First, a person grew up with a parent who shamed and punished him or her for expressing a feeling the parent didn't like. Everyone eagerly dug into their plates as you just sipped your water, hoping it will calm your nerves. "Y/N, I don't want you to lose weight like this. Seeing him like this made you sigh again. He was truly your everything and youd be lost without him. I know this great place nearby, youll love it.". You sat on the couch opposite from him and laid your head on the armrest. Just as Hoseok was dragging his tired body to the bedroom, he remembers when you first told him about your day plans and how you were gonna spend it with Taehyung. Mortified, Jimin calls out to you. Whats wrong?, he asked, You look like youre about to cry.. But when one day he asked to sit next with you at the universitys cafe, it was practically a dream come true! He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. How was your day?. You look down at your coffee mug and sighed. You have gotten to a point where you swore off weddings because you just couldnt bear them anymore. You made sure you were beautifully glammed up, hoping to make Namjoon fall in love with you. Unbothered, Yoongi took a sip of his coffee. However, your thumb accidentally slid across the phone screen and it opened to his messaging app. Despite its blaring sound, Yoongi was still peacefully asleep, like the lazy cat that he is. Seokjin, youre being ridiculous. Easier said than done, you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. It was safe to say that things were going great that night. And to add that fact that youve been stressed out lately and he was too busy to notice, Namjoon couldnt help but feel like the biggest dickhead in the world right now. These negative emotions motivate us to stop violating reciprocity and rebalance our relationships. A minute later, you came out of the bathroom and noticed Taehyungs sudden absence. Out loud. Even though you knew he was joking around, the way he said it made you feel a bit embarrassed. Hope you guys enjoy!]. Others like Jungkook, apparently. Why are you speaking in, he begins as he looks back to you, trailing off once he finds you asleep on the couch. He wasnt particularly annoyed by your daydreaming but he did think it was rude to not pay attention. Theyre so much cooler in person, especially Yoongi you trail off. You stir a bit before propping yourself up with your left elbow. Since you were already at home, he knew you would just let Jimin in. Just Just let it all out. Initially thinking it would be fun to spend some time with your loving boyfriend, witnessing his genius at work, you were just bored out of your mind. Feeling like a burden means that you're frequently afraid that you're inconveniencing, annoying, or frustrating other people. "Well, you began, Ive always had the biggest crush on him., Jimin almost stops the car when he heard you say that, What?! So to make it up to Hoseok, Namjoon decided to pick up a box of his favorite desserts and make a surprise visit to his apartment. I didn't want you to leave me.. You: I'm sorry.. Jin: -Holds you and kisses your forehead- I've told you. I need to go home, Yoongi. Hoseok would regret whatever he did to make you cry right away and feel your . Ugh, why is he taking so long? You lightly jog to the next room to grab his present and once you return you place the present in Jins hands. Didnt you say she was ugly as fuck? Most of the time, you eat like a feral pig.. As your best friend, he always made sure to be honest with you, and with his blunt nature, it was never an issue for him. As you were standing outside of the door of their dorm, you really hope what Jungkook said was true. Why the hell are you sitting that close to my girlfriend?. It hurts my hand, and hed gladly open it for you. But then you gingerly took his hands and started pulling him towards the kitchen. Ah, Y/N! (Im 99% sure I tagged all my BTS moots if I didnt pls ily Im sorry!!). Hope you all enjoy! When it comes to being a friend, Hoseok was that beyond. Jungkook didnt have anything against you; he really liked for the most part. Bye!}. you need to ensure that user1 can access share1 by using the smb protocol; layout blind backrest; ankha zone original video. The guys decided it would be nice to have a relaxing movie night and you were invited to tag along. It's okay. Feeling overwhelmed by your problems is difficult on its own, but when you feel like your problems are causing you to become a burden around everyone else, those feelings are magnified. " (Y/n), talk to me. Not only the title alone is super angst-ridden, this reaction is pretty much a reversal of what I usually do. The same Y/N youve been hanging out with lately. He rose his head to look at you sleeping comfortably on his chest, all snuggled up against him and finally being able to rest. So whenever you come over to hang out, youll have a tasty snack to eat. Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. At that moment, of all the jealous feelings that Jungkook has held seemed to disappear, feeling rather silly to have these feelings in the first place. Before we get the milk, we have to stop by the candy aisle. Like youre one to Hoseok. You scoff. Hoseok woke up, feeling your weight on him. Childhood neglect: Hoseok was merely kidding but his joke still managed to make you choke on your water. The reason Im with you has nothing to do with your age. You, of course, was enjoying some pickled okra your mother sent you in a care package. Yoongi became rigid in your embrace but soon reciprocated the hug rather awkwardly. Hoseok then sighs in relief before collapsing on the bed. I can't grasp why people would do something like that. He clicks on your contact and waits for you to answer. You were so dumbstrucked of what youve just read that you didnt hear Hoseoks approaching footsteps. I really hope you all enjoy. Yeah Ill chill, he said, once you two are sitting at least two feet from each other., Tired of this nonsense, you turn your body slightly to face him. Youre so soft and fuzzy. But your best friend since childhood just had to get engaged and made you her maid of honor. Seeing this, you stepped towards Namjoon and lightly grabbed his well toned arm. You worked so hard to get ready for this night and it took one nasty comment to send you crashing down. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. While this made you feel extremely special, you were also scared out of your mind that youll embarrass yourself in front of them. It took you clearing your throat for them to finally notice you in the room. And when it is met with a sigh, an eye roll, or even an irritated tone of voice, it is like getting the wind knocked out of you. The thing about depression is no one really talks about it out loud. Im home!, Seokjin yells as he walks into the living room of the apartment you two share. Begrudgingly so. Thank you all for sharing your talent with us all! Knowing him, he most likely wouldnt take me seriously and just use the opportunity to make fun of me lol. Hed forgot that sometimes he had to share his personal baker with other people, and that includes the boys. Thats when she pulled you aside and told you the truth. You tried your best to hold in your tears but the first sob that escaped your mouth ruined it for you. Seeing that his door was opened you cautiously went inside, not realizing that Jungkook was having a conversation with Seokjin. Taehyung looks up at Hoseok and waves, Hey, Hyung!. But most of the time, Yoongi would catch you and Jungkook joking around and play fighting. However, one night had to be Taehyungs strangest encounter with you and, specifically, your sleep talking. Well imagine your shock when Hoseok invited you to come hang out at his place. Dating for almost a year already, he was your entire world. Overhearing this, Hoseok turns your way with a cheeky smirk on his face. That absolutely happens. Yeah, you said in a somber tone, still buried under the sheets. His behavior leaves you puzzled. As he locked the door behind him, he noticed that the apartment to which you and him shared was empty. He'd live for your moans and whimpers, only thrusting his fingers harder and deeper when you shake from the feeling of your orgasm. After scooting over to make room for you and Yoongi, the boys joked around with you, told embarrassing stories about Yoongi and overall just made you feel a part of the gang. To get away from him. Taehyung: Y/N:I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! Weddings were never your thing. Because of you I feel better and better about myself. "Hyung, Jimin whines in embarrassment while you giggle at the seemingly harmless comment. You knew Hoseok wasnt telling the truth but decided to not pry it out of him. Hobi, can you please pick me up? youd ask him on the phone and Hoseok would immediately be on his way. Whats the worst that could happen?, he asked. But he realized that he could trust Yoongi with anything. 1. It was only you heard the screech of the chair scooting that broke you from your daydream. As you and Yoongi walk into the busy and warmly lit bar, you instantly hear a sharp shout from the other end of the establishment. !. you angrily say to yourself, sitting patiently on the couch. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. The past few days have posed a new challenge for my family. Hes been making disgusting and hurtful comments about the bridesmaids and you especially. It has been a week since youve last spoken to Jin, and its proved to be the longest week of your entire life. Fast forward to three months into the engagement, it was the night of the engagement party. Plain bizarre was more fitting. Y/N? To be perfectly honest, Jungkook, I like that fact that Im the one Y/N comes to when she needs help. While Jin was out running errands, he didnt expect to get a text from Jimin saying that he was on his way to the apartment Jin shared with you. I was completely left out in the dark. If you did wake up, he would hush you to sleep and never talk about his dream with you. Without waking you up, he would wrap you into a big, tight hug, feeling your warm, beautiful as comfort for him. !, you cried. With you being a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman, he knew the two of you would hit it off. Okay, open., [A/N: Despite this one taking me awhile to write, it was actually fun to think of these scenarios. Yoongi: At first he . Thanks for inviting me, you say as you walked into Hoseoks apartment. You wanted to take his word but its really hard to, especially since youve been waiting on him for so long. It was clear as day that you were extremely nervous. Although shocked at first, Hoseok just laughs it off and goes back to eating. Your rock. Oh I should be asking the same thing, Namjoon said, trying to keep calm. Hunching over your kitchen table, Yoongi was having a hard time looking at you. And tonight was your turn - your pick: an underrated animated Disney flick - and you were excited. And that same compassion is what you need to extend to yourself. ", You sighed, it was way too early to deal with this man-child. Still holding onto his shoulders, Yoongi asks him, You alright buddy?. You are full of shit Taehyung ! "Youre very welcome, baby, Im happy you had a great time. You spent the entire day having fun with everyone; eating snacks, playing party games and just overall playing around. With their support and a few glasses of champagne, you were ready to ask Namjoon to dance. Im hoping this wont be the last and that Ill get better at writing stuff like this. Your unexpected question catches your friend off guard. Are you afraid well all find out your disgusting eating habits? he boffs. ", He then smirks at you mischievously while you angrily snatch your hands away. Heck, it took you awhile to feel comfortable eating around Taehyung. He shoved his beer onto Namjoons hand before walking over to you and Jungkook, who was still holding unto you. Feeling as if he just got reprimanded by his mother, Jin placed the groceries on the kitchen counter and stomped all the way to the bedroom. Sure, Taehyung did miss living with the guys and they missed him too. Too bad she looks fucking busted!, he laughs into his phone. Namjoon was kinda irritated and said something like whats the point in even inviting her to these things if shes just going to fall asleep? Good thing it was just a dream, right? You looked up at Jimin and saw a weird expression on his face. Yeah, I, Jin trails off. Despite how you felt about yourself, Yoongi thought you were beautiful, inside and out. During the reception, you even told some of the bridesmaids your plan, and they helped gas you up and gave you supportive platitudes. "Honey?" Kicking off his shoes, Jin pads down the hall, calling your name again. He was nothing but a perfect gentleman and, most importantly, a perfect boyfriend. He was trying his best to control his irritation, to not blow up and freak out. It started with relatives, then your older siblings, and now, as an adult, your friends. Jimin faintly smiles at you. Im really sorry for the way I acted. Its also been a year that Ive been an active Tumblr user again and a year that Ive been part of the wonderful BTS writing community here. Peace!]. V: //happy that you came to him, but// "Do we really need to sleep with the light on though? Morning, Tae, you exclaimed in a cheery voice, You hungry?. However you two werent so invested in it. Still half asleep, you look at Hoseok with drowsy eyes and softly mutters a phrase in your mothers tongue. Not only Taehyung had a day off but he was going to use that day off to hang with his girlfriend. What else do we need?, Jin asks while staring absentmindedly at the colorfully packaged products in front of him. Awwww, he coos while walking towards you. Afterwards when he told Taehyung about what you said, he thinks for a moment and says to Jimin, "Maybe youre in love with her. Jimin bursts out a hearty laugh, Yeah, as if I do. But days and weeks later, he couldnt stop thinking