire company and not just a single aspect such as employment practices. For many, the scrutiny is welcome. [38] Racial Equity Audits can be designed to help identify if and where these issues exist within a company so that management can address them most effectively. (go back), 72Climate, ESG, and the Board of Directors: You Cannot Direct the Wind, But You Can Adjust Your Sails, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Commissioner Allison H. Lee, June 28, 2021, available at In light of the anticipated increase in the number of Racial Equity Audit proposals in the coming proxy seasons, we may see a corresponding rise in the number of companies that follow BlackRocks lead and voluntarily conduct their own Racial Equity Audits. This is all while donating the greater of 1% of sales or 10% of profits to environmental activism, working to be 100% carbon neutral by 2025 and allowing employees to spend up to two fully-paid months of working time on supporting environmental conservation projects. (go back), 109Id. Racial Equity Audits can focus on various aspects of a companys business, including the treatment of customers at a companys physical locations, the diversity of senior management, the targeting of products, and even political contributions. (go back), 22Supra note 10. Just like its environmental and corporate governance counterparts, addressing social concerns can be equally important to companies and investors alike as this can translate into, among other things, value additive results. No two companies are identical. [137] The proposed Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act would require such audits by independent third parties of the subject companies policies and practices pertaining to civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion. [138] The initial debates on the draft legislation also considered adding to the draft bill penalties for non-compliance, including fines of up to $20,000 a day for failure to engage in such audits. [139] The draft legislation would also require banks to investigate what ties they may have to slavery and disclose steps such institution would take to reconcile profits it may have received from slavery. Advertisement The report served as a withering rebuke of Facebook's handling of issues related to technology,. Our partnership with Airbnb on this project has been years in the making, and has led to tangible policy developments to reduce discrimination that should serve as a model for Airbnbs peer tech companies, said Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson. Shareholders hope an Alphabet audit would cover a range of topics including: What's more, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup have conducted . (go back), 102Shareholder-Advisory Firms Take Opposing Views on Racial Audits, Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan, April 17, 2021, available at (quoting Glass Lewis). Companies that dismiss these concerns or lag behind their peers in addressing ESG matters may find themselves in the crosshairs of investors and proxy advisory firms, or even state legislatures and federal agencies. While we witnessed an increase in shareholder proposals related to Racial Equity Audits in the 2021 proxy season, all such proposals were either withdrawn or defeated. [2] Thirdcorporate governance, which considers how a company governs itself and holds itself accountable taking into account the structure and diversity of a companys board of directors, the separation between management and the board of directors, executive compensation, equal and fair pay amongst employees, and the extent to which a company or its management or board of directors are undertaking lobbying efforts, making political and charitable donations, or engaging in corruption or bribery. Most recently in 2020, Airbnb launched Project Lighthouse, an initiative to uncover, measure, and overcome discrimination during the Airbnb booking process. [22]. Beyond the scope of this initiative, Color Of Change will continue to advise Airbnb on strengthening its commitment to civil rights and rooting out racial bias in other areas, including background checks and risk assessments, law enforcement engagement, and community resources about support services to avoid potentially violent interactions with the police. In addition to Starbucks, Airbnb and Facebook have completed audits. (go back), 116See How Amazons Emissions are Hurting Communities of Color, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, May 26, 2020, available at; Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest, NBC News, April Gleiser and Leticia Miranda, May 24, 2021, available at (go back), 50Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. 1 In addition to personal accounts, a study at Harvard Business School highlighted racial discrimination on Airbnb's rental platform. According to the proponents, issues relating to racial equity and the companys corporate practices are longstanding, and include multiple lawsuits relating to employment and lending discrimination. where the board recommends that shareholders vote against the racial equity audit proposal. Companies that sought to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals from their 2021 proxy statements by requesting no-action relief from the SEC argued that the exclusions set forth in sections (i)(3), (i)(7) or (i)(10) of Rule 14a-8 applied. Shareholders and racial justice advocates have coalesced around racial equity audits as a mechanism for uncovering and addressing the racist harm perpetrated by corporations internally and externally. (go back), 128SEIU and Change to Wins investment funds pushing for racial diversity in financial institutions, available at [109], Amazon argued the proposals call to review its impact on civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion is a broad survey on the impact of the Companys policies, practices, products and services on societal issues, which implicates routine business issues, such as the products and services that the Company offers to its customers, the Companys business practices and operations, the Companys strategic decisions, and the Companys choice of technologies. [110] Similarly, according to Amazon, such an audit would necessarily implicate[] a multitude of ordinary business matters relating to the Companys day-to-day operations, which Amazon argued included decisions relating to, among other things, its charitable donations, hiring decisions, diversity and recruitment initiatives, customer relations, advertising, public relations and communications with its shareholders and the kinds of products it sold. