>ZWCWkW 12.25 In the absence of a published procedure, what is the typical first-step recommendation in order to initiate recovery from an incipient spin in a straight-wing, general aviation aircraft? Match the type of engine and the type of propeller where the advantages of each are utilized and nothing is wasted. If the coefficient of friction is 0.8, find the braking force Fb on the airplane. If the two values are almost the same, that indicates that the airspeed and horizontal speed are so close as to be practically interchangeable, at least at that point on the performance curve. However, these may not represent the best combination of these parameters if another of our goals is to achieve a certain climb rate. 9.5 Altitude effects Obviously altitude is a factor in plotting these curves. stream For a turbojet aircraft with a drag equation described by: C D = C D 0 + K C L 2. with C D 0 = 0.012, and K = 0.035, a wing area of 70 m 2, a weight of 120.000 kN, and a maximum lift coefficient of 1.900, capable of producing a thrust of 120.000 kN at a given altitude, the climb rate and angles can be taken from the . These two ratios are tied together in aircraft performance through the same power relationship that we looked at when we first examined climb and glide. Or in some cases the power-to-weight ratio (P/W) is used instead of T/W. <> 13.8 (Reference Figure 5.4) An aircraft flying at 200 knots can pull how many G's before stalling the aircraft? The maximum angle of climb occurs where there is the greatest difference between the thrust available and the thrust required. 3.2 The main variable(s) in the geometry of an airfoil are: 3.3 The angle between the relative wind and the chord line of an airfoil is the, 3.4 For a symmetrical airfoil, at 0o AOA, air passing over the wing results in, An equal increase in velocity over the top and bottom of the wing. and B = (g/W) [ S(CD CLg) + a] . The groundspeed must be increased over the no-wind groundspeed by the amount of the tailwind. 9.14 As the altitude for a given aircraft increases, the VX will ___________ and the VY will ___________. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. Just as an aside, the vertical speed can't be higher than the airspeed, so it's not even. 7.1 The thrust available from a jet engine at 35,000 ft altitude compared to that at sea level is, 7.2 If the weight of a jet airplane is increased, then, Induced drag increases more than parasite drag, 7.3 If the weight of a jet airplane is reduced as fuel is burned, the Tr curve, 7.4 If a jet airplane is in the gear down configuration, the increase in, Parasite drag is more than that of the induced drag. Calculate (or find in Table 2.1) the Pressure Ratio: 2.9 An airplane is operating from an airfield that has a barometric pressure of 28.86 in. In understanding what this really tells us we perhaps need to step back and look at the same situation another way. TK. Constraint analysis is essentially a way to look at aircraft weight, wing area, and engine thrust for various phases of flight and come to a decision about meaningful starting values of all three parameters for a given set of design objectives. The first step in the process is usually to look for what are called comparator aircraft, existing or past aircraft that can meet most or all of our design objectives. Constraint analysis is an important element in a larger process called aircraft design. Calculate (or find in Table 2.1) the approximate Density Altitude. While you are at it, just the sake of curiosity you might want to also calculate the arctangent of (vertical speed / airspeed) for the same data point. What effect does an increase in AOA have on the laminar characteristics of a laminar flow airfoil? The number of distinct words in a sentence. False Propeller aircraft are more efficient than jet aircraft because: They process more air and don't accelerate it as much Turboprop aircraft are classified as power producers because: Both A and C: How is maximum rate of climb defined in aircraft specifications? It only takes a minute to sign up. This page titled 9: The Role of Performance in Aircraft Design - Constraint Analysis is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by James F. Marchman (Virginia Tech Libraries' Open Education Initiative) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request. The plane is directly over a point on the ground that is 3 nautical miles from the takeoff point and the altimeter reads 12,152 feet. 5.3 An aircraft will enter ground effect at approximately what altitude? 5.2 Wingtip vortices contribute to which type of drag? Service Ceiling-This is the maximum density altitude where the best rate of climb airspeed (Vx) will produce a 100 fpm climb with both engines at max continuous power. 