They can stop all of our payments whenever they feel like it. I feel like this is being done on purpose. Their supposed to follow the law and help with benefits when needed I have proof of discrimination from the owner and management yet there still not helping. Nothing to lose and having bigger advocate who knows HOW to GET through sounds like its in order! Where do I find help in Arizona? I dont know why it came in a check because I requested direct deposit. I do not have the money to pay them back and have been struggling to pay my bills already. My issues where fraud from signing into my account under a different ip address. So I do not know if I will finally get a deposit and I do not know where it will go. Also keep an eye on your account frequently, at the end of July I received a letter along with a new link for the opportunity to resend verification of identity and only gave 5 days to respond. IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS and i still have not received the help I deserve! Hopefully this fixes my pending issues. All I have got so far is around379 which will help some but not much.But it only took less than 3 weeks to get that. Hello Im from NJ. Keep submitting your weekly claim and I would email as well. We promise not to send you any unrelated messages, Click here if youd like to unsubscribe from notifications about new complaints of Ohio Unemployment. I am told it has to process. Ohio has the worst unemployment system and keeps people waiting until they are desperate so they take just any job. Insufficient earnings or length of employment. I recently was denied for regular unemployment I do no why I met the criteria but was accepted by pua after 3 weeks I like today and it said payment was sent 4/12 which is today but never hit my bank account can anyone explain why or a number I can call to frj such questions answered Other reasons cited were failure to prove identity or income, to which each application could not be approved without, and if so, that responsibility falls on those who approved the claims without verifying the information from the start. It was impossible to get through by phone all those months. Breaks in claim can occur if you tried to reopen a claim, but you earned more than your previous weekly benefit amount. I discussed this PUA video and as of mid-February only about 60% of states are paying PUA benefits to new and exhausted claimants (New Jersey and Wisconsin are among the most delayed). The representative refused to write full details of my case because I asked her to repeat what she wrote. I have a lot more documents that are too sensitive to share! I asked her to read it again because she put the issue number in place of the correspondence number. terms of service. In the first quarter of 2020, ODJFS had 7,527 non-fraud overpayment cases and 1,347 fraud cases. rep stated to upload a generic letter to your claim: To Whom It May Concern: I have not been out of the USA since the COVID-19 Pandemic started. The rollout of the various extensions for the PUA program have continued to be painfully slow in many states. I filed dec 6th and it was 3 weeks and i got 189 for one week 189 for another week nothing else.I dont know how these ppl get paid for the months before? I know that's a lie because another rep was able to look at my information especially since I pressed 0 option for pandemic unemployment. good luck to us all who are suffering due to covid. Filing weekly claims is the only way to receive PUA payments, and some applicants who have filed weekly . Nickey, send an email to whomever your State Rep is in the county you live in, that you have been in a holding period on your claim, and is there anything they can do. Someone needs to contact a congressman. I was fired from my job on 2/14/21 unfairly and have been fighting with unemployment for almost a year. I have been reading alot of articles regarding the status of payment ,and from what I gather ,after it says paid it may take a couple more days to go into your account on debit card. As a result, PUA claims are no longer being accepted. I was only there for one week. However when I go to look at my account the money isnt there, anyone else having this issue? The problem is theivery from the companies who were put in charge to handle this in first place and whatever department is in charge. I have been without income all summer and in this day and age it is difficult. Contacting a representative until one helps you. So I resubmitted them. I am in the same situation. I'm in my locality and i'm looking for work, Was unable to file weekly work search activity for unemployment. Advertisement Last week, people across the state said they were locked out of their accounts. I would like this to be expedited and approved before Friday 02.03.22, I am now in my fifth week of filing weekly claims. Im in Ga. On September 6, 2021, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program is scheduled to expire. If done by phone or computer, keep clicking until the website moves,you can start over. Just wait for that email. P.S. dhayduk08 2 yr. ago Theres a few more steps after receiving the letter of approval. There is no logical or conscionable reasoning for Ms. Hall's handling of this matter. Most states allow eligible claimants to receive unemployment benefit payments either by debit card or direct deposit. We insist that the State of Ohio formulate and execute an action plan to prevent further issues from interfering with the benefit payment systems without prior notice and a method to expedite issues prior to the stopping of said benefits. I waited a week for that in came in the mail in check. I jus recently re-applied fir PUA on 2/15/21 as I worked the last 2 months of 2020!!! The wait times are long the person treats him like he is not who he says he is they tried to say he started his job in September when he started in May. Wisconsin is a joke! All it is a waiting game. I came right back home and started looking for work. The state of Ohio's unemployment system was grossly outdated and lacked the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the federal CARES act to supply Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to millions of Ohioans. 