So in a last-ditch attempt to turn things around, Henrich Himmler came up with a plan. Legends surrounding the training of the Fidayin suggest they may have been plied with cannabis when they first joined the Hashashins, though this is likely down to travelers such as Marco Polo misinterpreting the name Hashashins as being linked to the use of hashish. However, the Hashshashin soon met their nemesis. Staatliche Antikensammlungen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The legends and myths about the Order of the Assassins still are well-known today and their reputation for blood-letting and murder is well-established. Type: Turn-Based Strategy, Real-Time Tactics. 12.Hector: A Trojan Prince from the movie 'Troy'. He was apparently a master with the Tanegashima arquebus, a type of matchlock rifle: The fact that the arquebus was his weapon of choice would suggest that Yazaemon was an expert with explosives and specialized in teppo-jutsu, a sub category of katon-nojutsu, or fire techniques. The Order of the Assassins will be born from the followers of Nizar, a separate Ismaili Shiites faction that believes in the leadership of Nizar one of the sons of the Fatimid caliph and Ismailis Imam Al Mustansir. Other than that, not much is known about him. It is unclear why exactly he commit the murder. Operation Werewolf, as it was known began in early 1945. And yet, as a result of getting caught, he ended up thwarting an actual assassination attempt on Hideyoshi by double agent Yusuke Takiguchi. Samurai and Ninja: the Real Story Behind the Japanese Warrior Myth that Shatters the Bushido Mystique. Ninjutsu: History and Tradition . The modern name for covert killers assassin takes its name from this Islamic sect, which operated between the eleventh and thirteenth century AD. After it was captured by the Hashashins, the fortress was vastly improved upon. 10.Frank Lucas: A fierce gangster, from the movie 'American Gangster'. Roland. There were said to be over a hundred different combinations which the ninjas had to memorize. In the year 1050 in the city of Kum, Hassan al Sabbah, the future leader of the assassins is born and raised in a family of Shiites. While they made elaborate plans to kill two men at a festival they panicked and ended up revealing their plans too soon, allowing one of their intended targets to escape while Harmodius was himself killed. In the late sixteenth century, the warlord Oda Nobunaga curtailed Ninja activities. The caste system in India is still influential even today, and in the past its rules and classes were even more ironclad. But poison is not always easy to administer, and a victim may be able to raise the alarm before they succumbed to it. The Shia could not hope to overthrow their rival faction in open battle- so they adopted covert means. Part of a broader military force, they were specialized units employed for particular purposes- on the field of battle and off it. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Secrets of Assassins' Fort Unearthed in Syria . Cambridge University Press. Angry at her, he added her to a list of people he wanted dead. However, on the way, they encountered Spartan troops who greatly outnumbered them. [Online] Available at:, M. 2013. As for the historical Kirigakure, according to historical records, an Iga ninja called Kirigakure Saizo (believed to be an alias used by another man named Kirigakure Shikaemon) once attempted an assassination against Toyotomi Hideyoshi by thrusting a spear through the floor beneath him. Perry, T. 2007. After Hanzos death in 1596, his successor would take the name Hattori Hanzo for himself, a practice which became a tradition of the Iga leaders and perpetuated a myth that Hattori Hanzo was immortal. He challenged Danzo to steal a prized naginata (sword) from one of his vassals, Naoe Kanetsugu. Before the formal end of their rule, the Persian Nizaris will endure the attacks of the Seljuk Turks and the Crusaders, which at that time (1096) will be fighting the Saracens in order to retake the Holy Lands. Date Unknown. Ancient assassins known as Thuggees worked as a team. The most famous band of Ronin were the Forty-seven Loyal Ronin who in the eighteenth century banded together to seek vengeance against the killer of their master. So in desperation, the king of Spain offered a large reward to anyone who killed William of Orange. They were buried at the Sengakuji temple in Tokyo. The Mongols destroyed Alamat and paraded the defeated Hashshashin leader at each of his subordinate fortresses. Release Date: August 2020. Today we look at some of the greatest assassins from history, their motives, and who they killed. Free of any oaths of loyalty, they could group with other Ronin to act against the regime covertly and without endangering the honor of their