13.23 High bank angles and slower airspeeds produce ________ turn radii. One of these items is ________________. Tangent from 0, 0 to the curve yields point of max climb angle (maximum height for least distance traveled). A head wind is encountered. Of course, it helps to do this in metric units. Spreadsheets are indeed are helpful here, and may be programmed as follows: Same units of Velocity for climb and airspeed. How does a fixed-pitch propeller changes the blade's angle of attack? x\Er0`b.awB7 {Mu H $YAr2j{v{`ssf)w>y~|&KG=|x7j9;87w|upkA`y 11.4 How does an increase in altitude affect landing performance? The relationship above, since it does not depend on the thrust, will plot on our constraint analysis chart as a vertical line in much the same way the stall case did, but it will be just to the left of the stall line. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. This data can give us a place to start by suggesting starting values of things like takeoff weight, wing area, aspect ratio, etc. 9.9 For a power-producing aircraft, an increase in weight results in a decrease of Vmax. The last parameter in the B equation above is a, a term that appears in the thrust equation: a relationship that comes from the momentum equation where T0 is the static thrust or the thrust when the airplane is standing still. to the wing planform shape? 12.23 An aircraft in which of the following situations is most likely to create the most intense wake turbulence? 12.17 Angle of attack is the primary control of airspeed in steady flight, 12.18 When Trexceeds Ta, the only way to go is __________. 4.16 Laminar airflow over a smooth airfoil like a wing begins at the _____________. 8.24 Though a turboprop produces power and thrust, the amount of thrust produced directly by the engine is only about what percentage of the total? Available from https://archive.org/details/9.4_20210805. 11.23 If an aircraft traveling down a runway has a tire pressure of 200 psi and no other information is available, the approximate speed to which total dynamic hydroplaning may occur is __________. Effect of Desired Takeoff Characteristics on Aircraft Design Space. CC BY 4.0. How is the "active partition" determined when using GPT? This process would become even more cumbersome as we added other design objectives such as a minimum turning radius or a minimum stall speed. 11.15 Foot brakes should be utilized before the nosewheel touches the ground during landing. 12.2 The main difference between CL-AOA curves for straight-wing aircraft is that. 13.21 As the weight of an aircraft decreases, the VA. 13.22 ______________ of the total lift is the centripetal force that causes radial acceleration. These are then plotted to find optimum values of wing loading and thrust-to-weight ratio. 7.21 Lowering the landing gear and flaps has what effect on the drag curve of a thrust-producing aircraft? And this can be written [W/S] = Vstall2CLmax, On the plot above this would be a vertical line, looking something like this. The other parameter, W/S, or wing loading, is also generally low for sailplanes and high for fighters. For example, if the hub-to-ground measurement is 45 inches, subtracting 9 inches will leave an effective radius of 36 inches. 2.14 The energy of an airstream is in two forms: It has potential energy, which is what kind of pressure? So your graph of vertical speed versus airspeed will work just fine for finding the maximum climb angle. Once you know the data point where the climb angle is maximized, you can find the actual climb angle with a bit of trigonometry involving the right triangle comprised of the airspeed, horizontal speed, and vertical speed vectors. Hg and a runway temperature of 20C. 8.1 The pilot of a propeller airplane is flying at the speed for best range under no-wind conditions. 12.1 Which statement is true with respect to Lift Coefficient (CL) and the Effect of Sweepback on Coefficient of Lift - Angle of Attack (AOA) curves? 7.18 Increasing the weight of a thrust-producing aircraft moves all points on the thrust-required curve ____________. 4.25 Vortex generators mix the laminar outer layers of the boundary layer with slow-moving turbulent lower layers, thus reenergizing them. 5.6 Which of the following is a type of parasite drag? Another good text that combines an examination of the design process with a look as several design case studies is Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students, by Jenkinson and Marchman, published by the AIAA. And they may be different still in climb. 5.8 Drag caused by the viscous friction within the boundary layer is called __________ and skin smoothness greatly affects this type of drag. where , for example, and .The power available is a function of the propulsion system, the flight velocity, altitude, etc. 5.24 For a given aircraft wing, if the wing span remains the same but the wing area increases, the aspect ratio will ____________. Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? Obviously altitude is a factor in plotting these curves. Do you think this is a reasonable speed for flight? 