2-3 months went bye, and I contacted the Adjudication Div, C.S. We've spent 81 million on this failed system and now will require many more millions of dollars to adequately train and employ enough workers to facilitate the correction of Ms. Hall's incompetence. You can see more around the extension in this PUA overview article. O switched to relia card for my unempyment in ohis and 3 weeks have been paid but nothing on my car. I tried two change it on the Ohio id website and it would not allow me to do anything. Hope this help someone. I will guarantee the IP is the issue my brother also uses my phone we have a small business my compliments his his compliments mine so I'm sure it's the IP, You guys keep saying contact US senator a representative from the governor's office why don't you post a phone number to help us out thank you. Yet BofA tells me I still have no pending transactions. Here is a Wisconsin UI resource page I am using to track updates,, This reporter says in this news video that if you are still having trouble to contact their investigative team. Please hire more people or make the wait times less and at least answer the call in a timely manner like 10-15 mins, Alabama Department Of Human Resources /, Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority [CMHA], 16 years' experience in successful complaint resolution, Each complaint is handled individually by highly qualified experts, Last but not least, all our services are absolutely free. No reason. Man I am really really sorry yall!!! Relia card says they see no deposits yet unemploymebt says theyve been deposited to my card. No wonder so many Americans are losing everything they worked so hard for. Wavier the over payment amount. Desired outcome: Payments by mail can be made by check or money order only. I have tried to call the department for 4 days now everyday I wake up at 8:30 and call and every time I have been on hold for 45-50mins and after that I just give up and hang up due to people having lives I cant stay on hold for almost 1hour. It's criminal and unemployment needs reformed. What is going on? Good luck! But there is nothing on or pending on my card does anyone know whats going on?? I contacted a rep and they helped get the pending issues removed. I checked and it seems that is the regular PUA number not the fraud department one. I am very frustrated and want this to be fixed for others. Here is some more background and some possible reasons for the delayed payments, including those impacted by benefit year end and new claim issues. Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. Both me and my boss have spoken to the lady. I need some income. Contract Violation 7 PUA: You indicated on your claim that you left your Im waiting on this as well ,all my weeks for the extra 300 have been adjusted in my UI portal backdated to January 2nd, they all are approved and all say paid ,but when I go into my bank account its not there yet. This includes back dated PUA and the weekly FPUC payment. Hi when it says process. Of these fraudulent payments, only approximately $150 million has been recovered to date. I've thought about trying to contact a representative but I was wondering what else I could try for the Ohio Pua system? Given the unprecedented spike in unemployment it is/was taking several weeks in most states to process PUA UI claims. Has anyone else had this happen? MoveOn Civic Action does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on this site. With many claimants having received benefits for over 12 months, they would have likely passed their benefit year end date (BYE). (BTW, they never responded back, but it looks like they lit a fire!). it's been a run around and I'm being affected so much by this. With a link to go to uidentify why havent I gotten a email and Am I screwed untill they send me the email? Waiting on back time of bout 10,000 wba of 195.00 from PA i was approved5/7/2020. In addition, new PUA applications will continue to be accepted through Wednesday, October 6, 2021, but only for weeks of unemployment prior to September 4, 2021. Paper checks are an option, but not recommended due to the long payment processing times. I had an identity verification issue.. what I uploaded was too big. I filed back in October.. says I had 2 pending issues.. when I would call theyd say no we have everything. I havent received anything at this time why? Also, on my claim it says a pay date October 29th for a few weeks but I do not know where that money is. I received payment all of 2020. The PUA program was originally funded under the CARES Act for 39 weeks, and was due to expire on December 26th 2020. I uploaded this DL with matching address (Front/Back) recently, then two days later received an email and internal email document, received my second letter of determination (Financially eligible) from DETR dated 11/26/2020, and Available Credits and Claim Benefit Balance increased..But still havent received any payments. Individuals who did manage to reach a representative were given a plethora of flimsy excuses and outright lies as to what was going on. The announcement this week that Ohio overpaid more than $2.1 billion in unemployment benefits serves as a reminder that COVID's costly legacy extends beyond people who got sick or died. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. if we were eligible at the time we filed, it wouldnt be right for us to lose it because our government took so long to process the claim. I got the correspondence yesterday saying that my weeks have been added and I got the Monetary Determination saying that im eligible for the extra weeks, my balance went up and everything, but I still have 2 pending issues for fraud and employment verification, which i have uploaded everything, a few times actually..The last payment i got was on March 1st 2021 because I got flagged before i . The state of Tennessee Unemployment Office has moved thousands of dollars set to be direct deposited into recipients bank accounts to WAY2GO debit cards (OWNED BY COMERICA BANK) which in many cases have not even been received by the unemployed. It provides unemployment benefits to individuals who became unemployed because of COVID-19 and are not eligible for regular benefits. It was just for the weeks I had filed to that date. I called them a couple days ago and they finally called back. 3. . Now Im currently waiting for the extra 300 retroactive to be deposited, on my ui account where u claim every week ,all weeks say paid going back to January 2nd it shows a 300 adjustment but it hasnt been deposited in my regular bank account so I am getting a little worried ,just wanted to see if anyone else has this going on or has info on when I will have access to the money ? It will be applied to multiple programs, including but not limited to regular unemployment benefits, PUA benefits, Trade benefits, and SharedWork Ohio benefits. Idaho discontinued all federal CARES Act unemployment assistance programs week ending June 19, 2021. Further if they qualify for regular unemployment (e.g. On Feb. 12, I finally received unemployment benefits. All I need to do is pass them over maybe one more document to get this going but they rather make this drag on. Desired outcome: Hello, Im also in Ma. The problem should get resolved within a week, and all the money due you will then be paid to you retroactive to the day you first filed for unemployment. I have the same happening ,I usually receive my deposit on tuesdays ,when I go into my pua acct they all say paid ,all weeks except for 1,the last one says payment in progress, when I go into my card account the money that says paid is not in my bank account . Started PUA in April. My roommate has certifications all the way back to 2-4-20 and still hasnt received a penny. PUA Applications Are Closed. the me with me, claims went through but no money , did you get anything yet? I filed UI and got denied so they said file for PUA back in November. I applied on 1/10/21 and randomly I got that event though I had already uploaded it as a document in my dashboard (on their website) then I got that email in my dashboard messages). I tried to do the pua and says my passwords dont match. There is no logical or conscionable reasoning for withholding benefits to individuals who have already submitted their information upon applying for assistance. I was eligible and received a bank of america card but never received my any of my claims or nor recieved a payment when willl i get my payments or what can i do. I was laid off May 27th 2022 and sent in my proof of me being me. I mean would i get a card and would it say i was eligible for the 191 aweek if they didnt approve me? We the undersigned demand immediate reversal of the erroneous fraud claims being set upon the receipients of the Ohio PUA extended unemployment assistance program. I could be wrong. If your payment shows as "break in claim," you need staff intervention. I worked for ODJFS intermittent position in the PUA side. I got a hold of the VEC and they said that they are waiting for the funds to be released from the state. I got an email saying that as well yes I are approved thats what I was told but I wanna know how long before a deposit is made, Thats what mine says am,I going to still get it, You are not necessarily approved. I did end up receiving my benefits and if my memory serves me right it was during the week I was to return to work. Penny Payne But I jus applied again, and within 3-4 days I received my benefits along with backpay starting from 1/4/21!!!!! I didnt have this problem until this last extension, Amy Im so sorry this is happening to u or her or both , when this all began last year I as many others had alot of problems , got thru em and didnt have a problem again ,knock on Wood, anyways with the new extension I was a little confused as to what they meant by back pay from December 27th , where u get your regular pay plus the extra 300 bucks everyone was telling me that it was all retroactive the 13 weeks extended and that u wud get a lump sum of the extra 300 from December 27th til your time period ends, well my pua was saying all was paid the 300 extra in the pua online service all the way back to December 27th but it was not showing in my real bank account ,so I spent endless hours trying to see if anyone had this problem and I couldnt get an answer, I also tried to call pua unemployment but no answer there either ,so then I went into my UI personal unemployment pua ,I logged in like as I was going to claim a week and I tapped on the little robot guy at the top right hand side , tap on him and follow the directions he says , u type ur question in ,the robot will try to answer but dont accept his answer , underneath his reply it will ask u if his answer made any sense or was it helpful u click the NO button and it will ask u if its a question with pua u say yes, then type again briefly what u need to know and it will direct u to a real agent, it may take 5 to 10 min but u can see when they type like as if its an iphone , they will help u and if they cant then they automatically transfer u to a real living person right away, no waiting or getting hung up on , this is where I got my info , so no I didnt get the lump sum but I am getting the extra 300 each week and each week going forward until the extention runs out I hope this helps u ,feel free to reply again i will try my best to help u out as I know how frustrating it can be . Who can I contact to find out where the second stimulus check went for my wife and I, Hi Same thing here I do not know if you got yours yet I joined a unemployment group on Facebook it helps but I still do not k ow if I did something wrong it says no action needs..Then it says you can not mail or email the info but I am not familiar w computer My case is opened it shoes payment amount and thenmy card is activated ( the card I got through unemploymenti still keeps saying 0 balance SMH. But I