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. For more information on the study please see Edelman, Benjamin, Michael Luca, and Dan Svirsky. These companies have asserted that they disagree with the approach of Racial Equity Audit proposals, but are aligned with [their] stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector. [96], For example, the board of directors of Citi recommended a vote against the Racial Equity Audit proposal included in its 2021 proxy statement, noting that [a]s recently as September 2020, Citi released a 104 page report on the economic cost of Black inequality in the United States titled Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps, and said its efforts on these issues are available to the public. Every day, Hosts offer unique stays and experiences that make it possible for guests to connect with communities in a more authentic way. (go back), 96See e.g., Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35 (We share the proponents focus on advancing racial equity.); Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69 (While we disagree with the overall approach in this Proposal, we are completely aligned with its stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector.); see also Lawmakers debate bill mandating racial equity audits at firms, The Hill, Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer, June 30, 2021, available at; Shareholders want to hold corporate giants accountable for their commitments to racial equity and justice. According to Laura Murphy, a prominent civil rights leader and civil rights auditor, a civil rights audit is an independent, systematic examination of significant civil rights and racial equity issues that may exist in a company and provides a plan of action to address those issues in a thorough, deliberate, timely, and transparent manner. Companies and in turn shareholders face significant risks if civil rights problems are not remedied, including reputational, regulatory, and litigation risks. (go back), 126BlackRock Audit Proposal, available at The findings will be used to examine and address disparities in how Black users and other people of color experience Airbnb, out of fear of mistreatment or due to discrimination and bias. In a world where we have seen data and technology used to foster discrimination, we are pleased to see Airbnb use them to fight bias on its platform. As the area develops (and if more companies voluntarily implement these audits), Racial Equity Audits could become viewed as good corporate governance, particularly if top proxy advisory firms issue official guidance supporting the implementation of such audits. What is a racial equity or civil rights audit? (go back), 10ESG Activism Becomes the Norm, ESG Activism, Insightia, 2021, available at (go back), 48Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. Airbnb and Facebook have also completed racial equity audits in recent times. [30], The impact a Racial Equity Audit may have on a company may be felt in many ways. A National Labor Relations Board complaint alleged that the company enforced its dress code selectively and disparately against workers that displayed the slogan and engaged in other related protected concerted activities.. The most recent and prominent example of the intersection between shareholder activism and ESG was the 2021 proxy contest at Exxon. These perceptions will be aggregated and used to identify and measure discrepancies in peoples experiences on the platform that could be a result of discrimination and bias. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. [14], ISS and others have published a number of reports that have found that addressing social and environmental concerns correlates with companies either currently experiencing or having the potential to experience increased growth and profitability. Related research from the Program on Corporate Governance includesThe Illusory Promise of Stakeholder Governance(discussed on the Forumhere) andWill Corporations Deliver Value to All Stakeholders?, both by Lucian A. Bebchuk and Roberto Tallarita;For Whom Corporate Leaders Bargainby Lucian A. Bebchuk, Kobi Kastiel, and Roberto Tallarita (discussed on the Forumhere); andRestoration: The Role Stakeholder Governance Must Play in Recreating a Fair and Sustainable American EconomyA Reply to Professor Rockby Leo E. Strine, Jr. (discussed on the Forumhere). The Airbnb Newsroom is aimed at journalists. 1 launched a proxy campaign in December 2020 to effect change on Exxons board of directors. . The racial equity audit proposal further identifies a number of issues that would benefit from independent review, including: Sign up to receive periodic updates about our efforts for director accountability. Shareholder activists have advocated for increased diversity in corporate boardrooms for a number of years. The tactic in question is civil rights audits, also known as racial equity audits, which are third-party assessments of a company's role in addressing systemic racism. (go back), 129BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit (1), Bloomberg Tax, Saijel Kishan, April 5, 2021, available at (go back), 76See Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Exchange Act Release No. Therefore, this analysis and project will not affect an individuals experience on the platform in any way. . [62] Under Rule 14a-8, a company is required to include a shareholder proposal and related supporting statement in its proxy statement and list the shareholder proposal on its proxy card to be voted on with the companys proposals if: (a) the shareholder satisfies specified eligibility and procedural requirements; and (b) the proposal is not excludable under Rule 14a-8(i). Then at the end of 2018, Airbnb sought to further mitigate bias by developing a policy that hides Airbnb guest profile photos until after the booking is accepted. For all companies, and especially tech companies, that means its time to get to work! [25] Accordingly, the 2021 proxy season saw an influx of shareholder proposals submitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8 (Rule 14a-8) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, for companies to conduct Racial Equity Audits. 