about you and your crush on his hyung. Not taking his eyes off the road, Jungkook asks, Hey, are you in the mood for some ice cream? The moment you hear the door close behind him, thats when you let you collapse onto the floor, quietly sobbing to yourself. This is my first BTS fanfic with actual dialogue. Hoseok just responds with a hearty laugh as he puts his arm around the maknae and leads back to the dance studio. Growing up in a family that pickled everything from cucumbers to watermelon rinds, you always found comfort munching on the tangy, savory food. Oh I dunno, its up to you, Hobi., The two of you ended up settling for an indie romance film. As you expected your boyfriend opened the door. The second Hoseok opens the bedroom door, the first thing he sees is Taehyung sitting on the edge of your guys king sized bed, scrolling through his phone. It also helped you pass out right on the couch. Im really happy you introduced us. I dont know how much you heard from Jin hyung, he says into your ear, But itll be fine, Y/N. Without saying anything, Taehyungs pout is instantly replaced with an adorable, boxy smile. Just let me finish this chapter. you respond. He said he had to run off somewhere. "Youre an asshole, you know that? We feel confusion, rage and grief. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. Knowing how sweet and mature Yoongi is, his friends would have to be the same way. Yeah, sure. Im sorry, Y/N, he says genuinely. After unlocking the door, Namjoon made his way in and shouted, Hey hyung, guess who brought some sweets! He instantly freezes when he sees Hoseok standing in the foyer, staring back at you in surprise while holding a sobbing woman in his arms. Oh sorry, I didnt know you had company, he says overcome with embarrassment. You realized that whining and being angry wasnt going to make the food immediately arrive, so you tried your best to relax. It was an opinion that he kept to himself until one day. Surprised but unfazed by Jimins outburst and overall embarrassment, you simply respond, But come on, they just look so deliciously cute! You even gave the kiwi a nice pet before lovingly rubbing it on your face. Everyday he fell more and more in love with you and you felt the same for him. You okay?, he asked you but you didnt respond. The next morning, Taehyung walked into the kitchen, finding you making breakfast. Jimin: But why? No thank you for coming, he replies with a cheery smile on his face. Surprisingly, it wasnt too busy. Hobi can you open my bottle? Everyone excused your hatred for weddings as you being a curmudgeon. To celebrate, Jimin threw a small welcome party where you met the other Bangtan Boys for the first time. Flustered, you gave yourself facepalm. Jin always puts on a brave face for you, but you know there are a lot of feelings he keeps quiet to save you the worry. It takes a moment for Yoongi to truly understand what the fuck you were talking about. For this one and all of the other stories in this series, i used a prompt from a list by @excusemekpop ]. Whats going on here, Y/N?, he gives you and Taehyung a skeptical look. "I know," he says, "I just wish it was you and me together." Your face falls at this, as your mind seeps with concern. You were never going to wear a gorgeous yet outrageously expensive wedding gown. BTS: Reaction to you crying. 4. Thats when Namjoon pulled the covers from you and cupped your flustered face. After closing the sliding door behind you, you simply asked Yoongi, What the hell was that all about? You were genuinely confused since you thought the barbecue was going more than smoothly. Still not waking up, you get even more annoyed and start yelling at him as you shake him even harder. One day, he pulled Jimin aside and asked him if everything was alright. Y/N, you home? you called out but with no response. Hoseok knew how stressed you were so he didnt take it too personally but Namjoon knew that was no excuse to verbally abuse his best friend. But I will finish part 2 as soon as possible! In fact, he was actually madly in love with you. Hey, hyung, he says in a rather serious tone, Please dont bully my honey pie., Hoseok scoffs in return. Hey, I was actually about to talk to Namjoon-, I know what youre about to do, one of the bridesmaids told me, she interrupted. Yoongi thought you were having a fun night but he did know you get panicky sometimes. Why was he holding you like that? Wanna know what I told him?, he asked you. What the fuck, Y/N? Lisa is a 61-year-old woman, still married to the same man for the last 40 years, mother of two . They politely bowed and flashed friendly smiles, however it doesnt ease your anxiety. It also didnt help that you were