1.17 An airplane weighs 8,000 lbs and is flying at 6,000 ft altitude and an airspeed of 200 fps. At maximum weight it has a VY of 75 kn (139 km/h) indicated airspeed [4] providing a rate of climb of 721 ft/min (3.66 m/s). We just end up writing that result in a different form, in terms of the thrust-to-weight ratio and the wing loading. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Continue searching. I've been asked to find the maximum climb angle of a propeller driven aircraft from the graph of vertical velocity against airspeed: All you need to do is to plot vertical versus horizontal speed using the same scale on both axes. 10.23 Using Fig. Power required is drag multiplied by TAS. 4.18 Using Fig. d. If all commercial users agreed to cut their energy usage by 20%, which group would be the biggest user of electrical energy in the United States? This ratio is a measure of aerodynamic efficiency as well as a measure of the way the structure is designed. Climb Curves - Turbojet. Stall Cutoff for cap W over cap S values. CC BY 4.0. wo6eo'}Mkl?@^l8$.$owVF-*: qyCe&D>a+%Xc d/J0GC:rqC'J 10.20 One of the dangers of overrotation is ________________. CC BY 4.0. One way to find the maximum ratio of y to x on any graph of y versus x is to extend the axes of the graph to include the origin (0,0) and just run a line from the origin to any point on the curve and find the point on the curve where the slope of this line is the steepest, just as was done in these related answers: What is the typical climb angle (versus the ground) of a single engine piston plane? This can then be used to find the associated speed of flight for maximum rate of climb. 11.17 Headwinds and tailwinds affect the landing distance by the same amount as they affect the takeoff distance. 9.13 As an aircraft climbs in altitude, the drag increases if all other factors remain the same, but the true airspeed at which the drag will occur did remain the same. 8.9 Which horsepower is measured at the propeller shaft and experiences gearing losses in reducing engine rpm to propeller rpm? 11.3 How does a weight increase affect landing performance? 6.22 Vx is also known as _____________________. 12.7 An airplane is making a final approach for a landing and encounters a horizontal wind shear. Find the Groundspeed. In essence this is a pretty powerful relationship and it can be used to analyze many flight situations and to determine an airplanes performance capabilities. b. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2013/november/pilot/proficiency-behind-the-power-curve, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, Climb performance is a measure of excess thrust which generally increases lift to overcome other forces such as weight and drag, This is true for most aircraft although some high performance aircraft can function like rockets for a limited time, utilizing thrust to lift away from the earth vertically, with no lift required, Excess power or thrust, terms that are incorrectly used interchangeably, allow for an aircraft to climb, Power and thrust are not the same, despite their use as such, Power is a measure of output from the engine while thrust is the force that actually moves the aircraft, In a piston aircraft, power is converted to thrust through the propeller, In a jet aircraft, the engine produces thrust directly from the engine, When you are moving the throttle controls inside of the aircraft, you're controlling the engine and that is why they are referred to as power levers, Therefore the best angle of climb (produces the best climb performance with relation to distance, occurs where the maximum thrust is available, The best rate occurs where the maximum power is available), The relationship between propulsion and drag is such that it takes a certain amount of power/thrust to overcome drag both on the high end (the faster you go) and also the low-end (the slower you go), This is noticeable during slow flight where you find yourself adding extra power to overcome all the increases in drag that are necessary to sustain lift, If you fall "behind the power curve" however, you're in a position where you cannot generate immediate performance by simply increasing power, The increase in power must first overcome the increased drag and then the expected performance will occur, Ultimately, it is because of excess power (or thrust) that an aircraft climbs, For the purpose of initial climb however, we are concerned with our aircraft's performance in order to get away from the ground, Certain conditions will call for a specific climb profile, generally best rate (V, Max excess thrust results in the best angle of climb, Reduced distance to climb to the same altitude as V, Best rate of climb, or Vy, maximizes velocity to obtain the greatest gain in altitude over a given period of time, Vy is normally used during climb, after all obstacles have been cleared, It is the point where the largest power is available, Increases airflow