just want it to be clear as to why it was done. Some claims come up as having unresolved "issues," which the PA Department of Labor and Industry will resolve as it works on claims. The virus. Any and all departments, I have had my benefits for unemployment be verified, approved , the a manual hold placed that for eight weeks of calling still no one can tell me where, who or how or was placed HOPE THIS HELPS GOOD LUCK.KEEP US POSTED PLEASE, oh n they told me it wasnt them ,they said they definitely paid thru the system so now its all on the banks side that i use n Im trying to get a hold of them which is another joke, You have to be calling wrong number I have the Ohio pua number an they answer after 35 40 minutes but they do answer I been on an off phone with them all damn day because of identity verification. For the pua you had to recertify I recertified for the lwa where do I certify for this pua theyve already sent me a letter saying that its in process but I know nothing about applying for certification could someone tell me where I go to Im here in Kansas City Kansas. Do not send cash. By Shaun Hegarty. This issue requires IMMEDIATE resolution to those affected. 4. Hope this helped ya a little . Between March 15 and May 30, 1,292,413 Ohioans applied for unemployment insurance - as many as applied over the previous three years combined. I CLAIMED 59 weeks. We insist that immediately and for the duration that Ms. Kimberly Hall, Director of the ODJFS be placed on Administrative Leave *WITHOUT* pay pending investigation into this matter, and a QUALIFIED and compassionate successor be appointed to correct this inappropriate course of action. I certified but did not get paid under the PUA, but received the letter that my PUA was extended. No money in bank yet, not that I expected there to be once I completed my identity process they gave me a payment date of November 30th and I already had direct deposit setup money came through. The check or money order should be made payable to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and mailed to the address below: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services P.O. How did you get ahold of VEC? Mike DeWine says. For more information, please see our If you are an existing or former PUA claimant, you still may log in to view your account. I've tried calling every 2 weeks, did my fact finding/submitting all my personal info over a month ago, but still no progress in the last 4+ months on any of my pending issues. If their is no issues with my claim then why am I not getting paid? Box 1618 Columbus, OH 43216-1618 1-800-686-1555 Please let me be the last that experience such stress & depression behind a flawed system! I just got that email for verification. My first encounters with ODJFS was back in 2020 during that mass lay offs. After waiting for 25 weeks (this was last year) she was paid days later. By May 23, about half of those people had received their first payment. Roughly 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the last month while the coronavirus pandemic upended the U.S. economy. You should be able to see it in this weeks deposit into your account. The name, address and phone number of your employer (s) in the last 6 weeks. My puasas paid and is backdated back to November, but it said February 8 date paid for all of them, but its only February 6. . This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable! I have nothing but issues receiving my unemployment. Ohio unemployment then determined that i owe them $3006.00. Mine has been since 10-24-2020 no money. Im having the same issue my account says the money was paid 3 days ago but its still not in my account. N God Bless All keep ur head up n stay strong yall dont give up!!!!!!! Im at my breaking point, I have 3 small kids and really need that payment but Im starting to wonder if Ill get it at all! Filed four weeks ago, still file weekly claims and havent heard anything. Video of the Day Types of Pending Issues So sorry u all had to or still are waiting for your money .keep fighting call every day . Ohio unemployment: $300 weekly payments issued plus extended weeks of benefits available. My only crime was getting laid off and having what little money that is Owed to me taken away. got approved right away had one small issue with the identity so they put a lock on my account but that was fixed in fairly well timely manner, so when they finally unlocked my account I got retroactive from the 1st day this was available .I couldnt believe it .what i did was i went right to the bank they deposited the money in and withdrew every cent and put it into my regular account, because I was hearing horror stories on the debit card from unemployment the one they send you ,I heard they were locking accounts and denying access to the money so i didnt want any problems. When you apply you will need: Your Social Security number and driver's license or state ID number. I WANT the money that should be mine! Ive been filing my weekly claims but still have not received this weeks PUA unemployment. I was bullied and harassed from my ex employer until they could fire me for unfair reasons. I received a letter approving me for PUA for the most recent round. Will let you know of any changes if and when it happens. Son applied for regular UI we knew that would be denied he did get accepted thru pua will funds go to the gov2card that ui initially sent him? When I would go check on it it was stuck on payment initiated for two days until finally late last night it said payment in progress. Requirements for documenting your claim include proof of U.S. citizenship, your Social Security number, your work and wage history, and the reason for your job loss claim, such as the closure of your previous place of employment. The email said they have sent my issue directly to JFS and that someone will contact me and if they don't to just email them again. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Does anyone think it will clear up in time ? 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