Lord. Contrary to popular portrayal, firearms such as the arquebus were a favorite weapon of the ninja and were in fact employed regularly by them in their assassination attempts. Poisoners, zealots, revolutionaries, outcasts, and warrior-assassins have been around since the beginning of time. Sigurd. Then while he kneeled down to pray at a Buddhist ceremony, she shot him dead. But soon her father was murdered by a warlord called Sun Chuanfang. Ultimately, Danzo defected to Kenshins rival, Takeda Shingen, but this proved to be costly when Shingen suspected that he was a double agent and ordered that he be killed. But instead of fleeing to Spain to receive his reward, he was captured, tortured and executed. In 1590, the Hojo were defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Fuma were reduced to common bandits. Some killed for their beliefs or country while others did it for the money. The Iceman was one of the Gambino family's most famous assassins. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. They were widely feared at the time and certainly seemed to live up to their name. Sometime during the 16th century, her husband was away at war and Chiyome was left in the care of her husbands uncle, famed daimyo Takeda Shingen. (Daderot / Public Domain ) 6.Some Assassins Inherited Their Role Three young Bosnian members: Gavrilo Princip, Nedjelko Cabrinovic, and Trifko Grabez, were secretly transported into Sarajevo to carry out the assassination. His word held weight in 16th century Japan. This practice, known as Mithridatism was designed to render the future assassin immune to the poison they would use on their targets. After learning the route of the archdukes motorcade, the operatives were distributed along its route so that at least one of them would succeed. The first ever political assassination conducted by the order was that of the great Vizier Nizam alMulk in 1092, who was the vizier for the Seljuk sultans for over 30 years. Josephus in his War of the Jews describes how the Sicarii would mingle with crowds at festivals, stalking their targets, then discretely stabbing them with their eponymous daggers which they hid under cloaks before melting away into the crowd. She was a noblewoman, the wife of samurai warlord Mochizuki Nobumasa, and rumored to be originally from the Koga ninja clan. She then decided to dedicate her life to avenging her fathers murder. This meant the Vishakanya could administer poison directly, perhaps even tasting it themselves to divert suspicion before and after the kill. In the Sicariis case, the aim was to drive out all Romans and Jewish collaborators from Judea. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. The vishkanya, deadly and beautiful assassins, were developed in ancient India to end the conflict between kings without widespread violence. [Online] Available at:, Masaaki. Then there was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, leaving a permanent psychological scar on American politics. Nerd Much?. [1] In other words, forming it from elite soldiers with a special attachment to each other created a more dedicated, coherent fighting force. The most remarkable and shocking aspect of the Werwolves was that many of them were children- some as young as ten. The group began between 340 and 293 BC when they were set up by the first Indian Maurya Emperor, Chandragupta. The authorities, although aware of the plot were unable to apprehend the men beforehand. ARTEMISIA I OF CARIA. This meant that a lot of groups of assassins had secret codes to transmit messages to one another. Army officers, headed by Colonel Dragutin Apis Dimitrijevic, formed the gang but by 1914, its ranks had swelled. He was the right hand of Malik Shah and Alp Arslan, who inthe eyes of the Order were the detested rulers of the Persian lands. These measures were essential as the gangs campaign of terror was in full swing, and they could not afford to have it brought down. She was molded from clay by Hephaestus under the instructions of Zeus as part of an elaborate plot to get revenge on Prometheus. 03.18.10. Pandora. If the gang assassinated him, a war would break out between Serbia and Austria. The Ronin kept the residence of Kira under surveillance. Fellow mobsters used to call him the "the one-man army" and "the devil himself". All were specialized killers, trained to take out specific religious or political targets quickly and cleanly without widespread bloodshed. Assassin: Nathuram Godse. However, Pelopidas did not despair. Tuttle Publishing. Supposedly he was caught after a failed assassination attempt on Toyotomi Hideyoshi and was publicly boiled alive in 1594. This incident is narrated in detail in the Mikawa Go Fudoki. At this time, the Shia were a minority ruled over by a Sunni caliphate. The name Sicarii is the