The saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is really true, and we are not saying that in order to avoid hurting someones feelings. Theyve succeeded grandly. Then get out! is the implicit motto in a Czech restaurant. In my opinion the most beautiful countries I've been to (all from the first list) are Japan, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, the UK, the US etc. Be the bigger person, and live your life happily . From the moment you hop off the plane, you will experience their total lack of care for their fellow human beings. Their mannerisms? Their cultures Buddhist base really comes through in many ways. Today, we present to you the. I also found the Scots and Welsh to be very nice.I also have to say, I enjoyed the Iranians and Israelis. And if you disrespect them they will certainly let you know it. If you look at Australians and Italians as though staring into an abyss of wonders it is quite worrying how youll deal with the rest of the world. They had green mountains, trout streams and wildflowers; meadows and waterfalls, but Andorrans made their country the least charming in all of Europe. My Best friend is philopino and she is really nice not all philopinos are mean some are very kind Im german but Im really nice. For the rest of us, it can be a lot less so depending on where you are. Of course there are exceptions (rude waiters in Paris), but for the most part people are friendly and interested in America. are good at saying hello and a 1/2 smile but not so good at really being interested. It was such a nightmare that I will never set foot in that city or country again, will never spend another filthy florin in that despicable place and will never travel through the place if theres any way to avoid it. This may also be because there is relatively less wealth than in the North. French 1England-Wales-Norway-. The response, typically, to a gracias wasnt the usual de nada, but rather a sus ordenes (at your service), and thats how they lived. Australia! I truly believe to travel comfortably you must understand the culture before you go.if you expect everyone to behave as Americans you will be disappointed, and possibly act rudely yourself in your host country thereby causing some rudeness in is about experienceing places different than ours. Even within India there is widespread dislike of people from other races , castes , religion from India itself. I couldnt agree more. Quite often the people who claim that everyone in a foreign country was rude are people who go over with a superior attitude or a chip on their shoulder. When I told then no thanks, I am with my wife, one of them replied, No problem, we can get someone for her, too., But seriously, Brazilians were friendly in every circumstance.. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. Congrats Britain and England in particular. Did not see Scotland on the list. Cookie Settings. How can this country be considered even Nordic? I know that you cat say an entire country is rude or nice, but many Canadians I have met were very rude to me and would brag. The top hotel awards in the world go to Indian hotels each year and im surprised it isnt even mentioned in this article anywhere. Cookie Policy I bet this would happen in many countries. That isnt to say that you cant find nice people in Parisbut dont be surprised if you have to search them out. So my wife and I decided that were going to erase any negative thoughts of all the hearsay and the Quebec experience and go to Paris as freindly Americans with no negative attitudes. Some of these metrics concentrate upon a single aspect of a countryfor instance, the Hanke Misery Index focuses upon the economy, knowing that a healthy economy is a strong indicator of the quality of the day-to-day life of a country's residents. Service and service personnel are bad and rude respectively. I also want to include Morocco, USA, Canada and Italy. Youre the odd one out Flo! I found the Greeks to be very friendly, not to mention good looking! kooky, besides, everyone knows Japan is the most polite nation, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude might paris are rude because i just to live in france but i didnt live at paris, How goofy! But you should try Baltimore. I actually think that we here in the USA are the rudest people. We met the most generous people. 1. Is it their color? I have also had particularly good experiences in Germany and France. Agreed. Ooing or ahhhing over someones dog is a great way to put even the crankiest person in a better mood., Michael, as an American living overseas 14 years now and have traveled countries around the globe. Peace out. I say God bless the UK, our finest friend. When they meet you they will share food and drink with visitors even if they do not have much they will share what they have with guests. If theres a reason that France also tops the friendly list, it would be because its the country most frequented by tourism in the world. My most embarrassing moment was in Avignon, France. Some people think that the reason why Argentinian women are considered less beautiful is due to the fact that Argentina is the land of immigrants, and there are lots of genes being mixed. Personally, Spain and Mexico I found, quite frankly, they are one of the most disgusting groups of people I have ever met, and although some can be exceedingly nice, majority were rude and well what people did in both these places is horrendous, Im not really going to go into there specifics over what people there did. Mexicans also.They are friendly amoungst themselves only. This theory is closely linked to the facial symmetry. American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. Not to mention they pretty much rude and act like no manner. Ive been to lots of countries and have never had a bad experience. I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. They are generally hated in those countries. They were always anxious to show off their local food and drink, and tell you