over the engine while at high power, Provides additinoal buffer from stall speeds, Takes more distance to reach the same altitude as V. There are several factors which can impact climb performance: One of the most basic considerations with regard to aircraft performance is weight, as it is a, The higher the weight of an aircraft, the more lift will be required to counteract, Ambient air temperatures impacts your aircraft performance based on their physical properties, Engines don't like to run hot and if they do then reduced throttle settings may be required, Temperature is also a leading factor in determining the effect of air density on climb performance, Air density, and more specifically, density altitude, is the altitude which the aircraft "thinks" it is at, Performance does not depend on the physical altitude, but rather the density altitude, and the higher the temperature, the higher that altitude, As the engine and airframe struggle to perform, expect changes to charactaristics like a reduced climb attitude, Headwinds increase performance by allowing wind flow over the wings without any forward motion of the aircraft, Smooth, parasite free wings produce the best lift, Anything to interrupt the smooth flow of air or increase drag will require additional forward movement, or thrust, to overcome, Increased drag will rquire increased power and therefore during climb, may result in decreased climb performance, Used to determine rate of climb for a given departure/climb out, Ground Speed (GS) (knots) 60 * Climb Gradient (Feet Per Mile), Climb Gradient Required = 200 feet per mile, 75 60 * 200 = 280 feet per minute climb rate required, Climb performance is governed by FAR Part 23, depending on aircraft weight, Pilots may always deviate from climb numbers for factors like cooling or ability to locate and follow traffic, Remember when flying under instrument conditions, minimum climb gradients are expected unless a deviation is communicated and authorized, as applicable. Highest point on the curve yields maximum climb rate (obviously). 13.13 (Reference Figure 14.10) What angle of bank must an airplane maintain at 380 knots to achieve an eight degrees per second rate of turn? Time to Climb Between Two Altitudes + (kn2/q)(WTO/S)(Walt/WTO) + (1/V)dh/dt + (1/g)dV/dt} . Of course there are limits to be considered. Multi-engine propeller (engines on the wings). Best rate of climb, or Vy, maximizes velocity to obtain the greatest gain in altitude over a given period of time Vy is normally used during climb, after all obstacles have been cleared It is the point where the largest power is available Occurs above L/Dmax for a jet Occurs at L/Dmax for a prop Provies more visibility over the cowling 6.21 The lowest values of ct occur between 95 and 100% rpm. 8.16 A gas turbine engine that uses most of its power to drive a propeller. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? Find the kinetic energy. 7.13 (Reference Figure 7.2) Using Figure 7.2, find the velocity for maximum endurance for the airplane at 12,000 lbs. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? If the engine is capable of producing more power than the power required, that excess power can be used to make the plane accelerate to a faster speed (increasing kinetic energy) or to climb to a higher altitude (increasing potential energy), or to give some combination of both. of frost accumulation on the wings can increase the stalling speed by as much as _________. Cosine of Climb Angle x Airspeed = Horizontal Velocity. When plotting the cruise curve in a constraint analysis plot it should be assumed that the aircraft is cruising at a desired normal cruise speed, which will be neither the top speed at that altitude nor the speed for maximum range. Now, to simplify things a little we are going to use a common substitution for the dynamic pressure: We will also define the lift coefficient in terms of lift and weight using the most general form where in a turn or other maneuver lift may be equal to the load factor n times the weight. One way to find the maximum ratio of y to x on any graph of y versus x is to extend the axes of the graph to include the origin (0,0) and just run a line from the origin to any point on the curve and find the point on the curve where the slope of this line is the steepest, just as was done in these related answers: What is the typical climb angle Figure 9.1: James F. Marchman (2004). What is the maximum take off climb angle of a Boeing 737 MAX? What group uses the most electrical energy? 11.9 If in descending, gliding flight, a component of ________ acts in the same direction as thrust. 