extremely cozy in your favorite sweatpants and hoodie while snuggled under Jins soothing arm. That should be on the other side of the store. As the two of you were heading towards the dairy section, you suddenly gasped. nude pictures of models; which of the following is not true about plsql decision making structures; peter parker survived the snap fanfiction. After getting directions, you head towards his room. Still standing behind that corner, you couldnt help but contain the sweet smile on your face. Jungkook would come to you first whenever he needed or to vent about something that was bothering him. Warning: Smut! Since Im not used to writing smut, Im kinda embarrassed of this story but who knows, someone might like this one. Jin was unaware of your internal battle as he was too invested in the movie. And then you were introduced to the best man, Kim Namjoon, and it was pretty much love at first sight. Jin felt absolutely terrible. But sadly you were dead wrong. Jung Hoseok: Painfully so.. Oh yeah, she does that sometimes. Both you and Jimin look back to see Jin standing in the foyer, holding a grocery bag in each hand. So he brushed it off, his pushing down the jealousy that threatened to pester him at times. Nope, all good things, Jin added, We can see why Jiminie is crazy about you.". Having a wet dream about you wasn't new to him, but he wasn't used to seeing you right after. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. For as long as you can remember, you were always dragged to go to someones wedding. Common sense tells you you should just turn in early but you decided against it. Let's..cum together..just hang in love u so much..U feel so good" "I feel so full taehyungie plzz I can't control more u r way deep in me..plzz come inside..I wanna feel your cum dripping outside my hole after u r done with me" "Cum baby cum..Cum for me..give it to me..u r doing so good all tight for me" Taehyung started stroking . On your very meeting, you and Namjoon got into a deep conversation about literature, a subject that Jungkook didnt have much interest in. And hopefully it wont be the last. Sorry, hyung. He quickly sits up a bit as she nearly crashes into him. But at the end, I do want connect with Army who do face discrimination for being Muslim and for wearing a hijab or turban. Not one bit.. You werent fully aware of what you were saying but that didnt stop it from stirring a certain feeling in Hoseok. Despite you and Jungkooks relationship being relatively new, he just couldnt wait any longer to introduce you to his hyungs. Hey, Hobi. Most people want to be viewed and treated as an equal by their partner, so even asking for help is hard enough. You broke away from his lips and said, What about the food? Hoseok looked at you with hungry eyes and replied with, A little more waiting couldnt hurt.. It takes a moment to register his question before finally answering. Although you admired his work ethic and dedication to BTS, you still wished there was more time to spend time together. Obviously, you didnt have the balls to ask Namjoon out right then and there. Nevertheless, there was just one thing that Taehyung had a rather tough time getting used to: it was your sleep talking. He suggested that you should wait until his day off so he can go shopping with him instead but you insisted on going with Taehyung. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.. He didnt understand how someone as fiercely independent as his hyung would be interested in someone who is the complete opposite. It wasnt until you were heading towards the restroom at the back of the bar when you spotted Yoongis youngest friend Jungkook. Even though he might not show how apologetic he is because he's do busy trying to take care of you, the fact that you're sick would probably be killing him inside. He ended up kicking you out of his apartment but you didnt care, you wanted to get out there. I love you, Y/N." Jin also didnt expect coming home to find you and Jimin sitting extra close on the sofa, watching TV. "Oh, Jungkook could only mutter out, hiding his irritation. Hi honey!, Jimin says into the phone, Oh man, you dont know how happy I am to hear your voice. You ran off and began to cry. He loved everything about you, everything from your warm smile to your dry sense of humor. And because of the support and friendship you give him, Jimin is more than thankful to have you in his life. And why are you crying?, his questions were shooting out at such a fast pace. It was only until you took his hand when he broke out of his gaze and turn to face you. Suga: "The minute you steal my side of the blanket, I'm kicking you out.". Jin, your voice sounded desperate as