plural of the Latin Sicarius or dagger man. Because of the Jewish assassins, the term also later became synonymous with an assassin or murderer. It is more likely that detractors applied the hashis reference, as Islam frowned upon the use of drugs and the original assassins were devout Muslims. Ishikawa Goemon, from the previous entry, was allegedly the student of Momochi Sandayu before going nukenin. According to the story, he was killed in Tyre by two assassins, while he was traveling home after he had visited Bishop Fillip of Bov. If anybody is curious, some of the stuff Ive written can be read at And so Ramn Mercader became a spy. researchers believe that he mustve been a master of hypnosis, even though there is nothing to verify this. The reconnaissance group then summoned the rest of the band, and the Forty Seven Ronin struck. A perfect example is the murder of Julius Caesar, throwing the Roman empire into civil war and ironically stamping out any chance it could be a republic. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. After that, Josephus tells us that: many were slain every day, while the fear men were in of being so served was afflicting. The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! However, in 338 BC the band was surrounded and overwhelmed by the forces of Philip II of Macedon at the battle of Chaeronea. Espionage was something that other groups would often refuse to do, for example samurais felt that espionage was beneath them which meant people would hire ninjas instead. Fictional Drag Queens. One group entered at the front, the other at the back. Apis had learned that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was planning to offer concessions to the Serbs. For this reason, more direct weaponry had to be concealed. Ashor the King Killer and Priest Savior. Rather than working alone as many ancient assassins did, Thuggees attacked as a group with each member of the gang playing a different role such as look-out. Warfare has traditionally been left to men and as a result most great warriors and generals have been men. Impressed, Kenshin brought Danzo into his service, but Danzo eventually became unwelcome, either because Kanetsugu was plotting against him or because Kenshin had grown suspicious of him. One of the ways Sandayu operated was to maintain three different houses, with a different wife and family at each one. The sword grants its wielder victory in any battle or hunt. [Online] Available at: The ronin waited for over a year, planning for just the right moment to kill Kira. The 300 men were chosen from the cream of the Theban fighting force to ensure the Thebans never lost their fortress again. However, when the Romans entered the fort, they found only dead bodies. Gray, J. M. 2010. Virtually every culture has tales of heroes and gods that have done battle with insurmountable foes and they each had a suitable weapon. Under the command of Pelopidas, they were sent out on recognizance with a few cavalries for backup. The Bansenshukai is a multi-volume compilation of the secrets and techniques of the ninja as written by the Fujibayashi clana lot of the information we have about ninjas today come from this compilation. Instead, he served the Tokugawa clan, and its leader who would eventually unify Japan through military conquest. At some point during this period he was trained in surveillance and espionage by the Soviet secret service. On Nov 19, 1256, the last leader of the Hashshashin gave himself up. For 20 years the Mossad sent agents across the world to track down and kill the highest ranking of targets. He was eventually convicted for 5 murders but claims to have killed 250 people. He was a leading agent who took part in a major operation to assassinate enemies of Israel in the 1970s. Ronin means wandering man or vagrant. It refers to Samurai left without a daimyo or overlord to represent. 2012. The Roman emperor Commodus was well known for his outrageous behavior. A Serb nationalist, he assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne during a state visit to the Balkans. Himmler had studied Soviet sabotage tactics earlier in the war and was confident that he could now apply them to Germanys advantage. The assassins succeeded in killing Hipparchus, but not Hippias. An incredibly authoritarian ruler, he often manipulated and abused even the highest ranking of nobles. By 1094, Hassan al Sabbah who has preached the Fatimid teachings across the Seljuk dominions in Persia is now considered the undisputed leader of the Persian Ismailis and their state will soon possess over 40 fortresses in Persian lands and many more will be held by the Syrian Nizaris in the politically fragmented Syria. However, they did work for hire if it suited their cause, helping the Knights Hospitallers in the Crusades by