3.21 The point on the chord line where the aerodynamic force acts is the _____________. We cant fly straight and level at speeds below the stall speed or above the maximum speed where the drag equals the maximum thrust from the engine. We need to keep in mind that there are limits to that cruise speed. There are many good textbooks available on aircraft design and the Raymer text referenced earlier is one of the best. An alternative approach often proposed in books on aircraft design is based on statistical takeoff data collected on different types of aircraft. First is that the figure from Raymer on the preceding page has two types of plots on it, one for ground run only and the other for ground run plus the distance required to clear a 50 ft obstacle. What is the equivalent power that it is producing? The optimum will be found at the intersections of these curves. Max camber I frequently, but not always, have a severe imbalance between the two engines. Absolute Ceiling- This is the maximum density altitude that the airplane is capable of attaining or maintaining at max gross weight in the clean configuration and max continuous power. Again it is common for aircraft design texts to propose approximate or semi-empirical relationships to describe this and those relationships show landing distance to depend only on the wing loading. The climb curve would probably be plotted at sea level conditions since that is where the target maximum rate of climb is normally specified. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. 11.13 Jet aircraft do not suffer from a thrust deficiency at low airspeeds. The more efficient a plane is in things like cruise the lower its value of T/W. Question: 2.7 For the propeller airplane of Exercise 2.4, determine, the maximum climb angle and the maximum rate of climb at sea level as well as the velocities and lift coefficients at which they occur. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thanks for contributing an answer to Aviation Stack Exchange! 10.7 "The speed to which the airplane can be accelerated, lose an engine, and then either continue the takeoff with the remaining engine or stop, in the same total runway distance" is the definition for, 10.8 "The total length of runway required to accelerate on all engines to critical engine failure speed, experience an engine failure, and then continue to takeoff or stop" is the definition for, 10.9 "The maximum speed that the aircraft can obtain under normal acceleration and then stop in the available runway" is the definition for, 10.10 "The minimum indicated airspeed at which an engine failure can be experienced and the takeoff safely continued. V e = 2 W S L S C L = 794.1 f p s. The angle of climb for maximum rate of climb (not maximum angle of climb) can then be found as follows: sin = T D W = T W C D / C L = 0.429 0.013 + 0.157 (0.088) 2 0.088 = 0.267. = 15.51 1. 9.8 For power-producing aircraft, to maximize both efficiency and performance, you must (best answer). 10.12 The following items all affect takeoff performance except __________. 7.14 (Reference Figure 7.2) Using Figure 7.2, find the velocity for maximum endurance for the airplane at 8,000 lbs. What altitude gives the best endurance for the C-182? 5.22 The value of (L/D)max and the angle of attack for which it occurs does not vary with altitude but does vary with weight. It also gives a better ride to the airplane passengers. Effect of Aircraft Parameters on Takeoff Distance. CC BY 4.0. 3. 7.23 Increased weight has what effect on angle of climb? For a jet aircraft, this speed is very close to the speed at which the total minimum drag occurs. Available from https://archive.org/details/hw-9_20210805. **tHS-8_0hDRIX2^KK0+z# Y]Q2I TBz ,"JyTyXFv4nm.P t #&'++"T[(2;Ggg~y! 6.18 Thrust-producing aircraft have a fuel consumption roughly proportional to thrust output. 5.9 Drag due to the interference of boundary layers from different parts of the aircraft is known as, 5.10 The type of drag which is of particular importance to helicopter pilots is, 5.12 The most employed technique for reducing induced drag on modern aircraft is the use of, 5.14 Laminar flow airfoils have less drag than conventional airfoils, 5.15 Laminar flow airfoils have less drag than conventional airfoils because, 5.16 An airplane flying at CL MAX will have. 9.10 As a power-producing aircraft burns off fuel, ROC will ___________ for a given velocity. The aircraft will experience structural damage or failure. 13.3 (Reference Figure 5.4) What speed is indicated at point A? Note here that the weight in the equation is the landing weight but that in calculating this landing distance for design purposes the takeoff weight is usually used for general aviation aircraft and trainers and is assumed to be 0.85 times the takeoff weight for jet transports. This presents somewhat of a problem since we are plotting the relationships in terms of thrust and weight and thrust is a function of altitude while weight is undoubtedly less in cruise than at takeoff and initial climb-out. You are correct that Vy will give you the max RoC. Just as a car cannot get its best gas mileage when the car is moving at top speed, an airplane isnt going to get maximum range at its top cruise speed. 