2017.,,,,,,,,, (go back), 81See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78. [34]. Civil rights advocates and proponents of social justice have long touted the moral and ethical considerations of closing the racial divide in America. These votes follow a 2021 season in which eight racial equity audit proposals were proposed at companies in the S&P 500, seven of which received more than 20 percent support. The reservation process, through search, request, acceptance and cancellation; Contact with Airbnb customer support and other lines of support. Cacace actively holds the position of Director of Anti-Discrimination & Equity Programs for Airbnb. Wenah herself has been working on this project for many years. [4] According to research from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), ESG Funds were among the largest winners in 2020, taking in a record $60 billion in net flows, nearly triple their 2019 total. [5]. (go back), 46Best ESG Funds: High-Rated and Low-Cost Options, NerdWallet, Alana Benson, May 9, 2021, available at For example, the SOC Investment Group, formerly known as the CtW Investment Group (CtW), a group that works with pension funds sponsored by unions affiliated with Change to Win, a federation of unions representing nearly 5.5 million members, submitted the following proposal to Bank of America Corporation for inclusion in its proxy statement: RESOLVED that shareholders of Bank of America Corporation (BofA) urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing BofAs adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. [127], According to SEIU, BlackRock decided that the SEIU proposal is too important to wait until they are voted on at their shareholder meetings [128] and announced its plans to voluntarily conduct an independent racial audit of its operations. Twitter, for example, hosted a conversation with bestselling author and activist Dr. Ibram X. Kendi about how Twitter employees can embody anti-racist behavior. [118] However, Comptroller DiNapoli noted a human rights assessment is not the same as an independent racial equity audit, and shareholders should be weary of equating the two. [119], On May 26, 2021, Amazon shareholders rejected eleven shareholder proposals at the annual meeting. However, not all companies have been as eager and willing to comply with these requests. In June 2020, Scharf defended his early choices, arguing that the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of Black talent to recruit from with this specific experience.. (go back), 43Webinar, Vivian Gray, SEIU Pension Fund Trustee, supra note 23. ; see also Human Rights, Amazon, available at [21] Most shareholder activists are cognizant of the stance of institutional investors and proxy advisory firms on ESG issues and have increasingly incorporated ESG factors into their proxy campaigns. From 2016 through today, over 1.3 million people have declined to agree to Airbnbs mandatory Community Commitment and Non-Discrimination Policy, and have therefore been denied use of the platform or had their accounts cancelled. Legislative or regulatory requirements are not without their own risks, and compliance with any such minimum standards would not be fool proof to insulate a company from potential ESG proposals and proxy campaigns. Beyond fund managers typical fiduciary duties to minimize risk and achieve positive returns, these fiduciaries are explicitly mandated with making investments into companies that aim to have a sustainable and societal impact in the world [46] based on ESG criteria or that meet stringent environmental, social and governance standards. [47] As the usefulness of Racial Equity Audits as a tool for ESG-conscious shareholders to measure a companys adherence to ESG prerogatives becomes more mainstream, it would be no surprise to see support for these audits grow. A fiduciarys duty is to act in the best interest of their beneficiaries and traditionally translates to acting to obtain the highest return on investment, but it can be equally important that fiduciaries seek to minimize risk. Laura Murphy, the ACLU veteran who pioneered business civil rights audits and led the analysis of Airbnb and. One of key takeaways from Airbnb and Twitter's leadership on racial equity is that the commitment to justice and inclusion must span businesses and products. The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its April 26, 2022 annual meeting, requesting: Historically, the insurance industry has engaged in racist practices impacting customers and potential customers from communities of color, including charging far higher premiums for auto insurance in Black neighborhoods as opposed to white neighborhoods; much lower payouts in homeowner insurance claims for Black neighborhoods; and instances of coverage denial for property owners who accept Section 8 vouchers. Exxon faces proxy fight launched by new activist firm Engine No. Companies Sought No-Action Relief. (go back), 4ESG investing: Discover funds that reflect what matters most to you, The Vanguard Group, Inc., available at In general, Racial Equity Audit proposals ask the board of directors of a company to oversee such audits analyzing the companys business modelsfrom policies to products and servicesto determine whether they cause, reinforce or perpetuate discrimination. [67]. . It must include a plan of action for resolution of issues identified, which should include responsibility and mechanisms for ongoing oversight and governance of racial equity related matters. In 2016, Murphy filed the first ever racial equity audit against AirBnB because there were allegations against the company that Black app users were having more difficulty booking rooms on the . 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