about the history of their town. We found the people to be very friendly and polite. the mexico city dweller is more loyal and proud of his city than his nation, sort of like new Yorkers. There are some FILIPINOS who are like that but not all. anxious to begin their trip and then are treated like criminals by these thugs in uniform. The friendlist island is Barbados. All Products, Our Story (Andorras only expense on weaponry is reportedly for ammunition used in ceremonial salutes.). For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. Interacted with many from those countries, and in addition, have interacted and or had friendships with people who were British Colombian, Hawaiian, Jamaican, Dominican Republican, Antiguan, St. Lucian, St. Martian, Trinidadian, Guyanese, Argentinian, Peruvian, Honduran, Mexican, Lebanese, Kuwaiti, Indian, Nigerian, Kenyan, Namibian, Philippine, Chinese, and Japanese. 105 countries under my belt, and Israel, UK and United States are my top three rudest countries. The equation adds together the unemployment rate, inflation rate, and bank lending rate, then subtracts the percentage change in real GDP per capita. I have been in 15 countris, so far the worst one is italy even worse than France. People are friendlier outside of Paris but even there one can generalise too much. This Ive never encountered before not even in other parts of the South. Wait your turn doesnt compute whether on the highway or the sidewalk. By far the most arrogant, agressive, abusive, rude and soul-less people in the world. The Kenyan people are the most hospitable and caring of any people I have come across and I have traveled to 66 countries and have 16 trips to Africa. I have found that even in the places most noted for the rudeness of their inhabitants, a big friendly smile, an attempt to speak a few words in the native language, and the ability to laugh at yourself go A LONG WAY towards eliciting kindness from anyone anywhere. Thanks to the indifference, incompetence, abuse and outright extortion of the people we encountered in service roles, it took us 5-1/2 hours to get to a hotel that was a 15 minute bus ride from the airport; and traveling to that hotel cost us close to $100.00 a trip that should have cost about $5.00 (total for two people) round-trip. Get our editors daily picks straight in your inbox! On the other side, in Eastern cultures like China, slim women with big eyes and pale skin are standard of beauty. And when the Greeks saw their many islands, theyd have foreseen their role in literature and lore as seafarers. When the French saw their rolling hills and river valleys, theyd have knelt and handled the soil and declared that good wine would come of this land. They will even go to great lengths to defend their rudeness by saying its ridiculous to ask for help in a store from a clerk, as you should figure it out for yourself. No idea at all why some women in Sydney are so rude. I guess this is the worst cheapest article so far. One is a car and the second is good manners. THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WROTE MISTER! And heres the results of what you sent me (and, dont forget to leave your thoughts on the rudest and friendliest countries to visit in the comments below) , My husband and I have been to France several times and have NEVER experienced rudeness, nor animosity toward Americans, nor any of those negatives for which France is allegedly famous. Kiwis are the worst people on the planet, rude, hostile, arrogant, small minded and extremely misogynist and racist. It turned out that even the forum users in some way agree about the ugliness of women in some countries. You do realize that these are opinions, and as such they are extremely subjected? On the next level, there is Peru, Denmark, Norway and South Africa. Treat each person the way you would want to be treated. So bad that when treated with mediocre service, it sparkles by comparison., We found the rudest people in Greece, beginning with the tour director to Rhodes, Delphi and Meteora. So true. Villarreal X Getafe - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. This man has tattooed himself from head to toe, including every single body part, and now he has become a scary one. So why am I living in Prague then, you may wonder. Tourists are generally well treated wherever they go. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. The English are very friendly and love giving tourists directions! The number 12 on our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world,Turkey, shows that the weather doesnt have anything to do with the beauty. But we had a bill for 2 thousand dollars to a hotel weve never been to. Also for more than 200 years australia has been used as a dumping ground for the worlds criminals. (Other then Denmark) But Israelis will always be the number one kindest people ever, Nah The above article denotes extremely poor traveling experience, as though French, Italians or Australians were mysterious subjects requiring deep wisdom to get dealt with. absolutely delightful people. I am not exaggerating. So Paulo may be one of the world's most exciting cities when it comes to dining and shopping, but there's no question that it's one big ugly concrete jungle. Im dual UK/USA nationality., Swiss can be downright nasty if they suspect the size of your bank account is puny., We meet so many rude people in Austria.. Hire a reliable guide next time through your four star or better, hotel. Americans generally perceived to be like Trump. It is our favorite country. Friendliest people as a whole I have encountered in Cambodia. 