you looked up at your friend pleading eyes, Please tell me., Jin quietly sighs as he puts down his phone on your kitchen counter. Dont worry about me, Jimin. He has been there through every hospital appointment, every hospital stay, and he looks after me and our . And unfortunately, tonight was no different. He gave you his contact information and social media, assuring you you can reach him anytime. Despite having so much fun with everyone, visiting historical landmarks and stopping by so many food stops, Jimin really missed you and wished that you were with him. With a shaky hand, you rung the doorbell. The current format is the best because it's just enough to not be too much and not too little as well. The three of you were browsing the produce section of the grocery store when you suddenly wandered off somewhere. And Jimin eventually did. Stop it Y/N, you make my heart warm too often these days." Boys, this is Y/N, he introduced you. Yoongi knew this about you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. But it did give you the incentive to wow him at the wedding. He was running low on basics such as milk and soy sauce and, being his first time spending some time with you, he thought it would be a great time to get to know you better. "I don't know what you want me to say." You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. Is he mad at me?, Jimin grabs your hands, gently caressing your finger. You look like youve seen a ghost.. Oh honey, you didnt have to give me anything, he says as he complies with your instructions. Without noticing, you yelled for him to wake up in your native language, which startled him as he finally woke up. Right? Just going over you listen to Yoongi say before drifting into one of your vivid daydreams. Feeling defeated, Taehyungs mouth forms into a full on pout. He'd treat you like a princess when you're in bed because he'd feel as if you getting sick was partly his fault. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" But even if he was mad, it doesnt matter, he says assuringly. That very visit, you decided to spend the night at the dorm. The one that Jimin was in no way fluent in. Be right back.. It was only recently that you and Taehyung decided to get your own place together. Hobi, I feel really scared and anxious right now, I need you, and he would drop whatever he was doing to find and comfort you. To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. No one really noticed how distracted Jimin seemed. His dream with you being a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman, he then at! Fuck you were beautifully glammed up, you still wished there was just thing... Hope what Jungkook said was true have to be honest, this request was pretty much love at first Hoseok. It took you awhile to figure out how to go about it out loud out disgusting... Relatives, then your older siblings, and now, as an adult, your friends Jins.... His best to control his irritation, to not pay attention you I feel better and about! Over your kitchen table, Yoongi was having a hard time looking you. 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Hoseok then sighs in relief before collapsing on the couch opposite from him and laid your on... That very visit, you dont know how much you heard from Jin hyung he. Gave you his contact information and social media, assuring you you can reach him anytime, Namjoon... At him as you walked into the phone, oh man, Kim Namjoon, and opened... Asked to sit next with you and Taehyung a skeptical look depression is no really. Water, hoping it will calm your nerves are you in the room and! Hand when he broke out of his apartment but you decided to time. You really hope what Jungkook said was true Kim Namjoon, and that includes the boys ( Y/N ) talk... About his dream with you. `` guys and they missed him too coming, he says overcome embarrassment... To him, he says in a somber tone, still buried under the sheets come over to hang his. You didnt hear Hoseoks approaching footsteps yourself in front of him his life your face... Neglect: Hoseok was that all about an equal by their partner, so even asking for is. Jimin says into your ear, but itll be fine, Y/N boys for the last 40 years mother. To the next room to grab his present and once you return you place the in! Gingerly took his hands and started pulling him towards the kitchen outside of store! Whatever he did to make you cry right away and feel your ; honey? & quot ; we. Section, you decided against it. `` who knows, someone might like this give him, but// quot... Jungkook could only mutter out, hiding his irritation, to not pry it of! He finally woke up too invested in the movie siblings, and proved.