assassinating the Patriarch of Jerusalem. In many ways, Kato Danzo was the ninja who popularized the notion that ninjas held supernatural powers. A cult of ancient assassins called the Thuggees (which is Sanskrit for concealment) were a gang of assassins operating in India between the 13th and 19th Centuries. The land surrounding the fortress was utilized more efficiently to provide rations, and a renowned library with rare books and astronomical instruments was constructed. So the Israeli government decided to avenge the incident by assassinating those behind it. A powerful protestant, his leadership was seen as a threat to the catholic world. It was also the occasion that saw the Sacred Band become Thebes assassins: a single shock unit sent out into battle to deliberately weaken the enemy by picking off key targets. This attempt, although ending up in failure, was still noteworthy enough to be recorded in the Iranki, a historical document on the Iga ninjas. But staying true to his humble origin, he spent the last few years of his life as a monk. All were specialized killers, trained to take out specific religious or political targets quickly and cleanly without widespread bloodshed. As the vendetta was illegal but governed by honor, they were allowed to commit suicide. Excavations under the lion uncovered 254 skeletons laid out in 7 rows- confirmation that the sacred band was indeed buried with honors. The Sacred Band of Thebes. They also began to take out critical official targets in Allied-held towns. Alamut means eagles nest which gives some indication of the location of the castle, atop a foreboding mountain. Given the sensitive nature of their work, assassins couldnt just talk openly with each other, but they still needed to pass messages on. Assassins have played an important role in warfare and politics around the world for thousands of years, and the different cultures and practices of each group are a fascinating insight into the ancient societies in which they functioned. McCullough, H.C. 2004. A master spear-fighter and tactician, Hanzo served the Tokugawas loyally all of his life. This castle became the headquarters for a network of Hashshashin forts stretching across modern Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. References [ edit] ^ a b c d e f g h Browne, Kit Simpson (25 May 2016). However, they did not begin to appear in the Japanese historical record until the twelfth century AD. In fact, the word "assassin" is said to have originated with the Hashshashin. But Hattori Hanz chose not the abuse this power or to use it solely for personal gain. The Trojan War is the most famous conflict in all the Greek legends, and giving it the Total War treatment visualizes the tale in an unprecedented way. They needed a number of attributes along with physical strength and skill with weaponry, assassins had to be clever enough to trap their targets, as well as literate and educated so they could understand other cultures and speak multiple languages. Aristogeiton may have survived his own ambush, unlike Harmodius, but he was captured and executed soon afterwards. This is where the Vishakanya came in. Harmodius was killed in the process, whilst Aristogeiton escaped for a while before being captured, and executed. She bears a name that means 'all-gifts,' which was created as an ideal. The origin of Black Knights is closely linked to the legend of Ashor, a knight who had remained skilled and strong, despite his advanced age, and who specialized in the killing of kings and other nobles. Kirigakure Saizo is most well known for the fictional ninja he was the inspiration for: Kirigakure Saizo, second-in-command of the Sanada Ten Braves under rival and friend Sarutobi Sasuke. In order to ensure the deed will be completed, the conspirators strangled him to death in his bathtub. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Although it was possible to gain entry to the Indian Thuggees by training with a guru, many men were born into the fraternity. ^ a b c d James Wolanyk (18 June 2015). Ill-prepared, poorly trained and too young and inexperienced, they were little more than a last-minute desperate measure by a failing regime. 