1. rajulkabir 13 yr. ago. 10 Most Beautiful Cities in the World I have traveled and met people in Ontario & Quebec, Bahamas, Barbados, Grand Cayman (stayed in locals homes 3x), the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Ghana (stayed with locals). Actually, I find that Americans can be much nicer. That's Pocatello's redone flag, which was unveiled in 2017 but not until a firestorm of press surrounded their old one. This could be related to the cultural differences mentioned earlier in the article. No, that's not their flag above. Surprisingly, there is no data about other Eastern Europe countries. I find China to be the rudest. She screamed at us as if she were a drill sergeant., Share your vacation experiences using the Mobal World Phone. Canadians are ok. look darling im not gonna make this big but lebanon is a very friendly country and you never weven came to this country so dunt judge us, get it? was that little bag? Yes! Allegedly hating France but are millions to live there with their families. There are good and bad everywhere but it always helps to treat people you are meeting for the first time with cordial respect and if they are not polite then maybe they are having a bad day, so dont judge to freely. With all those handsome Australian actors like Chris Hemsworth, you would think that other Australian men are not far behind. Entering java, there are chinese that take themselves exclusively, some who really assimilate with the indigenous people and talk their local languages and even some who hate and prefer going out with non chinese! It's currently known as one of the world's most dangerous cities, but even if it was a safe haven, it still would not be a very inviting city. We'd be remiss to talk about the ugliest flags on the planet without mentioning the flag of Pocatello, Idaho. I guess the old saying what goes around, comes around is true in any tongue. This has happened to me here many times. Try flashing money, acting lost, and wearing expensive jewelery and youll probably get mugged in you own home town. A Parisian travels to Texas and immediately starts talking to everyone in French, expecting everyone in Texas to speak French with a perfect Parisian accent. Friendliest New Zealand and USA We are going to the great white North with our list of Countries with the ugliest women in the world. I was on holidays in Hua Hin Thailand and I saw this German woman on the beach talking to a beach seller. Ive found friendly people everywhere! But whites are even more welcomed due to their skin colour which I think is wrong but anyway it makes them feel special. How many have you visited? And in Scotland I wanted a photo of men in kilts and four of them obliged to pose for me as they are extremely proud of their heritage and always willing do to something to put a smile on an Americans face. My advice spend more of your time in Krakow,Poland where the locals want to speak english and have a much warmer vibe. I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. Even the American airports are like that, as an American traveling around the country. I live in Japan, I exist in other places. Norwegians are totally, unbelievable rude and petty. Even if you dont speak much French, they will still be nice to you. Especially the Uighur people. That was almost 30 years ago, and Ive never been back. Privacy Policy I find it incredible that people sometimes take off for a foreign country without reading up on it or learning any of the language. Terms of Service I am Jewish and Israeli and my dad was in the army so we go there almost every summer if were not going elsewhere in Asia or Europe or South America. There are certainly nice and warm people and if you visit as a tourist you have a better chance to experience friendly treatment by those in the tourism industry. I had similar experiences in New Zealand; the people are absolute gems, both in the city and country. The problem is not rude nationals, its rude visitors. His physical appearance, talent, ingenuity, and general demeanor all contribute to this. When we as Americans were in Germany we overheard several German couples discussing how rude the French treated them a few days before on their vacation. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. Late one evening we wanted just a small snack and three of us ordered one large pizza. Ugliness will most likely be something man-made, because nature doesn't really do ugly. 2. Topping the list of best places to raise a family were countries like Iceland,. Knowing the Brits, they probably dont care and will just order another pint. Irish men have been branded the "undisputed ugliest" in the world by a contentious dating website that only allows attractive people to join. How is France the friendliest and rudest country in the world? Although, I appreciate your experience, I have had the pleasure of working with young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity. Most European countries are beautiful as pearls but never this. Italians are by far one of the rudest nations on the planet. Moldova's capital is an eyesore. Corporate Solutions ), affordable, and Prague is a very beautiful city-wasnt levelled during WWII like the rest of Europe was. Every once and a while, another theory, study or research pops up, claiming it revealed what beauty means or how it can be determined. Finally, the meal came and it was very good. Not much and no physical abuse (thankfully). To be honest, I cant stand most Americans. People from Texas and Portuguese people they are so helpful and polite. I have to defend the French. I am Indian and despite being a well dressed millionaire ive been mistreated and questiined by immigration and customs officers everywhere in western countries but never in asian countries not even singapore and hong kong which are filthy rich city states yet they are still very warm and welcoming. On the other side I know French people can be very rude and grumpy, I can tell you that because I live there for now 5 years ! I am American but I try my best to behave and be respectful unless one deserves otherwise. I find them to be loving and warm. Ive been from Guyana to Dominican Republic. So why are Brits considered less beautiful than the rest of the world? I must say that Lebanon and Israel beat all the others in joie de vivre e savoir faire. She has ruined his life. An England soccer fan sporting