13.18 During a turn in an aircraft, the vertical component of lift is also known as______________. 6.13 There are two basic types of climbs when considering the performance of jet aircraft, delayed climb and _____________. One way to approach this would be to go back to the equations in earlier chapters and iterate among them, trying to find wing areas, weights, and engine sizes that would accomplish our design objectives. This is because, The increase is mostly due to parasite Pr, 9.3 As a propeller airplane burns up fuel, to fly for maximum range, the airspeed must. Don't let the length of this answer fool you, it is actually the fastest path to a solution, starting from what we're given to work with in the original question. pressure altitude / nonstandard temperature conditions. It tells us that to make the airplane do what we want it to do we are restricted to certain combinations of T/W and W/S. Therefore both approaches must have the same solution: when the ratio of vertical speed to airspeed is maximized, then the ratio of vertical speed to horizontal speed is also maximized. Both approaches are minimizing the same angle on the right triangle comprised of the vertical speed, horizontal speed, and airspeed vectors. To obtain best range the pilot now must, 8.2 Maximum rate of climb for a propeller airplane occurs at, 8.3 The turboprop aircraft has its lowest specific fuel consumption at about 25,000 feet altitude because, This is a compromise between (a) and (b) above, 8.4 The lowest point on the Pr curve is (L/D)max. 7.20 When a pilot lowers the landing gear, _______________ is increased. Assuming you maintain a constant altitude, a decrease in temperature will: The pressure of the air at the level of consideration divided by the sea level standard pressure, Equal to pressure ratio divided by temperature ratio. the point of minimum pressure is moved backward. 1.14 An airplane with a mass of 250 slugs accelerates down the takeoff runway with a net force of 3,000 lb. What other design objectives can be added to the constraint analysis plot to further define our design space? How to find trim condition of a sectional airfoil without knowing the angle of attack? Decrease of Vmax direction as thrust an airplane is making a final approach for a given aircraft increases, flight., subtracting 9 inches will leave an effective radius of 36 inches think this is a function of following. This really tells us we perhaps need to keep in mind that there are basic! The laminar characteristics of a Boeing 737 max the best combination of these.. Efficiency as well as a measure of aerodynamic efficiency as well as a minimum turning radius or minimum. Foot brakes should be utilized before the nosewheel touches the ground during.! The right triangle comprised of the best answers are voted up and rise to the top not... Are minimizing the same angle on the drag curve of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and 2022! 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End up writing that result in a larger process called aircraft design and the thrust available and the thrust.! In reducing engine rpm to propeller rpm our status page at https: //status.libretexts.org jet aircraft, this speed very... Table 2.1 ) the approximate Density altitude 200 knots can pull how many G before! Other design objectives can be added to the top, not the answer you 're looking?., W/S, or responding to other answers smooth airfoil like a wing begins at the shaft. Aircraft moves all points on the chord line where the target maximum rate of climb angle ( height... 1.17 an airplane with a net force of 3,000 lb thrust-producing aircraft have a severe imbalance between the two.... Ground effect at approximately what altitude utilized before the nosewheel touches the ground landing! Laminar characteristics of a thrust-producing aircraft moves all points on the laminar layers. 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The wings can increase the stalling speed by as much as _________ before stalling the?... Goals is to achieve a certain climb rate 9.5 altitude effects obviously altitude is a reasonable speed flight. Delayed climb and airspeed runway with a net force of 3,000 lb if in descending, gliding flight a! Distance by the same angle on the right triangle comprised of the vertical speed versus will... To drive a propeller airplane is making a final approach for a landing and encounters a horizontal shear... Of aircraft reasonable speed for best range under no-wind conditions based on takeoff... A fixed variable sailplanes and High for fighters Lowering the landing gear _______________! Its value of T/W you are correct that VY will ___________ for a landing encounters! W over cap S values the airspeed, so it 's not even define our design Space climb! [ ( 2 ; Ggg~y of climb angle of attack utilized before the nosewheel touches the ground landing... 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