1981. He became the leader of a group of bandits in Kansai and continuously robbed rich feudal lords, clerics, and merchants and would share that wealth with oppressed peasants. So legendary was the skill of the Vishakanya, it was believed their bodily fluids were naturally poisonous so that even a kiss from them was death. However, most elite Ninja groups were raised and trained in families. At these schools, Ninja trained in the art of Ninjutsu, which equipped them with stealth as well as fighting techniques. He was the man who assassinated Jesse James, an outlaw famous across the world. The Secret Order of Assassins: The Struggle of the Early Nizr Ismls Against the Islamic World . Ninjas: those silent, stealthy spies and assassins of Japans Sengoku era have captured the minds of people all over the globe. With the famous line, "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?", King Henry II unintentionally set into motion the most famous assassination in English history. Some assassins could get their job done without killing simply because leaving a calling card would terrify their target into submitting. However, Gogidass citadel guard was composed of 150 pairs of lovers. His most famous act came in 1582: When Oda Nobunaga was killed following the betrayal by one of his vassals, Akechi Mitsuhide, Tokugawa Ieyasu was suddenly thrust into a highly dangerous position in close proximity to Mitsuhide. Chiyome set up headquarters at Nazu village in the Shinshu region and recruited up to 300 young womenmostly orphans, former prostitutes, and war victims. He was also the co-head of the Iga ninjas, along with Momochi Sandayu. He shot Prince William twice. The Hashshashin usually chose their targets from the Sunni political hierarchy. By 1237, all of Persia- except for the Hashshashins fortresses- was in the hands of the Mongols. Franz Ferdinand was visiting Sarajevo in June of that year. The Koga assassins were sent into the castle every night to report on weak spots, also raiding the castles provisions and sabotaging the defenses. The Union of Death or the Black Hand gang formed in 1911 with the single purpose of liberating and unifying Serbia. Because he started world war one. Not only did Danzo successfully infiltrate the heavily guarded castle and retrieve the blade, but he also captured a servant girl as well. Afterward, the Hashshashin survived in small, fractured groups. During the second world war, Czechoslovakia was under the control of a brutal Nazi official called Reinhard Heydrich. [Online] Available at:, C.E. Using the Sacred Band and similar tactics, the Thebans were able to defeat the Spartans again in 371 BC at the battle of Leuctra. Concealing her identity, she got close to him. Fans of the popular video game series Assassins Creed would be familiar with the castle of Masyaf in Syria. However, the operative the Hashshashin sent to Mongkes court was detected. 1: Juval Aviv Juval Aviv is an Israeli former Mossad agent. But at the time some saw him as a controversial figure. Membership now numbered around 2500 people, consisting of government officials, intellectuals, and ordinary Serbians. Trotsky died of injuries sustained in the attack. Princip was part of a secret organization known as the black hand, and had been planning the attack for some time. 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year. Fictional New Yorkers. Legendary ancient assassins Harmodius and Aristogeiton. Working together with Hattori Hanzo, Sukesada and his 80 Koga ninjas infiltrated the castle, set its towers on fire, and killed 200 of the garrison, including the general. So a plan was hatched. Ramn Mercader was a Spanish communist born to a mother who fought in the Spanish civil war. During the night, Kotaro and his men covertly infiltrated the Takeda camp and caused so much disruption and chaos that Takeda men started killing each other in the confusion. Luring police officers and local officials to her bed, she would turn on them as soon as possible. The judge was so appalled by her crimes that she was sentenced to 1,500 years in prison. Ninja women call the kunoichi were particularly formidable ancient assassins. Among the separatist rebels was the assassin Idoia Lpez Riao, who used her womanly ways to seduce her victims. Groups of assassins usually operated covertly; making stealth, speed, and cunning as essential a part of their arsenal of skills as weapon use. However, Hulagu promised clemency- if the Hashshashins leader surrendered himself. Princip died in prison in 1918, the year ww1 ended. To that end, Ieyasu hired 80 Koga ninjas led by Sukesada to infiltrate the Imagawas castle. Those that did were sent out in their Kings service in the guise of courtesans. The group became most notably active under the leadership of Menahem, the grandson of Judah, a former Jewish dissident when it began a reign of terror in Jerusalem. Some myths claim that there is a lotus tree at the right hand of God in heaven. Their names (very important information, you understand) are Bygul and Trjegul, according to some people. This group of last-minute assassins was known as Hitlers Werwolves. Fictional Princes. Staatliche Antikensammlungen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Deaths every year the century! A foreboding mountain of Momochi Sandayu, some of the Werwolves was that many of them children-... 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