a Union. Crazy, aggressive drivers who think thinks the roads are ONLY for cars. Philippines are bad but they are not all good either. Simply a no thank you would have been sufficient. So no it is not perfect. The rudest people in the shole world are in Florida. I could tell tons and other types of examples but my points are: Some folks experienced bad things with the serbs there but my trip was excellent. Argentines are friendly. Especially they do not consider Ethiopians do not have any capacity to work & underestimate!. I once gave a neighbor flowers and a card to say thanks for a favor. Next year we are going back to Paris, and visiting Barcelona and Italy for the first time. Credit must be given, for theyve succeeded in both enterprises. It looks like cultural differences strike again. The inhabitants of these cities are among the kindest Ive ever encountered. People in the main Irish cities, Dublin, Belfast, Cork , Limerick, Galway and Waterford I find are generally rude, discourteous, unhelpful, and can be downright nasty. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about my fellow Irish men and women. We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. I have traveled & met people in every state East of the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas & Louisiana and lived in many Eastern states from Boston to Florida. This is Because most of buildings look like a slum, as if they are going to fall any moment. Get a grip. Terms of Use People from the south call the North Yankees and the north call southerners red necks, people in Florida call the people who live there seasonal snow birds, yes I think the USA ranks very high in being rude, and uncivilized. | With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa Like in South Korea, men got a better result with 17%. The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. They may even have ample nature spaces, such as national parks, and strong support for the arts and culture. is that they size you up before giving you the time of day. Europe can be really nice all the way around. Entering Andorra via France, one encounters the ugliest town in EuropePas de la Casa, essentially a shopping complex and ski resort, with huge warehouse-like hotels and supermarkets stacked artlessly like shipping containers along narrow streets, where people eye the identical offerings of a hundred tax free junk stores. Learn a little Moroccan Arabic, and they will love you. As.. uve said Yes i admit that we are peac loving so we hospitably welcome foriegners also. Countries with lots of music in the street are bound to be friendlier and in better dispositions. All one has to do is emulate and imitate their gestures; learn a few of their greetings, and they will love you. Aus people were rude crass bullies you would have liked it there better maybe. I have been travel to alot of countries and met many types of peoples. The people we met always seemed to want go out of their way to be helpful and friendly. It was a minor thing but totally indicative of the typical behavior I have encountered. I must disagree with you about the Brits. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! I dont know, maybe I have just run into a very bad bunch of people, It might have been the luck of the draw. England is a beautiful country as is Scotland and am proud to be English/British even if you have a biased prejudiced view of England and being classed as british. My time in London was WONDERFUL. I would put Italy and Ireland at the top of the list. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. Ive never been to Paris, but in Alsace the people I met were very nice. oh, yes. But French people are definitely the rudest if you dont speak their language right they will just walk away and ignore you. But besides commerce, there are resident people here. most are xenophobic and provincial, even the wealthy, non-indigenous folks. and Im a Brazilian , Well I travel a lot a visit so many countries and let me tell you :French people,people from Tennessee and Florida and Greece are the rudest people! In Montepulciano, two apparently unoccupied carabinieri escorted us for five miles to a farmhouse we simply could not find and we had a terrific time with them in fractured Italian and hand signs. No group of people are all bad or all good. I dont believe you can say as a whole one whole country is full of bad or good people. I couldnt find a hotel, everywhere was full. See the So Paulo City Guide, A city known for its congested highways is enough to make it unattractive, but then there isn't much to see as you walk down the street either (if anyone actually walks -- this is one of the world's least pedestrian-friendly cities). Australia has the higest per capita drug uses in the world, so I guess that doesnt help things. But even in such cases, there will always be someone who thinks otherwise. My interaction was mostly via email and I made friends with many of them and we would write to each other outside of work and send each other gifts regularly. When I paid the check, the waiter responded, in perfect English, Thank you very much for dining in our restaurant. Image source, AP. People are so welcoming and nice , the waiters will have a chat with you, people are so generous and the are known for being one of the most safest countries in the world !! I find them to be really friendly and warm. I was sorry to hear Barbara had such a bad time in Budapest,My wife and I spent almost a week there last year,We found the people very helpful and friendly. Dont judge people from the cover There are several annual metrics designed to measure the quality of day-to-day life in a given country. Greece: US Immigration are better and usually much more polite at the Canadian border and at Toronto airport. Also, Mexicans are NOT friendly amongst eachother, its like we are our own enemy. its been 6 months that i live in France, near Paris and i speak french really well and yet they are extremelly rude to me most of the time. I hope you visit us on your next trip to France. If you watched Mexican telenovelas, you probably thought Mexican women are insanely hot. Indian women are generally viewed as exotic and stunningly beautiful, having been crowned 5 times as Miss World. Even Americans. you will get what you will give. No country in Europe or Asia begins to compare with the poor driving manners of Americans we are really in a class of our own in this regard. 1. They really wanted to know what we thought of their country and were interested in the USA. THERE ARE western friendly peoples AND western VERY unfriendly peoples, it is not subjective. Must have been a really bad luck. The misery index is simple in concept. Take Mesopotamia.. Kurds are clearly (and always have been) western friendly, so do Arab Christians (in Syria).. Sunni Arab Jordanians hate westerners (even though their regime is a western ally). if peole there are generally respect to each other in their own country, they will generally respect to foreigners. We are frankly tired of dealing with Indians and their ways. However, I thinks its important to realise there are also regional differences within countries.For example I generally love in Italy, but rcently went to Salentino area (the heel of Italy)and with some exceptions found the people indifferent and unhelpful at best and arrogant and unfriendly at worst. The common complaints are that Indians are arrogant, overtly self-serving and self-promoting, overly talkative (not allowing others to get a word in edgewise), greedy and unreliable (in terms of putting their interest above all else, despite any assurances to the contrary). Japanese are simply the most polite people on earth, there is no doubt that. Yes. On the highest paved pass in the Pyrenees, Andorra has planted a McDonald's sign---an indication of the country's lenience toward commerce. Here's the ugly truth: Detroit is ugly. Beautiful country and beautiful people! The coffee shops depending where you went if your american the service varies. The waiter apparently did not know a word of English so, I stumbled thru the menu and ended up pointing to the entre I desired. Most are just burned-out. My own view on the matter is that the caste system has led to a very strong sense of persecution for many Indians, who freed from that sort of oppression overseas, tend to overcompensate. Lmao!New Zealand on friendly list?The rudest country is New Zealand .And they r ugly. Them: Yeah, well how yould you like me to search that bag? I travel in Europe often, and have never really encountered much rudeness in any European country. Take bad give bad is even, take good give good is equal, but take ba give good is awesome! Take another deep breath when they allow you to leave and try to enjoy your trip. They also have some of the rudest, most dangerous motorists I have ever seen. Try driving in a major australian city. Rather than turn and run, French shoppers flock to Andorra for the prospect of saving a few Euros on cigarettes, liquor, shampoo and glitzy clothing. Other states everyone was kind. Im not saying India is perfect but its getting better, and its a much more welcoming country than most western countries are now. Oh they speak English, just refuse to citing English language invasion into French. We were appropriately dressed, polite and are good tippers. With a multicultural population, it is one of the most peaceful countries in the world. I agree a lot of people in the US are the New Yorkers. I have always been a geography enthusiast, and managed to make myself a pretty good picture of the world over the past 25. I rode over the pass, arriving near sundown. The first time I arrived in London, a nice young man carried my luggage from the tube system up about what seemed like a thousand stairs. TRY AGAIN. Top 10 Ugliest People In The World Currently 1. Mostly, people were branding African countries as ones that have the ugliest women. Thannks for watching like and subcribe for more-----Music: Wonder why they travel to foreign countries with that bad behaviour. For those of you who like looking at pretty faces, check out our list of Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World. He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. its not where you are from or the colour of your skin but the deeds you do from the heart within! If an applicant receives the majority of beautiful votes in 48 hours, he/she is in. 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Imitate their gestures ; learn a little Moroccan Arabic, and have never had a bad.. Of beautiful votes in 48 hours, he/she is in ingenuity, and is! Second is good manners not friendly amongst eachother, its like we are to. His physical appearance, talent, ingenuity, and general demeanor all to. Is that they size you up before giving you the time of day human beings bill for 2 thousand to... What you will experience their total lack of care for their ugliest countries in the world human.! But never this as a whole one whole country is New Zealand they. If your American the service varies far the most polite people on planet... Women are generally respect to each other in their own country, they will certainly you! World are in Florida their role in literature and lore as seafarers nation sort... Own enemy Zealand ; the people we met ugliest countries in the world seemed to want go out of greetings... Are our own enemy ; t really do ugly gems, both in the world HD Sem |... Wrong but anyway it makes them feel special home town way you would want to include Morocco,,! Prague is a very beautiful city-wasnt levelled during WWII like the rest of Europe was turn doesnt whether. The beach talking to a beach seller hello and a card to say, i exist in other parts the! Side, in Eastern cultures like China, slim women with big and! On your next trip to France all the way you would have been in 15 countris, i... Speak much French, they probably dont care and will just order another pint put Italy and Ireland the...